Türkiye sahası masal ve efsanelerinde demonolojik varlıklar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu tezde Türkiye sahası masal ve efsanelerindeki demonolojik varlıklar incelenmiştir. Türkiye sahasından derlenip kitaplarda, doktora tezlerinde ve yüksek lisans tezlerinde yayımlanan masal ve efsane metinlerinden hareketle demonolojik varlıkların adları, tasviri özellikleri, yaşadıkları veya bulundukları mekanlar ve eylemleri üzerine tespitler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada yaklaşık olarak 3500 masal ve efsane metni taranmıştır. Tezin "Giriş" kısmında demonolojik varlıklarla ilgili terimler, bu varlıkların insan üzerinde bıraktıkları etkiler incelenmiş, Türkiye sahası tarihi ve edebi kaynaklarında demonolojik varlıklarla ilgili kısa bilgi verilmiş ve çalışmanın amacı, kapsamı ve yöntemi belirtilmiştir. Birinci Bölümde Türkiye sahası masallarından tespit edilen demonolojik varlıklar incelenmiştir. 16 kitap ve 12 tezden 1497 masal metni incelenmiş ve bu masalların 421'inde "Dev, Peri, Cadı, Canavar, Ejderha, Cin, Arap, Şeytan ve Şahmaran" tespit edilmiştir. Bu bölümde her demon mitik tasavvurları içeren bir başlık; ardından adlandırmaları, tasvirlerı, yaşadığı veya bulunduğu mekanları ve eylemleri açısından incelenmiştir. Her demonla ilgili genel değerlendirme ve motiflere de yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde de Türkiye sahası efsanelerinden tespit edilen demonolojik varlıklar incelenmiştir. 20 kitap ve 6 tezden 2964 efsane metni incelenmiş ve 390 efsanede Cin, Ejderha, Alkarısı, Şeytan, Pirabok, Peri, Dev, Cadı, Kapoz, Şahmaran, Canavar, Geçkinciler, Şubat Karısı, Haftar, Oğrak, Pispatik, Congoloz, Hıbilik(Gıbilik), Davara, Mekir, Enkebir, Karavura, Zırtlan, Kardek ve Kara Kunduz" tespit edilmiştir. Efsanelerden tespit edilen demonlar da masallarda kullanılan yöntemle tasnif edilerek incelenmiştir. Tezin "Sonuç" kısmında ise demonolojik varlıklarla ilgili tespitler ve bulgular genel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu tez "Kaynaklar" ve "Dizin" kısımlarıyla tamamlanmıştır
In this thesis, demonologic entities that exists in fables and legends of Turkey province. Names of demonologic entities' names, descriptions, properties, places they live or exist and actions are studied with fable and legend texts that published in books, phd dissertations, postgraduate thesis' that were compiled from Turkey province. In this study, almost 3500 fable and legend texts were scanned. In "Introduction" park of thesis, we analyzed the terms about demonologic entities and effects they leave on humans, shortly introduce demonologic entities in Turkey province history and literature resources, and informed about the study's goal, extent and method. In the first chapter, we examined demonologic entities that was identified from Turkey province fables. From 16 books and 12 thesis', we analyzed 1497 fable texts and in 421 of them, we identified "Giant, Faerie, Witch, Monster, Dragon, Genie, Arab, Devil and Şahmaran." In this chapter, every demon is examined with a title which includes mythical concept, naming, description, place lived or been and actions. We also give place to overview and motive about every demon. In the second chapter, we examined demonologic entities that we identified from Turkey province legends. From 20 book and 6 thesis', we analyzed 2964 legend texts and in 390 of them, we identified Genie, Dragon, Alkarısı, Devil, Pirabok, Faerie, Giant, Witch, Kapoz, Şahmaran, Monster, Geçkinciler, Şubat Karısı, Haftar, Oğrak, Pispatik, Congoloz, Hıbilik (Gıbilik), Davara, Mekir, Enkebir, Karavura, Zırtlan, kardek and Kara Kunduz. We classifed demons that we identified from legends with the same way that is used in legends. In this thesis' "Conclusion" part, findings about demonologic entities are interpreted generally. The thesis is completed with "Sources" and "Index" parts.
In this thesis, demonologic entities that exists in fables and legends of Turkey province. Names of demonologic entities' names, descriptions, properties, places they live or exist and actions are studied with fable and legend texts that published in books, phd dissertations, postgraduate thesis' that were compiled from Turkey province. In this study, almost 3500 fable and legend texts were scanned. In "Introduction" park of thesis, we analyzed the terms about demonologic entities and effects they leave on humans, shortly introduce demonologic entities in Turkey province history and literature resources, and informed about the study's goal, extent and method. In the first chapter, we examined demonologic entities that was identified from Turkey province fables. From 16 books and 12 thesis', we analyzed 1497 fable texts and in 421 of them, we identified "Giant, Faerie, Witch, Monster, Dragon, Genie, Arab, Devil and Şahmaran." In this chapter, every demon is examined with a title which includes mythical concept, naming, description, place lived or been and actions. We also give place to overview and motive about every demon. In the second chapter, we examined demonologic entities that we identified from Turkey province legends. From 20 book and 6 thesis', we analyzed 2964 legend texts and in 390 of them, we identified Genie, Dragon, Alkarısı, Devil, Pirabok, Faerie, Giant, Witch, Kapoz, Şahmaran, Monster, Geçkinciler, Şubat Karısı, Haftar, Oğrak, Pispatik, Congoloz, Hıbilik (Gıbilik), Davara, Mekir, Enkebir, Karavura, Zırtlan, kardek and Kara Kunduz. We classifed demons that we identified from legends with the same way that is used in legends. In this thesis' "Conclusion" part, findings about demonologic entities are interpreted generally. The thesis is completed with "Sources" and "Index" parts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore, Efsaneler, Mythologies, Masallar, Tales, Türk efsaneleri, Turkish legends, Türk folkloru, Turkish folklore, Türk masalları, Turkish tales