Anatomoradiological ıdentification of ıntrasutural Bones for ımportance of Cranial Fracture
Küçük Resim Yok
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AMAÇ: Sütüral kemikler kafatasında sıklıkla sütürler ve fontaneller içinde yerleşmişlerdir. Bu kemiklerin anatomisinin önemi travmaya bağlı olmaksızın bulunması nedeniyle adli yansımalarıdır. Kemik kırık hatları ayırıcı tanı, kemik oluşumları, görünüm ve konumları bize daha kesin bilgi vermek açısından önemlidir. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Sütüral kemiklerin yerleşimi, sayısı ve simetrisi 300 yetişkin kafatasında araştırıldı. BULGULAR: 27 tane sütüral kemik tanımlandı: interparietal (%2), preinterparietal (%3) ve sütüral kemik (%4) tanımıyla lambdoid sütür kemiği. Interparietal ve preparietal kemikler tek, sütüral olanları ise çok sayıda idi. Sütüral kemikler aynı zamanda sagittal sinüs ve sigmoid sinüs gibi önemli yapıların üzerine yerleşmiş idi. SONUÇ: Preparietal ve interparietal kemiklerin daha büyük boyutlarda olması kırık hattı ayırıcı tanısında dikkat edilmelidir. Bu olgularda elde ettiğimiz kemiklerin, tanıda kafa kırıkları ile karışabileceği yönündedir.
AIM: Intrasutural bones are often found within sutures and fontanelles of the skull. It is important that the anatomy of these bones in the field of non-accidental injury with respect to medicolegal complications. Skull fracture lines are critical in their differential diagnosis, and the features of bone formations, their appearance and position give us a more definitive diagnosis. MATERIAL and METHODS: Intrasutural bone location, its number and symmetry were investigated in totally 300 adult skulls. RESULTS: 27 intrasutural bones were identified as interparietal (2%), preinterparietal (3%) and sutural bones (4%) were in the lambdoid sutures. It was detected that the interparietal and preparietal bones were single, and the sutural ones were in a multiple number. The sutural bones were superposed in significant structures such as sagittal sinus and sinus sigmoideus. CONCLUSION: The ones that should be paid attention to in the differential diagnosis of the skull fracture lines are preinterparietal and interparietal bones in larger sizes. These findings prompted us to report these cases as their presence can lead to confusion in diagnosis in cases of skull fractures.
AIM: Intrasutural bones are often found within sutures and fontanelles of the skull. It is important that the anatomy of these bones in the field of non-accidental injury with respect to medicolegal complications. Skull fracture lines are critical in their differential diagnosis, and the features of bone formations, their appearance and position give us a more definitive diagnosis. MATERIAL and METHODS: Intrasutural bone location, its number and symmetry were investigated in totally 300 adult skulls. RESULTS: 27 intrasutural bones were identified as interparietal (2%), preinterparietal (3%) and sutural bones (4%) were in the lambdoid sutures. It was detected that the interparietal and preparietal bones were single, and the sutural ones were in a multiple number. The sutural bones were superposed in significant structures such as sagittal sinus and sinus sigmoideus. CONCLUSION: The ones that should be paid attention to in the differential diagnosis of the skull fracture lines are preinterparietal and interparietal bones in larger sizes. These findings prompted us to report these cases as their presence can lead to confusion in diagnosis in cases of skull fractures.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Neurosurgery
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri