İki farklı yüzey hazırlama yöntemi ile uygulanan resin fissür örtücünün, kenar sızıntısı ve klinik olarak incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
60 ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu ve asit ile pürüzlendirme olmak üzere iki farklı yüzey hazırlama yöntemi kullanılarak uygulanan, resin esaslı bir fissür örtücünün klinik başarısının in-vivo, kenar sızıntısının in-vitro olarak incelenmesidir. Çalışmamızın klinik değerlendirme bölümünde; 7-1 1 yaş arası(ortalama 8.75 ± 1.5) 25 çocuğun, sol alt-üst sürekli birinci büyük azı dişlerine, % 37'lik fosforik asit, sağ alt-üst birinci sürekli büyük azı dişlerine ise alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu yöntemi ile mine yüzeyinin hazırlanmasından sonra dişlerin pit ve fissürleri resin esaslı fissür örtücü olan Helioseal F ile örtülendi. Çalışmamızın in-vitro bölümünde; 50 adet yeni çekilmiş, sağlam, gömük sürekli 3. büyük azı dişinin, 25 tanesine % 37' lik fosforik asit, 25 tanesine alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu ile yüzey hazırlandıktan sonra dişlerin pit ve fissürleri Helioseal F ile örtülendi. Örnekler 5- 55 °C de 500 kez ısı banyosuna tabi tutulduktan sonra, gümüş nitrat ile boyandı. Akrilik resin bloklara gömülen örneklerden bukko- lingual yönde kesit alınarak binoküler mikroskopta kenar sızıntısı incelemesi yapıldı. Çalışmamızın her iki bölümünde de gruplar arası istatistiksel değerlendirmede Mann- Whitney U Testi uygulandı. Çalışmamızın klinik değerlendirme bölümünde; 3 aylık değerlendirmede, iki grup arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı belirlendi(p>0.05). 6 ve 12 aylık değerlendirmelerde, asit ile pürüzlendirme yöntemi kullanılarak uygulanan fissür örtücülerin retansiyon oranlarının, alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu yöntemi ile uygulanan fissür örtücülere göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu tesbit edildi(p<0.05). Bütün değerlendirme periyotlarında ise her iki grubun alt- üst çene retansiyon oranlan arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmadı(p>0.05).61 Çalışmamızın in-vitro bölümünde; alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu yöntemi ile uygulanan fissür örtücü grubunda, asit ile pürüzlendirme yöntemi ile uygulanan fissür örtücü grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak daha fazla kenar sızıntısı olduğu belirlendi(p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; sürekli azı dişlerine fissür örtücü uygulamalarında, alüminyum oksit hava abrazyonu yönteminin mine yüzeyinin pürüzlendirilmesinde asit ile pürüzlendirme yöntemine alternatif olamayacağı sonucuna varıldı
62 SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical succes and to compare invitro microleakage of a resin based fissure sealant which was applied with two different surface preparing methods; 1) aluminium oxide air abrasion and 2) acid etching. Twenty five children with ages ranging between 7- ll(mean 8.75 ± 1.5) have been included in the clinical part of our study. In the acid etching group, 37 % phosphoric was applied to the left mandibular and the maxillary first permanent molars, whereas aluminium oxide air abrasion method has been applied to the right mandibular and the maxillary first permanent molars prior to sealing of pits and fissures with Helioseal F. In the in-vitro part of our study, 50 freshly extracted, sound impacted 3rd molars were used and radomly divided into two groups for both pretreatment methods and were sealed with Heliseal F. All the teeth were thermocyled for (5 - 55°C) 500 cycles and sealed apically, coated with nail varnish, stained with silver nitrate solution. Samples were embedded in acrylic resin and sectioned bucco- lingually. The sections were investigated by stereomicroscope for microleakage. The teeth were scored as fallows; 1- Penetration of stain up to 1/3 along the fissure, 2- stain penetration 1/3-2/3 along the fissure, 3- penetration greater than 2/3 along the fissure. In both parts of our study, Mann- Whitney U Test was used for statistical investigation. In the clinical part of our study, in 3 months evaluation, there was no statistically significant difference among the two groups(p>0.05). In 6 and 12 months evaluations, it is determined that retention rate of the fissure sealants applied using acid etch method was statistically more succesfull compared with the aluminium oxide air abrasion method(p<0.05).63 In all evaluation periods, the difference between the retention rate of the mandibular and the maxillary teeth of both groups was statistically insignificant(p>0.05). In the second part of our study; it is determined that there was more microleakage in the fissure sealant group that was applied with aluminium oxide air abrasion method than the acid etch method(p<0.05). In conclusion, under the conditions of this study it can be suggested that the aluminium oxide air abrasion method is not an appropiate surface preparing method to provide the microretention on enamel surface for the fissure sealant applications. And acid etching exhibited statistically much more favorable results in retention of resin based fissure sealant compared with aluminium oxide air abrasion method.
62 SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical succes and to compare invitro microleakage of a resin based fissure sealant which was applied with two different surface preparing methods; 1) aluminium oxide air abrasion and 2) acid etching. Twenty five children with ages ranging between 7- ll(mean 8.75 ± 1.5) have been included in the clinical part of our study. In the acid etching group, 37 % phosphoric was applied to the left mandibular and the maxillary first permanent molars, whereas aluminium oxide air abrasion method has been applied to the right mandibular and the maxillary first permanent molars prior to sealing of pits and fissures with Helioseal F. In the in-vitro part of our study, 50 freshly extracted, sound impacted 3rd molars were used and radomly divided into two groups for both pretreatment methods and were sealed with Heliseal F. All the teeth were thermocyled for (5 - 55°C) 500 cycles and sealed apically, coated with nail varnish, stained with silver nitrate solution. Samples were embedded in acrylic resin and sectioned bucco- lingually. The sections were investigated by stereomicroscope for microleakage. The teeth were scored as fallows; 1- Penetration of stain up to 1/3 along the fissure, 2- stain penetration 1/3-2/3 along the fissure, 3- penetration greater than 2/3 along the fissure. In both parts of our study, Mann- Whitney U Test was used for statistical investigation. In the clinical part of our study, in 3 months evaluation, there was no statistically significant difference among the two groups(p>0.05). In 6 and 12 months evaluations, it is determined that retention rate of the fissure sealants applied using acid etch method was statistically more succesfull compared with the aluminium oxide air abrasion method(p<0.05).63 In all evaluation periods, the difference between the retention rate of the mandibular and the maxillary teeth of both groups was statistically insignificant(p>0.05). In the second part of our study; it is determined that there was more microleakage in the fissure sealant group that was applied with aluminium oxide air abrasion method than the acid etch method(p<0.05). In conclusion, under the conditions of this study it can be suggested that the aluminium oxide air abrasion method is not an appropiate surface preparing method to provide the microretention on enamel surface for the fissure sealant applications. And acid etching exhibited statistically much more favorable results in retention of resin based fissure sealant compared with aluminium oxide air abrasion method.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry