İzole edilmiş spirulina sp. nin kültür otamlarında yetiştirilmesi ve besin kalitesi değişimleri üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ÖZET İZOLE EDİLMİŞ Spirulina sp.'NİN KÜLTÜR ORTAMLARINDA YETİŞTİRİLMESİ VE BESİN KALİTESİ DEĞİŞİMLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA CONK-DALAY, Meltem Doktora Tezi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yetiştiricilik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr. Semra Cirik Haziran 1997, 101 sayfa Spirulina maxima (STIZ) GEITL. (Cyanophyta) ticari olarak üretilen bir mikro alg türüdür. Türkiye'de ilk kez bu araştırma kapsamında Acıgöl (Denizli)' de tür tanımı yapılarak doğal ortamdan izole edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada laboratuvarda farklı ortam koşullarında kültüre alman S. maxima' nın optimal büyümeye sahip olduğu şartlan tespit etmek ve bu kültürlerin besin değerini saptamak amaçlanmıştır. Aylık örneklemelerle bioekolojisi incelenen S. maxima gölde sadece Nisau (67xl04 flm.r1), Ekim (60xl04 flm.l"1) aylarında ve dominant tür olarak görülmüştür. Diğer S. maxima suşlarının optimum sıcaklığı 30-35°C iken Acıgöl izolatının 20°C'de en iyi gelişimi göstermiştir. Ayrıca diğer suşlar için zorunlu bir element olan bikarbonatın ve gölde ortalama 44.45 g.l."1 oranında bulunan sodyumsülfatın büyümede etkisinin olmadığı, demirin ise sınırlayıcı etkiye sahip bir element olduğu görülmüştür. Denemeler sonucunda belirlenen optimum şartlarda üretilmiş S. maxima Acıgöl susunda canlı materyalde % 12 oranında nem % 39.7 oranında protein, % 5.2 oranında yağ bulunmuştur. Leofilize edilmiş algde % 47.6, güneşte kurutulmuş algde ise % 45.2 oranında protein tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Acıgöl (Denizli), Spirulina maxima, Optimum kültür koşullan
ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON GROWING OF ISOLATED Spirulina sp. IN CULTURE MEDIUMS AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE CONVERTIONS CONK-DALAY, Meltem Phd, Faculty of Aquatic Products Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Semra Cirik June, 1997,101 pages Spirulina maxima (STIZ.) GEITL. (Cyanophyta) is one of the micro algae species which produced commercially. This is the first study in Türkiye that this species is described and isolated from it's natural medium Acılake (Denizli). The aim of this research is to obtain the optimal growth conditions of S. maxima grown at laboratuary in different medium situations and to determine the nutritional value of the cultures. The bioecology of & maxima investigated with mounthly semples in the lake. The S. maxima which found only in April (67x1 04 flm.l*1) and October (60x1 04 flm.l"1) as a dominant species in the lake was investigated bioecologically with mounthly obtained semples. Although the optimum temeprature of other S. maxima isolates are 30-35°C, it is found that the Acıgöl isolade grown 20°C the best.Moreover it's seen that, the bikarbonate which was essential for other isolates and sodiumsuplhade, present 44.45 g.l."1 at the lake, were no effect and iron was essential on growth. In fresh S. maxima Acıgöl isolate grown in optimum culture conditions, determined with researchs, in ratio of 12% moisture, in ratio of 39.7% protein and in ratio of 5.2% lipid were found experimently. The protein consantration of leofilized (freeze dride) algae was 47.6% and it was 45.2% in sun dried algae. Key words: Acılake (Denizli), Spirulina maxima, optimum culture conditions.
ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON GROWING OF ISOLATED Spirulina sp. IN CULTURE MEDIUMS AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE CONVERTIONS CONK-DALAY, Meltem Phd, Faculty of Aquatic Products Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Semra Cirik June, 1997,101 pages Spirulina maxima (STIZ.) GEITL. (Cyanophyta) is one of the micro algae species which produced commercially. This is the first study in Türkiye that this species is described and isolated from it's natural medium Acılake (Denizli). The aim of this research is to obtain the optimal growth conditions of S. maxima grown at laboratuary in different medium situations and to determine the nutritional value of the cultures. The bioecology of & maxima investigated with mounthly semples in the lake. The S. maxima which found only in April (67x1 04 flm.l*1) and October (60x1 04 flm.l"1) as a dominant species in the lake was investigated bioecologically with mounthly obtained semples. Although the optimum temeprature of other S. maxima isolates are 30-35°C, it is found that the Acıgöl isolade grown 20°C the best.Moreover it's seen that, the bikarbonate which was essential for other isolates and sodiumsuplhade, present 44.45 g.l."1 at the lake, were no effect and iron was essential on growth. In fresh S. maxima Acıgöl isolate grown in optimum culture conditions, determined with researchs, in ratio of 12% moisture, in ratio of 39.7% protein and in ratio of 5.2% lipid were found experimently. The protein consantration of leofilized (freeze dride) algae was 47.6% and it was 45.2% in sun dried algae. Key words: Acılake (Denizli), Spirulina maxima, optimum culture conditions.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Kültür ortamı, Culture media, Mikroalgler, Microalgae, Spirulina maxima, Spirulina maxima