Astigmatizma analizinde vektöryel analiz programı
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Amaç: Kendi kliniğimiz için geliştirdiğimiz, astigmatizmadaki değişimlere ait kompleks hesaplamalar ve grafiksel sunumun yapılabildiği ticari amacı bulunmayan, tüm meslektaşlarımızın akademik kullanımına açıkolan bir bilgisayar programının tanıtılması. Gereç-Yöntem: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programlama dilinde, Microsoft veritabanı dosyalarını (.mdb) kullanan, Windows tabanlı 32-bit (Windows 95 veya daha üstü) bir program geliştirildi. Verilerin hem refraksiyon, hem de keratometrik ölçüm formatında girilebilmesine olanak veren, iki farklı işlem ekranı yaratıldı. Yazılım, indüklenmiş astigmatizmanın dioptrik değeri, yönü, kurala uygun-aykırı ve yaraya uygun-aykırı bileşkeleri, aritmetik ve skalar ortalaması, hedeflenen astigmatizmaya ilişkin başarı indeksleri (hedeflenen indüklenmiş astigmatizma, hata vektörü, düzeltme katsayısı, dioptrik hata, açısal hata), refraktif ölçümlerin kornea planındaki etkinliğini tek aşamada hesaplayacak şekilde geliştirildi. Sonuçları dökümleyebilen bir grafiksel modül oluşturuldu. Sonuçlar: Windows 98 ve daha yeni işletim sistemlerinin yüklü olduğu 4 farklı bilgisayarda, program başarıyla kuruldu ve çalıştırıldı. Bir hastaya ait veri girişi ortalama 10 saniye aldı, sadece tek tuşla tüm analiz sonuçları ve grafiksel dökümleri elde edildi. Hesaplamaların güvenilirliği, vektör analizine temel olmuş 8 makalenin örnekleriyle doğrulandı. Programa ait veritabanı dosyası, Microsoft Access ve Microsoft Excel yazılımlarıyla da açıldı ve üzerinde işlem yapılabildi. Yorum: Astigmatizmada vektör analizi, her biri son derece karmaşık ve hata yapmaya elverişli çok sayıda parametre hesabını gerektiren ve refraktif sonuç bildiren çalışmaların olmazsa olmaz bir parçasıdır. Kliniğimizin web sitesinden, serbest kullanıma açtığımız bu bilgisayar programının, konusunda önemli bir boşluğu doldurmaktadır. Meslektaşlarımız tarafından işlemlerin bizzat yapılması yerine, güvenilir bir şekilde sonuçlandırılmış işlemlerin yorumlanması adına, zaman kazandıracak, kullanışlı bir araç olduğunu düşünüyoruz.
Purpose: Presentation of non-commercial software that is developed for our clinical studies and capable of making complicated calculations and graphical presentation of astigmatic changes which is free for academic purposes to our colleagues. Material and Method: A Windows based 32-bit software (Windows 95 or higher) that uses Microsoft Database (.mdb) files, was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Two different calculation windows were prepared for data entry of both refractive and keratometric measurements. The software was developed to calculate dioptric power, axis, with-the-rule/against-the-rule and with-the-wound/against-the-wound components, arithmetic and scalar means of induced astigmatism, coefficient of success related to targeted astigmatism (targeted induced astigmatism, error vector, correction coefficient, dioptric error and axis error), efficiency of ref-ractive measurements on corneal plane, at one step. A graphical module was developed to pre-sent these specific results. Results: The software was installed to 4 different personal computers running Windows 98 or higher operating systems and worked successfully. On average, data entry for one patient took approximately 10 seconds and all analysis results and their graphical presentations were obtained just by one click. Reliability of calculations was checked with samples from 8 essential articles on this subject. Database file of the software was opened and edited with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access software. Conclusion: Vector analysis of astigmatism, which contains exclusively complicated parameter calculations, is vital part of refractive studies. This software that is presented with an opportunity of free download from our clinics' web-site is a quite useful tool that provides more time to our colleagues on interpretations of calculations instead of doing them by themselves.
Purpose: Presentation of non-commercial software that is developed for our clinical studies and capable of making complicated calculations and graphical presentation of astigmatic changes which is free for academic purposes to our colleagues. Material and Method: A Windows based 32-bit software (Windows 95 or higher) that uses Microsoft Database (.mdb) files, was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Two different calculation windows were prepared for data entry of both refractive and keratometric measurements. The software was developed to calculate dioptric power, axis, with-the-rule/against-the-rule and with-the-wound/against-the-wound components, arithmetic and scalar means of induced astigmatism, coefficient of success related to targeted astigmatism (targeted induced astigmatism, error vector, correction coefficient, dioptric error and axis error), efficiency of ref-ractive measurements on corneal plane, at one step. A graphical module was developed to pre-sent these specific results. Results: The software was installed to 4 different personal computers running Windows 98 or higher operating systems and worked successfully. On average, data entry for one patient took approximately 10 seconds and all analysis results and their graphical presentations were obtained just by one click. Reliability of calculations was checked with samples from 8 essential articles on this subject. Database file of the software was opened and edited with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access software. Conclusion: Vector analysis of astigmatism, which contains exclusively complicated parameter calculations, is vital part of refractive studies. This software that is presented with an opportunity of free download from our clinics' web-site is a quite useful tool that provides more time to our colleagues on interpretations of calculations instead of doing them by themselves.
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