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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET UYUMLU BİLGİ İŞLEM KAYA, Özkan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Matematik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr.Fevzi ÜNLÜ Ekim 1999, 109 sayfa Bu tezde bilginin formalleştirilerek kullanılabilir hale getirilmesi için gerekli olan bazı mekanizmalar incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla bu tez, bilginin formalleştirme mekanizmalarını içeren Bilgi ve Otomata bölümü, bazı bilgi kaynaklarından bir bilgisayar programına, problem çözümü için bilgi aktarma ve dönüştürme işlemlerim gerçekleştirmeye yarayan Uzman Sistemler bölümü ve de son yıllarda gelişmeye açık bir konu olan Yapay Zeka bölümünden oluşmaktadır. Bazı temel algoritmalar, formalleştirme örnekleri, yapay zekanın gelişimine ışık tutan bazı temel oyun oynama programlan da belirtilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Bilgi ve Otomata, Uzman Sistemler, Yapay Zeka
vn ABSTRACT ADAPTIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING KAYA, Özkan MSc, Mathematic Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr.Fevzi UNLÜ October 1999, 109 pages In this thesis, some mechanisms of formalizing information to use has been studied. Because of this purpose, this thesis has Information and Automata phrase which consists of some formalizing mechanisms of information and has Specialist Systems phrase which is used for transmissing and transforming information to a computer program for solving problems and has Artificial Intelligence phrase which is developing in most several years. Some base algorithms, formalizing samples and some playing game programs which was help for developing Artificial Intelligence were encountered. Keywords: Information and Automata, Specialist Systems, Artificial Intelligence
vn ABSTRACT ADAPTIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING KAYA, Özkan MSc, Mathematic Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr.Fevzi UNLÜ October 1999, 109 pages In this thesis, some mechanisms of formalizing information to use has been studied. Because of this purpose, this thesis has Information and Automata phrase which consists of some formalizing mechanisms of information and has Specialist Systems phrase which is used for transmissing and transforming information to a computer program for solving problems and has Artificial Intelligence phrase which is developing in most several years. Some base algorithms, formalizing samples and some playing game programs which was help for developing Artificial Intelligence were encountered. Keywords: Information and Automata, Specialist Systems, Artificial Intelligence
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Otomasyon, Automation, Uzman sistemler, Expert systems, Yapay zeka, Artificial intelligence