Salihli ve noble kiraz çeşitlerinde hasat öncesi GA3 uygulamalarının depolama ve meyva kalitesine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Kiraz meyvesinde meyve şekli, rengi, iriliği, parlaklığı, anormal-normal yapılı olması, kuru madde ve asitlik derecesi, pH ' s ı, meyve sertliği, sap kopma kuvveti ve meyve-sap kuruması, meyvenin yüzeysel olarak bozulma eğilimleri kaliteyi etkileyen önemli faktörlerdir. Tüm bu faktörlerin hızlı değişimi ile hasat sonrası dönemde meyvenin kalite sınıfının hızla düşmesine neden olmaktadır. Meyvenin iyi kalitesini hasatdan sonra da koruyabilmek için hasat öncesi kültürel işlemlerin çok düzenli, hasat sonrası işlemlerin de en uygun şekli ile yerine getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Hasat sonrası dönemde yapılacak bilinçli ambalajlama ve depolama ile kalitenin uzun süre korunumu sağlanabilmektedir. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünde kiraz meyvelerinde kaliteyi yükseltmek ve depoda dayanımı arttırmak amacı ile hasat öncesi GA3 uygulamasının ve farklı ambalaj tiplerinin etkisini araştırmak amacı ile bu araştırma yürütülmüştür. Deneme materyali olarak Ege Bölgesi ' nde ticari önemi olan Noble ve Allahdiyen ( =Salihli ) kirazları Manisa ilinde üretici bahçesinden temin edilmiştir. Salihli kirazı iri, parlak, koyu kırmızı renkli, meyve eti sert, Noble kirazı ise iri, koyu mor renkli, meyve eti çok sert, gevrek ve suludur. Hasatdan 1 ay önce 2 Mayıs 1994 de her iki çeşitin ağaçlarına 10 ve 20ppm dozlarında GA3, Sandowet adlı yayıcı yapıştırıcı ticari preparat eklenerek püskürtülmüştür. Kontrol parseline ise su ve yay ıcı -yap ı şt ir ıcı uygulanmıştır. 2 Haziran 1994 de hasat edilen meyveler hasatdan sonraki 1 hafta boyunca oda koşullarında, kasada ve ayrıca PE torbada ambalajlanarak soğuk hava deposunda +4 C ve %85-90 nemde depolanmıştır. Hasatda ve depolamanın sonunda meyvel iriliğindeki değişim, meyve boyutlarındaki değişim, sap kopma kuvveti ( kgf), meyve sertliği (lbs), meyve sapının kurumas l ( % ), suda erir madde (%), titre edilebilir asitlik(%) ve pH gibi kaliteyi etkileyen parametreler iki tekrarlamalı olarak ölçülmüştür. Deneme, her tekerrürde 4 ağaç olacak şekilde 3 tekerrürlü olarak tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre yürütülmüş, meyve örnekleri ise 2 tekrarlamalı olarak alınmış ve elde edilen sonuçlara Genstat 72programı uygulanarak varyans analizi yapılmıştır. Her iki çeşitde de GA3 uygulaması hasatda ki meyve ağırlığı, meyve sertliği, sap kopma kuvveti ve titre edilir asitlik derecesini etkilememiştir fakat 20 ppm GA3 uygulaması ile suda erir madde miktarı ve pH kontrole göre önemli derecede azalmıştır. 1 haftalık depolama döneminin sonunda incelenen kiraz çeşitlerinde meyve ağırlığı önemli farkl ı 1 ı k göstermiş ve ayrıca depolama koşullarına bağlı olarak GA3 dozlarının etkiside önemli düzeyde farklı bulunmuştur. Depolama süresince meyve eti sertliği ve sapın kopma kuvveti de yaşlanma ile bağlantılı olarak değişim göstermiştir. Bu değerlerde, oda koşullarında depolanan meyvelerde soğuk koşullarda depolamaya göre önemli derecede azalma olmuştur. Kontrol ve 20 ppm GA3 dozunda depolama sonunda sap kopma kuvveti ve meyve eti sertliği önemli düzeyde azalmıştır. Noble çeşidinde oda koşullarında bu değerler önemli düzeyde azalırken torba ve kasa içinde soğukta depolanan örneklerde önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Salihli çeşidinde ise oda koşullarında bu değerlerdeki azalış önemli bulunurken soğuk depo koşullarındaki artış önemsiz olmuştur. Depolama koşullarına ve süresine bağlı olarak meyvede pH değeri düşmektedir. Çeşitler arasındaki farklılık ise önemsiz bulunmuştur. Titre edilebilir asit miktarı her iki çeşitin meyvelerinde 1 haftalık depolama sonunda önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Toplam suda erir kuru madde miktarı her iki çeşitte de oda koşullarında depolanan meyvelerde en yüksek, değerine ulaşmıştır. Aynı şekilde, kontrole jöre 10 ve 20 ppm GA3 dozlarında da istatistiki düzeyde önemsiz olmakla beraber suda erir madde de artış olmuştur. Salihli çeşidinde 20 ppm GA3 uygulaması ile en yüksek kuru madde içeriği sağlanmıştır. GA3 uygulanmış örneklerde sapın su içeriği 8 günlük depolama sonunda önemli düzeyde azalmıştır. En yüksek ağırlık kaybı oda koşullarında depolanan meyvelerde, en düşük ağırlık azalışı ise torba ile soğuk hava deposunda depolanan meyvelerde ölçülmüştür. Çeşitlere bağlı olarak meyvenin su içeriği değişmiş ve Salihli çeşidinde kontrol uygulamasında oda koşulunda bekletilen meyvelerde en yüksek su kaybı belirlenmiştir. 73Meyve ağ ı rl ıhında GA3 dozlarına bağl ı olarak artış olmaktad ı r. Fakat bu artış depolama tiplerinden kaynaklanan artış ile karşılaştırıldığında önemsiz olmaktadır. Bu nedenle meyve ağırlığında ki artış önemsizdir. Oda koşullarında bekletilen meyvelerde sıcaklıkla birlikte respirasyon hızı artmakta meyvede olgunluk ilerlemekte ve toplam pektik içeriklerde olgunlukla artmaktadır. Fizyolojik olgunlaşma maximum meyve ağırlığı ile ilişkilidir ve olgunluk aşamasından sonra hızla azalmaya başlar. Meyvede GA3 uygulamaları meyve sertliği, meyve ağırlığı, sap kopma kuvveti; meyve renkliliği ve suda erir madde miktarlarını artırmakla birlikte depolama koşulları tipi ve süresi bu değişkenleri etkilemektedir. Oda koşullarında 1 haftalık depolama ile kiraz meyvesinde öncelikle kontrol uygulaması olmak üzere tüm meyvelerde kalite özelliklerinde önemli değişiklikler olmaktadır. Meyve ağırlığı, pH, suda erir madde ve titre edilir asitlik değerleri artaken meyve sertliği ve sap kopma kuvvetinde önemli azalış olmaktadır'. PE torba ve kasa içinde ambalajlanarak soğuk koşullarda depolanan örneklerde ise aynı sürede meyve kalitesi gerek kontrol ve gerekse GA3 uygulanan örneklerde önemli düzeyde korunmuştur. Hatta oda koşuluna zıt olarak bu sürede meyve sertliği ve sap kopma kuvveti az oranda artışla kaliteyi korumuştur. PE torba ile ambalajlanan ve +4 C de %85-90 nem koşulunda depolanan kiraz meyvelerinde 3 haftalık dönem içinde pazar kalitesinin korunduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu nedenle 1 haftadan daha uzun bir sürede kiraz depolaması yapılması gereken durumlarda PE torbalarla ambalajlama yapılması tavsiye edilebilir. GA3 uygulamalarının etkinliği ise kiraz meyvesinin çeşit özellikleri ve yetişme koşullarına göre değişik sonuçlar verdiği için her bir çeşit için denenerek tesbit edilmelidir. 74
SUMMARY Fruit shape, color, size, brightness, abnormal shapes, dried matter and acidity, pH, firmness, pulling force of the stems, bruising of the fruit and stems and bruising susceptibility is teh important factors which are effecting of the cherry fruit quality. If all of these factors changes rapidly fruit quality becomes unexceptable after the harvest. To prevent the good quality of the fruit after the harvest, cultural treatments has to be regular before harvest and after harvest washing, packaging and transformation of the fruit has te be under control. With the good packaging after harvest and good storage conditions can keep the quality of the fruit very long time. For making quality good on the sweet cherries and to prolong to storage life it is necessary to control how did effect cherries were preharvest GA3 sprays and stored them under different storage conditions with different packagin materials. overripening of sweet cherry. In Ege University Department of the Horticulture were studied on these effect on sweet cherries. Noble and Allahdiyen sweet cherry cultivars were used as a treatment material. They were taken from growers orchard in Keçiliköy Manisa. Allahdiyen sweet cherry cultivar is big, has a bright, dark, red color, fruit flesh is firmness. Noble sweet cherry cultivar is big, has adark, purple color, fruit flesh is too firmness and juicy. 1 month before the harvest 10 and 20 ppm GA3 +sticky agent (sandowet) were sprayed on both cultivars as a control water +sticky agent were sprayed to the trees. After the harvest treated fruits were stored under 3 different storage conditions (room conditions 24 C+%45 RH, cold storage +4 C+ %85-90 RH AND PE bags/wooden boxes. After the harvest pulling force of the stems, firmness, dried matter, soluble solids, acidity and pH were measured in two replicates of the stored fruits. Randomize plots were used on the study and each plots has 4 tree and 3 replicates, fruit samples were taken 2 replicates and results were analized on Genstat. Fruit weight showed significant difference on the samples for 75both cultivars and effects of the GA 3 levels were significantly different depends on the storage conditions. During the aging of the fruits in the storage firmness adn pulling force of the stems were changed. These levels were lower which fruits were stored under room conditions than the cold storage conditions. At the end of the storage pulling force of stem and firmness were decreased in control and 20 ppm GA3 sprayed fruits For the Noble cultivars these resul ta. were same under the room conditions but they were increase under the cold storage. For Allahdiyen cultivars these results decreased significantly under roomconditions but increase of the under cold storage weren't significant. PH levels of the fruit were decreased depends on the storage conditions Differences of the pH between the cultivars weren't significant. Acidity of the both cultivars were significantly increased in storage durin 1 week. Soluble solids in both cultivars increased sharply when they were stored under room coditions. In Allahdiyen cultivars fruits which were sprayed 20 ppm GA3 dried matter levels were increased. After 8 days storage dry matter contenrs of the stems which were sprayed GA, were increased. Fruits were stored under room conditions has higher weight loose but fruit were under cold conditions in PE bags has least weight loose were measured. Water cotents of the fruits changed depends on the cultivars. Fruit weight increased depends on GA3 levels, ut this increase if we compare with increases which depends on the different storage type weren't significant. Cherries are not continiue their development after harvest as peaches and plums. For that reason increase of the fruit weight is not significant. On the fruits which were stored under room conditions respiration rates increase with the temperature, maturity is increased and soluble solids increased with the maturity. There is a relationship between physiological maturity and maximum fruit weight and it decreased sharply after maturity level. GA3 sprays were increased firmness, weight, pulling force, color and soluble solids at the same time under the room conditions and time were affect them storage 1 week under room conditions affected the quality of the fruit. Fruit weight. pH, soluble solids and acidity 76levels were increased firmness and pulling force were decreased but it was not significant. At the same time fruits which were stored in PE bags and wooden boxes in the cold storage fruit quality on both samples were kept well. In contrast firmness and pulling force increased than the room conditions sarnies. Packaging in PE bags and storage under cold storage conditions can recommend for the cherries. GA3 treatements makes some differences on fruit quality as delayed maturity effects it shows some differences on the fruit characteristics on each cultivars. 77
SUMMARY Fruit shape, color, size, brightness, abnormal shapes, dried matter and acidity, pH, firmness, pulling force of the stems, bruising of the fruit and stems and bruising susceptibility is teh important factors which are effecting of the cherry fruit quality. If all of these factors changes rapidly fruit quality becomes unexceptable after the harvest. To prevent the good quality of the fruit after the harvest, cultural treatments has to be regular before harvest and after harvest washing, packaging and transformation of the fruit has te be under control. With the good packaging after harvest and good storage conditions can keep the quality of the fruit very long time. For making quality good on the sweet cherries and to prolong to storage life it is necessary to control how did effect cherries were preharvest GA3 sprays and stored them under different storage conditions with different packagin materials. overripening of sweet cherry. In Ege University Department of the Horticulture were studied on these effect on sweet cherries. Noble and Allahdiyen sweet cherry cultivars were used as a treatment material. They were taken from growers orchard in Keçiliköy Manisa. Allahdiyen sweet cherry cultivar is big, has a bright, dark, red color, fruit flesh is firmness. Noble sweet cherry cultivar is big, has adark, purple color, fruit flesh is too firmness and juicy. 1 month before the harvest 10 and 20 ppm GA3 +sticky agent (sandowet) were sprayed on both cultivars as a control water +sticky agent were sprayed to the trees. After the harvest treated fruits were stored under 3 different storage conditions (room conditions 24 C+%45 RH, cold storage +4 C+ %85-90 RH AND PE bags/wooden boxes. After the harvest pulling force of the stems, firmness, dried matter, soluble solids, acidity and pH were measured in two replicates of the stored fruits. Randomize plots were used on the study and each plots has 4 tree and 3 replicates, fruit samples were taken 2 replicates and results were analized on Genstat. Fruit weight showed significant difference on the samples for 75both cultivars and effects of the GA 3 levels were significantly different depends on the storage conditions. During the aging of the fruits in the storage firmness adn pulling force of the stems were changed. These levels were lower which fruits were stored under room conditions than the cold storage conditions. At the end of the storage pulling force of stem and firmness were decreased in control and 20 ppm GA3 sprayed fruits For the Noble cultivars these resul ta. were same under the room conditions but they were increase under the cold storage. For Allahdiyen cultivars these results decreased significantly under roomconditions but increase of the under cold storage weren't significant. PH levels of the fruit were decreased depends on the storage conditions Differences of the pH between the cultivars weren't significant. Acidity of the both cultivars were significantly increased in storage durin 1 week. Soluble solids in both cultivars increased sharply when they were stored under room coditions. In Allahdiyen cultivars fruits which were sprayed 20 ppm GA3 dried matter levels were increased. After 8 days storage dry matter contenrs of the stems which were sprayed GA, were increased. Fruits were stored under room conditions has higher weight loose but fruit were under cold conditions in PE bags has least weight loose were measured. Water cotents of the fruits changed depends on the cultivars. Fruit weight increased depends on GA3 levels, ut this increase if we compare with increases which depends on the different storage type weren't significant. Cherries are not continiue their development after harvest as peaches and plums. For that reason increase of the fruit weight is not significant. On the fruits which were stored under room conditions respiration rates increase with the temperature, maturity is increased and soluble solids increased with the maturity. There is a relationship between physiological maturity and maximum fruit weight and it decreased sharply after maturity level. GA3 sprays were increased firmness, weight, pulling force, color and soluble solids at the same time under the room conditions and time were affect them storage 1 week under room conditions affected the quality of the fruit. Fruit weight. pH, soluble solids and acidity 76levels were increased firmness and pulling force were decreased but it was not significant. At the same time fruits which were stored in PE bags and wooden boxes in the cold storage fruit quality on both samples were kept well. In contrast firmness and pulling force increased than the room conditions sarnies. Packaging in PE bags and storage under cold storage conditions can recommend for the cherries. GA3 treatements makes some differences on fruit quality as delayed maturity effects it shows some differences on the fruit characteristics on each cultivars. 77
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Depolama, Storage, Kiraz, Cherry