Silikon elastomeri ile facial protez yapım yöntemi , üç farklı silikon elastomerin deneysel olarak karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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94 ÖZET Bu çalışmada fasiyal protez yapımında sıklıkla kullanılan üç farklı RTV silikon elastomerin yıpranmadan önce ve sonraki fiziksel özellikleri (çekme dayanımı, kopma direnci, sertlik, uzama yüzdesi, renk stabilitesi) test edilerek klinik kullanım yönünden değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla çalışmamızda A-2186, A-588, A- 103 gibi klinik kullanımı yaygın olan RTV silikonlar tercih edilmiştir. Materyallerin çekme direnci ve uzama yüzdesi testleri için ASTM No.D412 spefikasyonların a uygun kalıp ve örnekler, kopma direnci ve sertlik testleri için ASTM No. D624 spefikasyonlarına uygun kalıp ve örnekler renk stabilitesi deneyleri için ise disk şeklinde örnekler elde edilmiştir. Örneklerin eldesinde hava kabarcıklarım minimalize etmek için 3 atm basınçlık özel bir basınç odası hazırlanmıştır. Elde edilen örnekler iki gruba ayrılarak birinci grup örnek yıpranmadan önce ilgili testlere tabi tutulmuş ikinci grup örneklere ise tarafımızdan hazırlanan yapay yaşlandırma apereyinde 900 saat yaşlandırma testi uygulanmıştır. Uzama yüzdesi, çekme dayanımı, kopma direnci testleri İzmir'de KOSKEB'de (Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli Sanayi Geliştirme ve Destekleme îdaresi Başkanlığı) bulunan Testometric, sertlik testi için TSE'de mevcut olan Rubber Hardness No: 108 AR, renk stabilitesi deneyleri için AKZO NOBEL KEMtPOL A.Ş' de Spektrofotometre (Spectraflash 600 plus) kullanıldı.. Renk stabilitesi deneylerinde ölçümler CIE Lab koordinatlarında kaydedilmiş ve bilgisayara transfer edilmiştir. Çekme dayanımı, kopma direnci, uzama yüzdesi, sertlik, L*, a*, b* ve AE değerleri istatistiksel olarak t testi, ANOVA (tek yönlü varyans analizi ve çoklu karşılaştırma) testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir.95 Araştırma bulgularımıza göre bu üç materyel arasında kopma direnci, çekme dayanımı, sertlik ve uzama yüzdesi testlerinde A-2186 en üst konumdadır. A-2186 çekme dayanımı, kopma direnci, uzama yüzdesinin ve sertliğinin yüksek olması, doğal doku özelliğinin yitirilmesine neden olmaktadır. A-2186'nın üstün mekanik özelliklerine rağmen doku benzerliğinin ve renk stabilitesinin az oluşu klinik uygulamalarımızda yüz protez materyali olarak kullanılma tercihimizi azaltmıştır. A- 103 'ün, yıpranmadan önceki kopma direnci 5 kg/cm, çekme dayanımı 40 kg/cm, sertlik 33 shore A, uzama yüzdesi %443, yıpranmadan sonraki kopma direnci 6 kg/cm, çekme dayanımı 35 kg/cm, sertlik 34 Shore A ve uzama yüzdesi %412 'dir. A- 588'in ise, yıpranmadan önceki kopma direnci 4 kg/cm, çekme dayanımı 45 kg/cm2, sertlik 24 shore A, uzama yüzdesi %465, yıpranmadan sonraki kopma direnci 7 kg/cm, çekme dayanımı 32 kg/cm2, sertlik 28 Shore A ve uzama yüzdesi %433'dür. Bu bulgulara göre kopma direnci, çekme dayanımı, sertlik ve uzama yüzdesi testlerinde A-2186 daha üstün olmasına rağmen dayanıldı renk stabilitesi yönünden sırasıyla A-588ve A- 103 fasiyal protez kullanımında sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. Renk stabilitesi yönünden en iyi olan A-588, yumuşaklık ve uzama yüzdesi yönünden A 1 03'e göre daha avantajlı konumdadır. Ancak materyalin çekme dayanımında yıpranmaya bağlı olarak A-103'e göre daha fazla düşüş olmaktadır. Sonuç olarak A-588 ve A- 103, daha dayanıldı renk stabiliteleri ve dokuya benzerlikleri yönünden, protez yapımında A 2 1 86'ya göre tercih edilmektedirler
96 SUMMARY In this study, physical properties of three RTV silicone elastomeric materials commonly used in the fabrication of facial prostheses are evaluated. The tests are performed prior to and after artificial aging. The physical properties tested in this study are tensile strength, tear resistance, elongation percent, Shore A hardness and color stability. The results are hoped to be beneficial for the clinical use of these materials. The RTV silicone elastomeric materials used in this study were A-2186, A-588 and A- 103. For the tensile strength and elongation percentage tests, the molds and the test specimens were prepared according to ASTM No.D4l2 specifications. For the tear resistance and Shore A hardness tests the molds and the test specimens were prepared according to the ASTM No. D624 specifications. Disc shaped specimens were prepared for the color stability tests. A pressure room with 3 atm. pressure was fabricated to eliminate the air bubbles during specimen preparation process. The specimens in each test group were randomly divided into 2 groups. First group of specimens were subjected to physical tests listed above whereas the second group of specimens were subjected to artificial aging for 900 hours prior to testing. Elongation percentage, tensile strength and tear resistance tests were performed with Testomeric Instrument in SMIDO (Small and Medium industry Development Organization) and the color stability tests were performed with a spectrophotometer (Spectraflash 600 plus) in AKZO NOBEL KEMIPOL. In color stability tests the measurements were recorded in CIELab coordinates and transferred to a computer. The results of the physical and color stability tests were analyzed with t test, ANOVA (one way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons). According to the results of this study A-2186 showed the best physical properties in tensile strength tear resistance, Shore A hardness and elongation percentage tests. The high tensile strength, tear resistance and elongation percent values97 of A-2186 causes the loss of natural tissue like properties. Although it has high physical properties, reduced color stability and low natural tissue like properties do not make A- 2186 as the material of choice for the fabrication of facial prostheses. For A- 103 elastomeric material tear resistance: 5-6 kg/cm, tensile strength: 40- 35 kg/cm2, hardness: 33-34 Shore A and elongation percent: 443-412 % prior to and after artificial aging respectively. For A-588 elastomeric material tear resistance: 4-7 kg/cm, tensile strength: 45-32 kg/cm2, hardness: 24-28 Shore A and elongation percent: 465-433 % prior to and after artificial aging respectively. Although A-2186 is better than A- 103 and A-588 in tensile strength, tear resistance, Shore A hardness and elongation percentage tests, A-588 and A- 103 are commonly the materials of choice for fabricating facial prostheses because of its high color stability respectively. A-588, which has the highest color stability values, is better than A- 103 in Shore A hardness and elongation percentage. But A-588 showed more decrease in tensile strength values when compared to A- 103 after artificial aging. The result of this study indicate that A-588 and A- 103 which have higher stability and natural tissue like properties compared to A-2186, are preferred for the fabrication of facial prostheses.
96 SUMMARY In this study, physical properties of three RTV silicone elastomeric materials commonly used in the fabrication of facial prostheses are evaluated. The tests are performed prior to and after artificial aging. The physical properties tested in this study are tensile strength, tear resistance, elongation percent, Shore A hardness and color stability. The results are hoped to be beneficial for the clinical use of these materials. The RTV silicone elastomeric materials used in this study were A-2186, A-588 and A- 103. For the tensile strength and elongation percentage tests, the molds and the test specimens were prepared according to ASTM No.D4l2 specifications. For the tear resistance and Shore A hardness tests the molds and the test specimens were prepared according to the ASTM No. D624 specifications. Disc shaped specimens were prepared for the color stability tests. A pressure room with 3 atm. pressure was fabricated to eliminate the air bubbles during specimen preparation process. The specimens in each test group were randomly divided into 2 groups. First group of specimens were subjected to physical tests listed above whereas the second group of specimens were subjected to artificial aging for 900 hours prior to testing. Elongation percentage, tensile strength and tear resistance tests were performed with Testomeric Instrument in SMIDO (Small and Medium industry Development Organization) and the color stability tests were performed with a spectrophotometer (Spectraflash 600 plus) in AKZO NOBEL KEMIPOL. In color stability tests the measurements were recorded in CIELab coordinates and transferred to a computer. The results of the physical and color stability tests were analyzed with t test, ANOVA (one way analysis of variance and multiple comparisons). According to the results of this study A-2186 showed the best physical properties in tensile strength tear resistance, Shore A hardness and elongation percentage tests. The high tensile strength, tear resistance and elongation percent values97 of A-2186 causes the loss of natural tissue like properties. Although it has high physical properties, reduced color stability and low natural tissue like properties do not make A- 2186 as the material of choice for the fabrication of facial prostheses. For A- 103 elastomeric material tear resistance: 5-6 kg/cm, tensile strength: 40- 35 kg/cm2, hardness: 33-34 Shore A and elongation percent: 443-412 % prior to and after artificial aging respectively. For A-588 elastomeric material tear resistance: 4-7 kg/cm, tensile strength: 45-32 kg/cm2, hardness: 24-28 Shore A and elongation percent: 465-433 % prior to and after artificial aging respectively. Although A-2186 is better than A- 103 and A-588 in tensile strength, tear resistance, Shore A hardness and elongation percentage tests, A-588 and A- 103 are commonly the materials of choice for fabricating facial prostheses because of its high color stability respectively. A-588, which has the highest color stability values, is better than A- 103 in Shore A hardness and elongation percentage. But A-588 showed more decrease in tensile strength values when compared to A- 103 after artificial aging. The result of this study indicate that A-588 and A- 103 which have higher stability and natural tissue like properties compared to A-2186, are preferred for the fabrication of facial prostheses.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry