Kafkasya kökenlilerin hafıza mekanları üzerine bir araştırma: İzmir, İstanbul ve Düzce/Sakarya örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, yaklaşık bir buçuk asır yıl önce topraklarının Rus işgaline
uğraması sebebiyle anavatanları Kafkasya’dan sürgün edilerek Anadolu’ya gelen
Kafkasya kökenlilerin, sembolik öğeler üzerinden geçmişi yaşatma ve bu geçmişi
kuşaklar arasında aktarma süreçleri üzerinde durulmuştur.
Çalışmanın amacı, semboller temelinde yaşanan ve yaşatılan tarihin ve bunun
kimlik kurucu etkisinin açıklanabilmesidir. Bu amaçla tezimiz Pierre Nora’nın “Hafıza
Mekânları” teorisine dayandırılmıştır. Hafıza Mekânları, tarihsel hafızanın
güçlenmesine katkıda bulunan maddi ya da fikri düzendeki her anlamlı birimdir: Anma
törenleri, bayramlar, anıtlar, müzeler, önemli tarihler, kutsal yerler, dernekler, folklor…
Tüm bu birimler sembolik bir anlam taşırlar. Bu sembolik anlam ise bir toplumun tarihî,
coğrafî faktörlerin etkisi ve o toplumun kültürel değerleriyle şekillenir. Bu sebeple
semboller, ortak geçmiş ve ortak kültür değerleri etrafında birleşen bir toplum için
“aitlik işareti” olarak işlev görürler.
Tez çalışması kapsamında yapılan teorik okumalara ek olarak İzmir, İstanbul ve
Kafkasya kökenlilerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı Düzce-Sakarya bölgesinde alan araştırması
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alan araştırmasında nitel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılarak 214 kişi
ile yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat yapılmıştır.
Yaptığımız araştırmalar sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan Kafkasya kökenli
toplumun tarih algısının çeşitlilik arz ettiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca 1864’den günümüze
kadar kuşaklar farklılaştıkça, bazı hafıza mekânlarının önemini yitirdiği, bazı hafıza
mekânlarının ise topluluk üyelerini bir arada tutabilmek için yeni inşa edildiği
görülmüştür. Ayrıca daha çok kültürün sembolik yönüne önem veren kaynak kişiler
tarafından zaman zaman daha vurgulu etnik kimlik söylemi geliştirilmesi, bizi kültür ve
kimliğin iki ayrı değişken olarak ele alınması gerektiği sonucuna götürmüştür.
In this study, The process of keeping the past alive and transferring this past between generations through symbolic elements of people of Caucasian origin who came to Anatolia by being exiled from their homeland of the Caucasus due to the Russian occupation of their lands about a century and a half ago has been emphasized. The aim of the study is to explain the history lived and kept alive on the basis of symbols and its identity-building effect. For this purpose, our thesis is based on Pierre Nora's theory of "Realms of Memory". Realms of memory are every meaningful unit at material and/or mental order contributed refreshment of historical memory: memorials, feast days, monuments, museums, especial dates, sacred spaces, associations, folklore… These units carry a symbolic meaning. The symbolic meaning is also take form by history of society, effects of geographic factors and cultural values of society. Therefore, symbols function as “sense of belonging” for a society unified around mutual history and cultural values. In addition to the theoretical readings made within the scope of the thesis, area study was carried out in İzmir, Istanbul and Düzce-Sakarya region, where Caucasian origins live intensely. In the area study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 214 people by using qualitative research methods. As a result of our research, it was found that history perception of the community of Caucasia’s descents in Turkey has varied. Moreover, as the generations differed from 1864 to the present, it has been seen that some realms of memory have lost their importance and some of them have been newly built to keep the members of the community together. Furthermore, the emergence of a more accentuated ethnic identity discourse by the interviewees who give importance to the symbolic aspect of culture at times, we have come to the conclusion that culture and identity should be treated as two separate variables.
In this study, The process of keeping the past alive and transferring this past between generations through symbolic elements of people of Caucasian origin who came to Anatolia by being exiled from their homeland of the Caucasus due to the Russian occupation of their lands about a century and a half ago has been emphasized. The aim of the study is to explain the history lived and kept alive on the basis of symbols and its identity-building effect. For this purpose, our thesis is based on Pierre Nora's theory of "Realms of Memory". Realms of memory are every meaningful unit at material and/or mental order contributed refreshment of historical memory: memorials, feast days, monuments, museums, especial dates, sacred spaces, associations, folklore… These units carry a symbolic meaning. The symbolic meaning is also take form by history of society, effects of geographic factors and cultural values of society. Therefore, symbols function as “sense of belonging” for a society unified around mutual history and cultural values. In addition to the theoretical readings made within the scope of the thesis, area study was carried out in İzmir, Istanbul and Düzce-Sakarya region, where Caucasian origins live intensely. In the area study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 214 people by using qualitative research methods. As a result of our research, it was found that history perception of the community of Caucasia’s descents in Turkey has varied. Moreover, as the generations differed from 1864 to the present, it has been seen that some realms of memory have lost their importance and some of them have been newly built to keep the members of the community together. Furthermore, the emergence of a more accentuated ethnic identity discourse by the interviewees who give importance to the symbolic aspect of culture at times, we have come to the conclusion that culture and identity should be treated as two separate variables.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkasya Kökenliler, Toplumsal Bellek, Sembol, Hafıza Mekânı, Kimlik, Descents of Caucasia, Social Memory, Symbol, Realms of Memory, Identity