Yaşlı hastalarda kardiyak rehabilitasyon
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Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de kardiyovaskü- ler hastalıklar (KVH) en sık görülen ölüm nedenidir. Ülkemizde KVH'lar ve özellikle Koroner arter hastalığına bağlı mortalite ve morbidite oranı yüksektir Özürlülük oranı da yaşlılarda genç- lere oranla daha sık görülür. Bu nedenlerle yaşlılarda Kardiyak rehabilitasyon (KR), bu hastaların tedavisinde çok önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. KR programı; hastanın değerlendirilmesi, beslenme önerileri, lipid tedavisi, hipertansiyon tedavisi, sigara bıraktırma önerileri, kilo kontrolü, diyabet tedavisi, psikososyal değerlendirme ve tedavisi, fiziksel aktivite danışmanlığı ve egzersiz eğitiminden oluşur. KR programına hem hastanede yatan, hemde ayaktan takip edilen KVH olan hastalar dahil edilebilir. Genellikle egzersiz şiddeti, hastanın egzersiz kapasitesinin %40-80'i arasında tutulmalıdır. Yaşlı hastalarda egzersiz ve aerobik eğitimi birlikte verilmeli, hastanın kapasitesi eşlik eden hastalıkları ve hatta kullandığı ilaçlar göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Sonuç olarak; Yaşlı hastalarda, KR hasta akut dönemi atlattıktan hemen sonra veya yoğun bakımdan servise çıktığı zaman başlanmalır. Hastaneden çıktıktan sonra periyodik takipler ile haftada iki ya da üç kez hekim gözetimi olmaksızın 30 dk. süre ile yapılacak olan ve tercihen hastanın kolaylıkla uygulayabileceği ve zevk alabileceği bir aerobik egzersiz, kazanılan kondüsyonun devam edebilmesi için yeterli olacaktır. Özellikle 75 yaşın üzerindeki hastalarda tedavi programının daha uzun süreli olması önerilmektedir.
As it is the case globally, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) make up the most frequent cause of death in Turkey also. Due to this fact, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) has gained a highly important role in the treatment of coronary artery diseases. in Turkey, mortality and morbidity rates among the elderly patients are significantly high. Disability due to coronary artery diseases is more frequent in the elderly compared to young patients. So, it is clear that CR has a considerable importance in this special group of patients. CR program consists the following core components; early initial assessment of the patient, nutritional counseling, management of lipid profiles, education to quit smoking, weight control, treatment and control of diabetes, emotional assessment and support, physical activity referral and exercise training. All cardiac patients, both the inpatient and outpatient groups can be recruited in the CR program. It is recommended to keep the exercise intensity between 40–80% of the patient’s capacity. Exercise and aerobic training should be given together and while doing this, co-morbidities and the drugs currently used by the patient should be taken into account. in conclusion, CR is recommended to be started just after the acute phase of the disease has resolved or the patient is dismissed from the intensive care unit. Periodic follow up and 30 minute of aerobic exercise which is preffered and can be easily performed by the patient every two or three times a week will be adequate to keep the capacity regained. Especially for the patients over 75 years of age, CR program should be considered as a long-term condition management.
As it is the case globally, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) make up the most frequent cause of death in Turkey also. Due to this fact, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) has gained a highly important role in the treatment of coronary artery diseases. in Turkey, mortality and morbidity rates among the elderly patients are significantly high. Disability due to coronary artery diseases is more frequent in the elderly compared to young patients. So, it is clear that CR has a considerable importance in this special group of patients. CR program consists the following core components; early initial assessment of the patient, nutritional counseling, management of lipid profiles, education to quit smoking, weight control, treatment and control of diabetes, emotional assessment and support, physical activity referral and exercise training. All cardiac patients, both the inpatient and outpatient groups can be recruited in the CR program. It is recommended to keep the exercise intensity between 40–80% of the patient’s capacity. Exercise and aerobic training should be given together and while doing this, co-morbidities and the drugs currently used by the patient should be taken into account. in conclusion, CR is recommended to be started just after the acute phase of the disease has resolved or the patient is dismissed from the intensive care unit. Periodic follow up and 30 minute of aerobic exercise which is preffered and can be easily performed by the patient every two or three times a week will be adequate to keep the capacity regained. Especially for the patients over 75 years of age, CR program should be considered as a long-term condition management.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Suppl. 5