Rijid rektosigmoidoskopiye hastaların yaklaşım ve değerlendirmesi
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Rijit rektosigmoidoskopiden (RSS) önce ve girişim¬den sonra hastaların işlem hakkındaki bilgileri, değer¬lendirme ve hissettikleri araştırıldı. Toplam 307 hasta (15-84), (155 kadın, 152 erkek) çalışmaya alındı. 248 hasta (%81) kentsel, 59 hasta (%19) kırsal kesimden gel¬mekteydi. Lise ve yüksek öğrenim görenlerin oranı % 48 iken, % 52'si ortaokul mezunu veya daha alt eğitim dü¬zey indeydiler. Hastaların % 36'sı muayene hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olduğunu, % 59'u rekial yoldan bir aletle bakılacağını bildiğini belirtmiştir. Muayene önce¬sinde erkeklerin % 32'si, kadınların % 60 'ı RSS'yi ra¬hatsız edici bir işlem olarak değerlendirmişlerdir (p<0.001). Muayeneye alınan 292 olgudan erkeklerin % 62'si, kadınların % 74'ü (p<0.05); kentsel kesimden ge¬lenlerin % 66'sı, kırsal kökenlilerin % 80'i (p<0.05) mu¬ayeneden rahatsız olduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Hastala¬rın % 12'si işlem sürerken "keşke bu muayeneyi yaptır-masaydım" diye düşündüğünü söylemiş, % 6'sı "böyle olduğunu bilseydim hiç yaptırmazdım" demiştir. Sonuç olarak, hastalarımızın önemli kısmının RSS konusun¬da ön bilgilerinin olmadığı, ancak gerekli bilgilendirme yapıldıktan sonra pek azının muayeneyi reddettiği ve genel olarak işlemi iyi tolere ettiklerini söylemek müm¬kündür.
Patients' informations, perceptions and ref¬lections about rigid rectocigmoidoscopy were investiga¬ted before and after rigid rectosigmoidoscopy. 307 pati¬ents (15-84), of these patients (155 women, 152 men) we¬re included in the study. 248 were of urban (81%) and 59 were from of rural (19%) origin. 48% of the patients gra¬duated from high school or higher degree. Before the procedure, 36% stated that they had had enough infor¬mation about the examination, 59% knew that we would perform the procedure through anus. 45% of the patients requested a pre-procedure explanation from a doctor, 16% from a nurse and for 39% of the patients it did not matter. 32% of the men and 60% of the women predicted the procedure distressing (p< 0.001). Patients from rural area the pocedure as more distressing when compaed with the urban patients (80% vs 66% (p<0.05)). During the procedure, 36 patients (12%) stated that they would rather not have had this examination, 18 patients (6%) said that they would have never let it be done. This study indicates, (i) that in Turkey a significant number of patients undergoing rectosigmoidoscopy have no in¬formation about the procedure; (ii) that most patients prefer a medical doctor rather than a nurse to give pro¬cedure related information and (Hi) that women.
Patients' informations, perceptions and ref¬lections about rigid rectocigmoidoscopy were investiga¬ted before and after rigid rectosigmoidoscopy. 307 pati¬ents (15-84), of these patients (155 women, 152 men) we¬re included in the study. 248 were of urban (81%) and 59 were from of rural (19%) origin. 48% of the patients gra¬duated from high school or higher degree. Before the procedure, 36% stated that they had had enough infor¬mation about the examination, 59% knew that we would perform the procedure through anus. 45% of the patients requested a pre-procedure explanation from a doctor, 16% from a nurse and for 39% of the patients it did not matter. 32% of the men and 60% of the women predicted the procedure distressing (p< 0.001). Patients from rural area the pocedure as more distressing when compaed with the urban patients (80% vs 66% (p<0.05)). During the procedure, 36 patients (12%) stated that they would rather not have had this examination, 18 patients (6%) said that they would have never let it be done. This study indicates, (i) that in Turkey a significant number of patients undergoing rectosigmoidoscopy have no in¬formation about the procedure; (ii) that most patients prefer a medical doctor rather than a nurse to give pro¬cedure related information and (Hi) that women.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri