Düşük çözünürlük gösteren ilaçların oral formülasyonları üzerine çalışmalar
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın amacı düşük çözünürlük gösteren atorvastatin kalsiyum (AtrCa) ile yenilikçi formülsyonlar geliştirip, bu formülasyonların in vitro salım, permeabilite özelliklerini ticari formülasyon ile karşılaştırmaktır. Tez kapsamında primer hiperkolesterolemi tedavisinde oral yolla kullanılabilecek AtrCa içeren kendiliğinden mikroemülsifiye olabilen ilaç taşıyıcı sistemlerin, mikroemülsifiye sistemlerin katılaştırılması yöntemi ile hazırlanan pellet formülasyonlarının hazırlanışı, kalite kontrolü ve ticari formülasyon ile karşılaştırılma çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle, AtrCa'un yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi ile (HPLC) metot geliştirilip validasyonları gerçekleştirildi. AtrCa'un çeşitli yağ, YEM, YYEM ve tamponlarda çözünürlük çalışması yapıldı. Belirlenen yardımcı maddeler ile üçgen faz diyagramları çizilip en yüksek alan değeri veren üç formülasyona karar verildi. Termodinamik stabilite çalışmalarında faz ayrışması gözlenmeyen formülsyon kararlaştırıldı ve bu formülasyonun fizikokimyasal özellikleri incelendi. SMEDD formülasyonun içerik miktarı tayin edildi. SMEDD formülasyonunun uzun süreli ve hızlandırılmış stabilite çalışmaları altı ay boyunca gerçekleştirildi. AtrCa'un pellet formülasyonu çalışmalarında katı faza emdirilecek mikroemülsiyon bileşenleri çözünürlük çalışmaları ile, su miktarı viskozite değerlerine göre belirlendi. Katı faza emdirilen mikroemülsiyon ile pellet formülasyonları oluşturuldu bu formülasyonda fizikokimyasal özelliklerin belirlenmesi için çalışmalar yapıldı. Stabilite ve içerik miktarı tayinleri yapıldı. AtrCa etkin maddesinin, geliştirilen SMEDD formülasyonu ve pellet formülasyonunun in vitro salım çalışmaları gerçekleştirilip ticari formülasyon ile kıyaslamalar gerçekleştirildi. İn vitro ortamda Caco-2 hücreleri ile yapılan permeabilite çalışmalarında AtrCa etkin maddesinin, SMEDD ve pellet formülasyonunun, ticari formülasyonun geçiş çalışmaları gerçekleştirildi. 0., 24., 48. ve 72. saatlerde SMEDD ve pellet formülasyonunun, AtrCa etkin maddesinin ve ticari formülasyonunun sitotoksisite çalışmaları yapıldı. AtrCa içeren SMEDD ve SMEDD-pellet formülasyonlarının gelecekte yapılacak ileri çalışmalar ile hiperkolesterolemi tedavisinde umut vaat eden formülasyonlar olabileceği sonucuna varıldı
This study aimed develop innovative formulations with low solubility active agent is atorvastatin calcium, formulations of this in vitro release experiment was to compare the permeability properties of commercial formulation. Studies have been conducted for preparation and quality control of atorvastatin calcium containing self micro/nano emulsion drug delivery systems (SMEDDs) and preparation of pellet formulations by the method of solidification of microemulsified systems that can be administered by peroral route for treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia, will be compared with the commercial formulation. Firstly the methods was developed and validated in selected active ingredients by HPLC. Atorvastatin calcium's solubility studies were done in various oil phases, surfactans, cosurfactans and buffers. After working with the solubility studies, triangle phase diagrams were drawn with specified compounds and three formulations were decided that the highest area value. Thermodynamic stability of study results was observed phase separation and examined physicochemical properties of this formulation. The amount of ingredients of SMEDD formulation was performed by HPLC. SMEDD formulation's stability studies were carried out long term and accelerated stability for six months. Pellet formulation studies were conducted with microemulsion components adsorbed solid-phase were determined by solubility studies and the amount of water was determined according to viscosity of microemulsion formulation. Pellet formulations were prepared by solid phase adsorbed microemulsion. Studies were made to specify physicochemical properties of this formulation. Stability and amount of content studies was carried out. The active ingredient of atorvastatin calcium, developed SMEDD formulation and pellet formulations was studied in vitro release studies and compared with the commercial formulation. In vitro permeation studies were carried out with the Caco-2 cells for absorption studies of active ingredient of atorvastatin calcium, the pellet formulation, SMEDD formulations and commercial formulation. Cytotoxicity studies were conducted for atorvastatin calcium, SMEDD formulation, pellet formulation and commercial formulations for 0., 24., 48.,72. hours. As a result of all the studies performed, it was concluded that the findings are SMEDD and SMEDD- pellet formulations containing of the AtrCa, promising in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia formulations with further studies to be done in the future.
This study aimed develop innovative formulations with low solubility active agent is atorvastatin calcium, formulations of this in vitro release experiment was to compare the permeability properties of commercial formulation. Studies have been conducted for preparation and quality control of atorvastatin calcium containing self micro/nano emulsion drug delivery systems (SMEDDs) and preparation of pellet formulations by the method of solidification of microemulsified systems that can be administered by peroral route for treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia, will be compared with the commercial formulation. Firstly the methods was developed and validated in selected active ingredients by HPLC. Atorvastatin calcium's solubility studies were done in various oil phases, surfactans, cosurfactans and buffers. After working with the solubility studies, triangle phase diagrams were drawn with specified compounds and three formulations were decided that the highest area value. Thermodynamic stability of study results was observed phase separation and examined physicochemical properties of this formulation. The amount of ingredients of SMEDD formulation was performed by HPLC. SMEDD formulation's stability studies were carried out long term and accelerated stability for six months. Pellet formulation studies were conducted with microemulsion components adsorbed solid-phase were determined by solubility studies and the amount of water was determined according to viscosity of microemulsion formulation. Pellet formulations were prepared by solid phase adsorbed microemulsion. Studies were made to specify physicochemical properties of this formulation. Stability and amount of content studies was carried out. The active ingredient of atorvastatin calcium, developed SMEDD formulation and pellet formulations was studied in vitro release studies and compared with the commercial formulation. In vitro permeation studies were carried out with the Caco-2 cells for absorption studies of active ingredient of atorvastatin calcium, the pellet formulation, SMEDD formulations and commercial formulation. Cytotoxicity studies were conducted for atorvastatin calcium, SMEDD formulation, pellet formulation and commercial formulations for 0., 24., 48.,72. hours. As a result of all the studies performed, it was concluded that the findings are SMEDD and SMEDD- pellet formulations containing of the AtrCa, promising in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia formulations with further studies to be done in the future.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Atorvastatin, Atorvastatin, Geçirgenlik, Permeability, Kalsiyum, Calcium, Çözünürlük, Solubility, İlaç formülleri, Formularies, İlaç veriş-oral, Administration-oral, İlaçlar, Drugs, İlaçlar-araştırma safhasında, Drugs-investigational, İn vitro, In vitro