Adneksiyal kitlelerde endoskopinin yeri nedir?
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Amaç: Adneksiyal kitlelerin tanısında ve tedavisinde endoskopinin yerini değerlendirmek Çalışmanın Yapıldığı Yer: Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Aile Planlaması İnfertilite Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, İzmir Materyal ve Metod: Merkezimize infertilite nedeni ile başvuran hastalardan jinekolojik muayene ve ultrasonografik tarama ile adneksiyal kitle saptanmış olgular değerlendirildi. Doppler USG ve tümör belirteçleri malignite kriteri içermeyen 112 olgu endoskopik olarak incelendi. Tüm endoskopik işlemler genel anestezi altında ve steril şartlarda yapıldı. Göbek hizasından 10 mm trokar içinden 0? optik ile pelvis görüntülendi. Suprasynfizer hizadan 5 veya 10 mm’lik trokarlar ile operasyon tamamlandı. Bulgular: Ovaryan kitlelerin tanısı ve rastlanma sıklıkları ile yapılan operasyonlar tabloda verilmiştir (endometrioma %64,5 ; dermoid kist %7,2 ; seröz kistadenom %1,8 ; musinöz kistadenom %0,9 ; fonksiyonel over kisti %17,3 ; paraovarian kist %8,1). Olgulardan 2 (%1,7)’sinde laparatomiye dönülmüştür. Diğer olgularda cerrahi işlemler laparoskopik olarak sonuçlandırılmıştır. Sonuçlar:Laparoskopi, laparatomiye göre hospitalizasyon ve ambulasyon süresinin daha kısa olması, pelvik organlarda ve abdomende daha az adezyon formasyonuna neden olması ile daha avantajlı bir müdahaledir.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of adnexal masses. Materials and Methods: the patients who admitted to our clinic for infertility and having adnexal masses diagnosed by pelvic examination and ultrasonography were included to this study. A hundred and twelve patients whose tumoral markers were normal, and without malignant criteria in doppler ultrasonography were assessed by endoscopy. Pelvis were examined by 0∞ optic by 10 mm umbilical trocar. Surgical operations were performed by using suprasymphysial 5 mm or 10 mm trocars. Results: the pathologic diagnosis of ovarian masses were as follows: endometrioma, 64,5%; dermoid cyst, 7.2%; serous cystadenoma, 1.8%; mucinous cystadenoma, 0.9%; functional ovarian cyst, 17.3%; and paraovarian cyst, 8.1%. in two (1.7%) patients laparotomy was needed for exact excision of the adnexal masses. All the remaining patients were completely treated by laparoscopy. Conclusion:Laparoscopy is more advantageous than laparotomy with respect to hospitalisation and ambulation times, and adhesion formation in pelvic and abdominal viscera.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of adnexal masses. Materials and Methods: the patients who admitted to our clinic for infertility and having adnexal masses diagnosed by pelvic examination and ultrasonography were included to this study. A hundred and twelve patients whose tumoral markers were normal, and without malignant criteria in doppler ultrasonography were assessed by endoscopy. Pelvis were examined by 0∞ optic by 10 mm umbilical trocar. Surgical operations were performed by using suprasymphysial 5 mm or 10 mm trocars. Results: the pathologic diagnosis of ovarian masses were as follows: endometrioma, 64,5%; dermoid cyst, 7.2%; serous cystadenoma, 1.8%; mucinous cystadenoma, 0.9%; functional ovarian cyst, 17.3%; and paraovarian cyst, 8.1%. in two (1.7%) patients laparotomy was needed for exact excision of the adnexal masses. All the remaining patients were completely treated by laparoscopy. Conclusion:Laparoscopy is more advantageous than laparotomy with respect to hospitalisation and ambulation times, and adhesion formation in pelvic and abdominal viscera.
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