Beyaz peynirin olgunlaşması sırasında farklı tuz konsantrasyonlarının tiramin oluşumuna etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BEYAZ PEYNİRİN OLGUNLAŞMASI SIRASINDA FARKLI TUZ KONSANTRASYONLARININ TİRAMİN OLUŞUMUNA ETKİSİ MEHENKTAŞ, Cesur Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr. Mustafa METİN Ağustos 1999, 78 Sayfa Bu tezde, peynir tuzlanmasında kullanılan farklı salamura konsantrasyonlarının ve peynir üretiminde kullanılan sütün çiğ ya da pastörize olmasının Beyaz peynirin olgunlaşması sırasında tiramin oluşumuna etkileri belirlenmiştir. Olgunlaşmanın 0,15,30,60 ve 90. günlerinde beyaz peynir örneklerinde kurumadde, yağ, pH, asitlik, tuz, protein ve TCA'da çözünür azot analizleri gerçekleştirilmiş, HPLC yöntemi ile de tiramin biyojenik amininin düzeyleri saptanmıştır. Pastörize sütten üretilen peynirlerde tiramine rastlanmamıştır. Çiğ sütten üretilen peynirlerde ise tiramin düzeyinin olgunlaşma sırasında yüksek tuz oranına sahip salamuralarda tuzlananlarda 3.712-17.700 ppm, düşük tuz oranına sahip salamuralarda tuzlananlarda 5.901-33.373 ppm arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Beyaz peynir, biyojenik aminler, tiramin, HPLC
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SALT CONCENTRATIONS ON THE FORMATION OF TYRAMINE DURING TURKISH WHITE CHEESE RIPENING MEHENKTAŞ, Cesur M. Sc. in Food Eng. Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Mustafa METİN August 1 999. 78 pages In this thesis, the effects of the varying salt concentrations of brine and being raw or pasteurized of the milk used in the cheese production on the formation of tyramine during the ripening of Turkish white cheese were determined. Dry matter, fat, pH, acidity, salt, protein and TCA-soluble nitrogen analyses were carried out, and by HPLC method the levels of tyramine were detected on white cheese samples on 0, 1 5, 30, 60 and 90lh days of ripening. In cheese samples produced from pasteurized milk no tyramine were detected. But in cheese samples produced from raw milk, levels of tyramine were found to be between 3.712-17.700 ppm in samples salted in brines of high salt concentrations, and 5.901- 33.373 ppm in samples salted in brines of low salt concentrations during ripening. Key words: Turkish white cheese, biogenic amines, tyramine, HPLC.
VII ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SALT CONCENTRATIONS ON THE FORMATION OF TYRAMINE DURING TURKISH WHITE CHEESE RIPENING MEHENKTAŞ, Cesur M. Sc. in Food Eng. Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Mustafa METİN August 1 999. 78 pages In this thesis, the effects of the varying salt concentrations of brine and being raw or pasteurized of the milk used in the cheese production on the formation of tyramine during the ripening of Turkish white cheese were determined. Dry matter, fat, pH, acidity, salt, protein and TCA-soluble nitrogen analyses were carried out, and by HPLC method the levels of tyramine were detected on white cheese samples on 0, 1 5, 30, 60 and 90lh days of ripening. In cheese samples produced from pasteurized milk no tyramine were detected. But in cheese samples produced from raw milk, levels of tyramine were found to be between 3.712-17.700 ppm in samples salted in brines of high salt concentrations, and 5.901- 33.373 ppm in samples salted in brines of low salt concentrations during ripening. Key words: Turkish white cheese, biogenic amines, tyramine, HPLC.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Beyaz peynir, White cheese, Kromatografi-yüksek basınçlı-sıvı, Chromatography-high pressure-liquid, Salamura, Brine, Tiramin, Tyramine, Tuz konsantrasyonu, Salt concentration