İkinci kuşak tirozin kinaz inhibitörü tedavisi alan kronik myeloid lösemi hastalarının demografik, klinik ve tedaviye yanıt özelliklerinin geriye dönük tek merkez olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
KML klonal kök hücre hastalığı olup, miyeloid elemanların aşırı çoğalması ile karakterizedir. Hastalığın patogenezinde 22.kromozomun Bcr geni ile 9.kromozomun Abl geni arasında resiprokal translokasyon sonucu oluşan Bcr-Abl füzyon geni rol oynamaktadır. Ph kromozomunda yerleşen bu gen, tirozin kinaz aktivitesi sayesinde lökositoza neden olur. 2001 yılında KML tedavisinde 1.kuşak TKİ: imatinibin kullanıma girmesi ile sağkalım oranları arttı. Buna rağmen hastaların bir kısmı imatinibe yanıtsız veya intolerandır. Bu hastalarda tercih 2.kuşak TKİ olan dasatinib ve nilotinibdir. Biz bu çalışmada 2.kuşak TKİ alan KML hastalarının demografik, klinik ve tedaviye yanıt özelliklerini değerlendirdik.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimizde imatinib yanıtsız veya intoleran olan ve 2.kuşak TKİ: dasatinib veya nilotinibden herhangi birini alan 69 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların klinik ve demografik verileri, 2.kuşak TKİ başladıktan sonra 3. 6. ve 12.ayda MMY elde etme, 12-24 ay arası ve 24 aydan sonra MMY kaybetme sıklığı, TSY ve THY elde etme oranları değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Hastaların 34’ü erkek, 35’i kadındı, ortalama yaş 53,7 idi. Sokal risk skoruna göre hastaların %36,2’si (17 hasta) düşük riskli, % 40,4’ü (19 hasta) orta riskli, %23,4’ü (11 hasta) yüksek riskli grupta yer almaktaydı. Hasford risk skoruna göre hastaların %53,2’si düşük (25 hasta), %31,9’u orta (15 hasta), %14,9’u (7 hasta) yüksek riskli gruplardaydı. Hastaların tümü kronik fazdaydı. Altmış dokuz hastanın 37’si (%53,6) nilotinib, 59’u (%85,5) dasatinib kullanmıştır. Her iki 2.kuşak TKİ alan 27 hasta mevcuttu.
Nilotinib alan hastaların 3. 6. ve 12.ay MMY elde etme oranları sırasıyla %76, %73,7 ve %85,7 iken 12-24 ay arası ve 24. aydan sonra MMY devam etme oranı sırasıyla, %70,6 ve %71,4’dü. THY ve TSY elde etme oranı %91,9’du. Dasatinib alan hastalarda 3. 6. ve 12.ay MMY elde etme oranları sırasıyla %62,2, %71,4 ve %71,4 iken 12-24 ay arası ve 24.aydan sonra MMY devam etme oranı sırasıyla, %66 ve %62,3’dü. TSY ve THY elde etme oranı %93,1’di. Nilotinib alanların %29,7’de, dasatinib alanların %30,5’de yan etki gelişti. Bu oranların tümünü kıyasladığımızda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu.
Toplam ortanca sağkalım süresi 2.kuşak TKİ ortak değerlendirmesinde 93 ay, dasatinibde 66 ay, nilotinibde 72 ay bulundu. Ortanca olaysız sağkalım 2.kuşak TKİ ortak 73 ay, dasatinib 55 ay, nilotinib 32 ay bulundu. Toplam sağkalım ve olaysız sağkalım kıyaslamasında anlamlı fark yoktu.
Toplam 3 hastada akselere faza geçiş izlendi. Bu hastalarda her iki 2.kuşak TKİ ile yanıt elde edilememiştir. On ex olan hastanın yarısının ölüm nedeni KML ile ilişkiliydi.
Tartışma: TKİ’lar KML tedavisinde dramatik gelişme sağladılar. Yaygın kullanılan TKİ’lar imatinib, nilotinib ve dasatinibdir. İmatinib dirençli veya intoleran hastalarda 2.kuşak TKİ etkinliklerini değerlendiren çalışma sayısı oldukça kısıtlıdır.
Çalışmamızdaki hastaların hepsi kronik fazda iken 2.basamak tedavisi olarak nilotinib ve dasatinibe geçmişlerdir. Sokal ve Hasford risk oranları, cinsiyet dışındaki demografik veriler ve laboratuar değerleri literatürle benzer idi. Yakın dönem MMY oranlarımız daha düşük olsa da uzun dönem sonuçlar yine literatürdeki çalışmalarla uyumluydu. Toplam sağkalım ve olaysız sağkalım oranımız daha düşüktü. Bu çalışmamızda 2.kuşak TKİ’ların 2.basamak tedavide, mevcut çalışmalarda 1.basamak tedavide verilmesine bağlı olabilir.
İmatinib halen KML tedavisinde güncelliğini korusa da hastalarda direnç ve intolerans durumunda gecikmeden 2.kuşak TKİ’lara geçilmelidir. Farklı yan etki profili fakat benzer yanıt gösteren bu ilaçların seçiminde hastaya özgü davranılmalıdır. KML hastalarının tedavi ve izlemi kılavuzlara uygun şekilde yapılmalıdır.
Although chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has been known for long time, the fate of the disease and the survival plots of patients have been dramatically changed after discovery of Imatinib, the first TKI, and other TKIs. We hereby retrospectively evaluated demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics as response in patients with CML treated with 2ndgeneration TKIs in our center. Material and method: Sixty nine Imatinib-resistant or intolerant patients who were treated with dasatinib or nilotinib were included in our study. Patient’s clinical and demographic parameters, rates of 3rd, 6th, and 12th months MMR achievement, loss of MMR over 12-24 month and after 24 month, rate of CCyR and CHR after taking 2nd generation TKİs were considered for evaluation. Results: All patients were in chronic phase:thirty four patients were men, 35 were women. The mean age was 53,7. Rate of low sokal risk score was 36,2% (17 patients), intermediate risk was 40,4% (19 patients) and high risk group was 23,4% (11 patients). As for the HASFORD risk score; groups were 53,2 low% (25 patients), 31,9 % intermediate (15 patients), 14,9 %high (7 patients). Out of sixty nine patients, thirty seven used nilotinib, fifty nine patient used dasatinib. There were 27 patient who used both of 2nd generation TKIs. For patients treated with nilotinib; the third, 6th and 12th months MMR achievement rates were 76%, 73,7% and 85,7% respectively. While these were 70,6% and 71,4%over 12-24 months and after 24 months respectively. CHR and CCyR rates were 91,9% . For patients treated with dasatinib; the third, 6th and 12th months MMR achievement rates were 62,2%; 71,4% and 71,4% respectively, while it was 66% and 62,3% over 12-24 month and after 24 months respectively. CCR and CHR rates were 93,1%. The rate of side effects in patients treated with nilotinib was 29,7% and 30,5% for dasatinib with no differences. We have evaluated the overall survival (OS) for all patients and it was found 93 months for all patients and; 66 and 72 months for dasatinib and nilotinib respectively. Event free survival (EFS) rate for 2nd generation TKIs were 73 months, for dasatinib 55 months, for nilotinib 32 months. Transformation to accelerated phase was observed only in 3 patients. Those patients are non-responsive to both nilotinib and dasatinib. Out of ten deaths 50% was found to be related to CML. There were no statistically differences in OS and EFS in terms of treatment with dasatinib or nilotinib. Discussion: In our CML population, there were no apparent differences in treatment with either nilotinib or dasatinib of patients with CML in terms of efficacy, side effect profile, long term safety and OS, and EFS. Treatment selection for patients with CML resistant or intolerant to imatinib should be personalized based on patients characteristics.
Although chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has been known for long time, the fate of the disease and the survival plots of patients have been dramatically changed after discovery of Imatinib, the first TKI, and other TKIs. We hereby retrospectively evaluated demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics as response in patients with CML treated with 2ndgeneration TKIs in our center. Material and method: Sixty nine Imatinib-resistant or intolerant patients who were treated with dasatinib or nilotinib were included in our study. Patient’s clinical and demographic parameters, rates of 3rd, 6th, and 12th months MMR achievement, loss of MMR over 12-24 month and after 24 month, rate of CCyR and CHR after taking 2nd generation TKİs were considered for evaluation. Results: All patients were in chronic phase:thirty four patients were men, 35 were women. The mean age was 53,7. Rate of low sokal risk score was 36,2% (17 patients), intermediate risk was 40,4% (19 patients) and high risk group was 23,4% (11 patients). As for the HASFORD risk score; groups were 53,2 low% (25 patients), 31,9 % intermediate (15 patients), 14,9 %high (7 patients). Out of sixty nine patients, thirty seven used nilotinib, fifty nine patient used dasatinib. There were 27 patient who used both of 2nd generation TKIs. For patients treated with nilotinib; the third, 6th and 12th months MMR achievement rates were 76%, 73,7% and 85,7% respectively. While these were 70,6% and 71,4%over 12-24 months and after 24 months respectively. CHR and CCyR rates were 91,9% . For patients treated with dasatinib; the third, 6th and 12th months MMR achievement rates were 62,2%; 71,4% and 71,4% respectively, while it was 66% and 62,3% over 12-24 month and after 24 months respectively. CCR and CHR rates were 93,1%. The rate of side effects in patients treated with nilotinib was 29,7% and 30,5% for dasatinib with no differences. We have evaluated the overall survival (OS) for all patients and it was found 93 months for all patients and; 66 and 72 months for dasatinib and nilotinib respectively. Event free survival (EFS) rate for 2nd generation TKIs were 73 months, for dasatinib 55 months, for nilotinib 32 months. Transformation to accelerated phase was observed only in 3 patients. Those patients are non-responsive to both nilotinib and dasatinib. Out of ten deaths 50% was found to be related to CML. There were no statistically differences in OS and EFS in terms of treatment with dasatinib or nilotinib. Discussion: In our CML population, there were no apparent differences in treatment with either nilotinib or dasatinib of patients with CML in terms of efficacy, side effect profile, long term safety and OS, and EFS. Treatment selection for patients with CML resistant or intolerant to imatinib should be personalized based on patients characteristics.
Anahtar Kelimeler
KML, Nilotinib, Dasatinib, CML