Bazı endemik taksonlar üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve ekolojik incelemeler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BAZI ENDEMİK TAKSONLAR ÜZERİNDE MORFOLOJİK, ANATOMİK VE EKOLOJİK İNCELEMELER SEMENDEROĞLU, FUNDA Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Biyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Münir Öztürk Temmuz 1997, 67 sayfa Bu tezde Rosaceae familyasından Prununs cocmilia var cocomilia, Prunus cocomilis var. Puberula, Fabaceae (Leguminosae) familyasından Astragalus flavescens ve Asteraceae (Compositae) familyasından Circium sipyleum adlı dört. takson üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve.ekolojik incelemeler yapılmıştır. Tez üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki olan "Morfolojik İncelemeler" de, bitkinin kök, gövde, yaprak, çiçek, meyve ve tohum özellikleri incelenmiş; kök, gövde ve yaprağa ait morfolojik ölçümler alınarak, bitkinin tam bir şekli çizilmiş ve ortama ait fotoğraflar bölüme ilave edilmiştir. "Anatomik incelemeler", her taksona ait kök, gövde ve yaprak kesitlerine ait fotoğraflar ile her bölüme ilişkin açıklamaları içerir. "Ekolojik incelemeler "de ise, her taksona ait seçilen üçer lokaliteden toprak örneklerinin fiziksel ve kimyasal analiz sonuçları değerlendirilerek, bitkinin ortamıyla olan etkileşimi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır
ABSTRACT MORPHOLOGICAL, ANATOMICAL AND ECOLOGIAL STUDIES ON SOME ENDEMIC PLANTS SEMENDERO?LU, Funda Master Thesis,Biology Department Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Münir Öztürk July 1997, 67 pages This thesis presents morphological, anatomical and ecological studies of some endemic plants namely; Prununs cocmilia var cocmilia and Prunus cocomilia var.puberula from family Rosaceae, Astragalus flavescens from Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and Cirsium sipyleum from Asteraceaa (Compositae). There are three different parts m this thesis. The first part covers "Morphological Studies", characteristics of root stemjeafjflower.fruit and seed, together with bıometrıc measurements on root, stem and leaf. General view of each plant has been drawn and photograph of habitat of each plant has been included. Anatomical studies on the root, stem and leaf of each taxon were made and observations on these are presented together with their original photographs. In the last part, soils taken from three different localities of each plant were subjected to a physical and chemical analysis, Thus relationships between these tasa and their habitats have been evaluated.
ABSTRACT MORPHOLOGICAL, ANATOMICAL AND ECOLOGIAL STUDIES ON SOME ENDEMIC PLANTS SEMENDERO?LU, Funda Master Thesis,Biology Department Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Münir Öztürk July 1997, 67 pages This thesis presents morphological, anatomical and ecological studies of some endemic plants namely; Prununs cocmilia var cocmilia and Prunus cocomilia var.puberula from family Rosaceae, Astragalus flavescens from Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and Cirsium sipyleum from Asteraceaa (Compositae). There are three different parts m this thesis. The first part covers "Morphological Studies", characteristics of root stemjeafjflower.fruit and seed, together with bıometrıc measurements on root, stem and leaf. General view of each plant has been drawn and photograph of habitat of each plant has been included. Anatomical studies on the root, stem and leaf of each taxon were made and observations on these are presented together with their original photographs. In the last part, soils taken from three different localities of each plant were subjected to a physical and chemical analysis, Thus relationships between these tasa and their habitats have been evaluated.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Anatomi, Anatomy, Ekoloji, Ecology, Morfoloji, Morphology, Taksonlar, Taxa