Recovery of silver from the used photographic film and preparation of new photographic film
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET ATEK FOTOĞRAF FİLMLERİNDEN GÜMÜŞ GERİKAZANIMI VE YENİ FOTOĞRAFİK FİLM HAZIRLANMASI NAKİBOĞLU, Nuri Doktora Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Duygu Toscalı Mart 1998, 95 sayfa Gümüş bir çok amaç için bol miktarda kullanılan değerli bir soy metaldir. Özellikle fotoğraf endüstrisi gümüş tüketiminin en fazla olduğu alandır ve bu alandaki gümüş gereksinimi gittikçe artmaktadır. Dünya gümüş gereksiniminin %25 i gerikazanım yoluyla elde edilmekte ve bununda %75'i fotoğrafık atıklardan sağlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle fotoğrafık atıklardan gümüş gerikazanımında kullanılan yöntemler masrafı, hızı, kolaylığı ve çevreye etkisi açısından önemlidir. İkinci banyodan sonra film desteği üzerinde jelatin içerisinde dağılmış olarak bulunan siyah elementel gümüş oldukça iyi bir ikincil kaynaktır. Bu atıkdan gümüş gerikazanımı için uzun yıllardan beri çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Diğer yandan geri kazanılan gümüşün ve desteğin yeniden film üretiminde kullanılması atık değerlendirme ve hemen hemen bütün fotoğrafık malzemeleri dışarıdan alan ülkemiz açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada atık fotoğraf filmlerinden gümüş ve destek gerikazanımı ve bunları kullanarak yeni fotoğraf filmi hazırlamak amaçlanmıştır. Gümüş gerikazanımı için Sodyum Hidroksit Yöntemi veEnzim Yöntemi olarak isimlendirilen iki yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Sodyum Hidroksit Yöntemi'inde atık film üzerindeki jelatin gümüş tabakası NaOH ile sıyrılmış ve gerikazanım koşulları; NaOH derişimi: İM, sıyırma sıcaklığı: >80°C, karıştırma sıcaklığı:90-95°C, toplam karıştırma süresi:3-4 saat (1,5-2 saat topaklanma, 1,5-2 saat iri-parlak gümüş elde etmek için) kullanılacak atık film alanı :6-7cm'/mL, kullanılan kap: teflon veya polietilen olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu koşullar altında elde edilen gümüşün saflığı >%99 olarak bulunmuştur.Enzim yönteminde ise atık film üzerindeki jelatin gümüş katmanı pH=8 ve 50°C de Bacillus sııbtilis ATCC 6633 isimli mikroorganizmadan elde edilen ekstrakt ile sıyrıldıktan sonra oluşan çamur şeklindeki gümüş boraks varlığında 1 100°C de fırında yakılarak gerikazanılmıştır. Belirlenen koşullarda enzim yöntemiyle elde edilen gümüşün saflığı >%99 olarak bulunmuştur.Her iki yöntemle geri kazanılan gümüşdeki metal safsızlıkları (Fe, Cu, Mg, Cr, Pb, Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Sn ve Cd) ICP-MS ile tayin edilmiş ve yüksek saflıkdaki gümüşler için aynı yöntemle tayin edilmiş metal safsızlıkları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde atık filmlerden her iki yöntemle gerikazanılan gümüş ve destek ayrı ayrı kullanılarak yeni film hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaçla destek yüzeyinin hazırlanması, ışığa duyar emülsiyon hazırlanması, hazırlanan emülsiyonun destek üzerine ince ve homojen kaplanması için gerekli koşullar araştırılmıştır. Emülsiyonun destek üzerine ince ve homojen kaplanması için basit bir makina geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca hazırlanan filmin ışık duyarlığı saptanmış ve filmlerden oldukça iyi görüntüler elde edilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Gümüş gerikazanımı, Fotoğrafik atıklar, Fotoğrafik emülsiyon
IV ABSTRACT RECOVERY OF SILVER FROM THE USED PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM AND PREPARATION OF NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM NAKİBO?LU, Nuri Ph. D Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Duygu Toscali March 1998, 95 pages Silver, one of the precious and noble metals, has been used in large quantitaties for many purpose in particular in the photographic industry. The silver demand of the photographic industry has been gradually increased. It has been reported that %25 of the silver necessity of the world has been obtained by recovering and %75 of this was obtained from photographic wastes. For this reason, the applied methods for recovery of silver from photographic wastes are important with cost, time, simplicity and the effect on the environment. The photographic film containing black metallic silver spreading in gelatin is a quite good secondary silver source after fixing bath. The various studies have been carried out for a long time to recover the silver from these wastes. On the other hand it is also important the preparation of the new photographic film by using recovered silver and support material for evaluation of the wastes, and for our country which has been imported all kind of the photographic materials. This study includes the recovery of silver and support material from the used photographic film and preparation of new photographicfilm by using these. Two new method named as Sodium Hydroxide Method and Enzyme Method were devoloped for silver recovery. In the Sodium Hydroxide Method gelatin silver layer was stripped by using NaOH and the following recovery conditions were determined; the concentration of NaOH: 1M, stripping temp.: £80°C, stirring temp.:90- 95°C, overall stirring time:3-4h (1.5-2h for coagulation, and 1.5-2h for obtaining coarse-grained and bright silver), the area of the used photographic film:6-7cm7mL and container: teflon or polyethylene. Under the these conditions silver having purity of >99% was recovered. In the Enzyme Method silver was recovered by stripping the gelatin silver layer with the enzyme extract obtained from Bacillus siibtilis ATCC 6633 at pH 8 at 50°C, then smelting the sludge in the presence of borax at 1100°C in furnace. Under the these conditions the purity of the recovered silver was calculated as >99%. The metal impurities (Fe, Cu, Mg, Cr, Pb, Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Sn ve Cd) of the silver recovered by using both of the method were determined by ICP-MS and compared with the impurities determined for high purity silver by using the same method. In the second part of the study, new photographic film was prepared by using the silver and support material recovered from both of the method seperately. For this purpose the conditions were investigated for preparation of the support surface for coating, preparation of light sensitive emulsion, and coating of the emulsion on the support as fine and homogenous. A simple film coating machine was designed for coating. In addition that the light sensitivity of the new prepared film was determined and fairly good images were obtained. Key Words: Silver Recovery, Photographic waste, Photographic emulsion
IV ABSTRACT RECOVERY OF SILVER FROM THE USED PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM AND PREPARATION OF NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM NAKİBO?LU, Nuri Ph. D Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Duygu Toscali March 1998, 95 pages Silver, one of the precious and noble metals, has been used in large quantitaties for many purpose in particular in the photographic industry. The silver demand of the photographic industry has been gradually increased. It has been reported that %25 of the silver necessity of the world has been obtained by recovering and %75 of this was obtained from photographic wastes. For this reason, the applied methods for recovery of silver from photographic wastes are important with cost, time, simplicity and the effect on the environment. The photographic film containing black metallic silver spreading in gelatin is a quite good secondary silver source after fixing bath. The various studies have been carried out for a long time to recover the silver from these wastes. On the other hand it is also important the preparation of the new photographic film by using recovered silver and support material for evaluation of the wastes, and for our country which has been imported all kind of the photographic materials. This study includes the recovery of silver and support material from the used photographic film and preparation of new photographicfilm by using these. Two new method named as Sodium Hydroxide Method and Enzyme Method were devoloped for silver recovery. In the Sodium Hydroxide Method gelatin silver layer was stripped by using NaOH and the following recovery conditions were determined; the concentration of NaOH: 1M, stripping temp.: £80°C, stirring temp.:90- 95°C, overall stirring time:3-4h (1.5-2h for coagulation, and 1.5-2h for obtaining coarse-grained and bright silver), the area of the used photographic film:6-7cm7mL and container: teflon or polyethylene. Under the these conditions silver having purity of >99% was recovered. In the Enzyme Method silver was recovered by stripping the gelatin silver layer with the enzyme extract obtained from Bacillus siibtilis ATCC 6633 at pH 8 at 50°C, then smelting the sludge in the presence of borax at 1100°C in furnace. Under the these conditions the purity of the recovered silver was calculated as >99%. The metal impurities (Fe, Cu, Mg, Cr, Pb, Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Sn ve Cd) of the silver recovered by using both of the method were determined by ICP-MS and compared with the impurities determined for high purity silver by using the same method. In the second part of the study, new photographic film was prepared by using the silver and support material recovered from both of the method seperately. For this purpose the conditions were investigated for preparation of the support surface for coating, preparation of light sensitive emulsion, and coating of the emulsion on the support as fine and homogenous. A simple film coating machine was designed for coating. In addition that the light sensitivity of the new prepared film was determined and fairly good images were obtained. Key Words: Silver Recovery, Photographic waste, Photographic emulsion
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Atıklar, Wastes, Film, Film, Gümüş, Silver, Yeniden kazanma, Recycling