Investigation of inhibition kinetics and mechanism the evaluation of application possibilities
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İNHİBİSYON KİNETİĞİ VE MEKANİZMASININ İNCELENMESİ VE KULLANIM OLANAKLARININ ARAŞTIRILMASI Nilgün Biçer Doktora Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Turhan ALTUNATA Şubat 2000, 70 sayfa Bu çalışmada, Pd(II) tarafından katalizlenen Co(III) EDTA ile hipofosfit iyonu arasındaki tepkime, indikatör tepkime olarak seçilmiştir. Bu katalitik tepkimenin inhibisyon kinetiği hem mekanistik yönden incelenmiş hem de uygulama olanaktan araştırılmıştır. İndikatör tepkime için PdCk' den başka katalizörler de ( Pt, Au,ve Ni tuzlan ) denenmiş ve reaksiyon üzerinde etkilerinin olmadığı saptanmıştır. Gerek farklı katalizörlerle yapılan çalışmalar gerekse tepkime değişkenlerinin tepkime hızına olan etkileri üzerindeki aynntılı çalışmalar sonucunda orijinal bir tepkime mekanizması önerilmiştir. Tepkime spektrofotometrik olarak izlenmiş ve 540 nm de absorbans değişimi ölçülmüştür. Optimum koşullar altında iyodür, sistin, sistein ve N-asetilsisteinin iz miktarlarının bile tepkime üzerinde güçlü inhibisyon etkileri olduğu gösterilmiştir. İnhibisyon etkilerinden yararlanılarak, bu maddelerin iz miktarlarının belirlenebilme olanakları araştınlmıştır. Yöntem, su, idrar,tuz ve bazı ilaç örneklerinde iyodür tayinine uygulanmış ve modifıye Sandell-Kolthoff yöntemi ile karşılaştınlmıştır. Biyolojik sıvılardaki iyot içeriğinin belirlenmesi, gerek beslenme bozukluklan ve gerekse tiroid hastalıklarının metabolik ve epidemiyolojik çalışmalan yönünden önemlidir. İyot miktan için önerilen bu yöntemin en büyük avantajı idrar örnekleri için bir ön hazırlık sürecinin olmayışıdır, inhibisyon kinetiğine dayalı miktar belirtim yöntemi, kolay, hızlı ve ekonomiktir. Bu nedenlerle de araştıncılar için uygulama alanlarının ( kimya, biyokimya, çevre Kimyası, eczacılık v.b) daha da geliştirilmesine gerek duyulan, araştırmaya açık bir yöntemdir. Keywords: Kinetic determination; iodide; iodine, Palladium(II); cobalt(III)- ethylene-diaminetetraacetate; hypophosphite; cystine; cysteine; Catalytic indication reaction; Kinetic determination of urinary iodide
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION ON INHIBITION KINETICS AND MECHANISM THE EVALUATION OF APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES Nilgün BİÇER Ph. D. In Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Turhan ALTUNATA February 2000, 70 pages In this study, the reaction between Co(HI)EDTA and HIPOP, catalyzed by Pd(II) has been chosen as the indicator reaction. The inhibition kinetics of this catalytic reaction has been investigated with a mechanistic approach and, the possibilities of its application have been evaluated. Catalyzers other than PdCfe ( Pt, Au, Ni salts ) have been assayed for the indicator reaction and it was observed that these catalysts have no effect on the reaction. Using the results detailed studies on various catalyzers as well as on different variables effecting the reaction rate, an original reaction mechanism is proposed. The reaction was monitored spectrophotometrically and the change in absorbance measured at 540 nm. It was shown that iodide, cystine, cysteine, and N-acetylcysteine, even in trace amounts, had a strong inhibitory effect under optimum conditions. Possibilities of the estimation of trace amounts of these substances based on their inhibitory effects were investigated. The method was applied to the determination of iodide in water, urine, salt, and some drug samples and was compared with the modified Sandell- Kolthoff method. The determination of the iodide content of biological fluids is important both in malnutrition conditions and in the metabolic and epidemiological studies of thyroid diseases. The main advantage of this method proposed for the determination of iodide in urine samples is that it does not necessitate a preparative procedure. The quantitative assay developed, based on inhibition kinetics, is practical, fast, and economical. For this reason, it is a technique open to research for the development of application fields ( chemistry, biochemistry, environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry e.g ) for researches interested.
vn ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION ON INHIBITION KINETICS AND MECHANISM THE EVALUATION OF APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES Nilgün BİÇER Ph. D. In Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Turhan ALTUNATA February 2000, 70 pages In this study, the reaction between Co(HI)EDTA and HIPOP, catalyzed by Pd(II) has been chosen as the indicator reaction. The inhibition kinetics of this catalytic reaction has been investigated with a mechanistic approach and, the possibilities of its application have been evaluated. Catalyzers other than PdCfe ( Pt, Au, Ni salts ) have been assayed for the indicator reaction and it was observed that these catalysts have no effect on the reaction. Using the results detailed studies on various catalyzers as well as on different variables effecting the reaction rate, an original reaction mechanism is proposed. The reaction was monitored spectrophotometrically and the change in absorbance measured at 540 nm. It was shown that iodide, cystine, cysteine, and N-acetylcysteine, even in trace amounts, had a strong inhibitory effect under optimum conditions. Possibilities of the estimation of trace amounts of these substances based on their inhibitory effects were investigated. The method was applied to the determination of iodide in water, urine, salt, and some drug samples and was compared with the modified Sandell- Kolthoff method. The determination of the iodide content of biological fluids is important both in malnutrition conditions and in the metabolic and epidemiological studies of thyroid diseases. The main advantage of this method proposed for the determination of iodide in urine samples is that it does not necessitate a preparative procedure. The quantitative assay developed, based on inhibition kinetics, is practical, fast, and economical. For this reason, it is a technique open to research for the development of application fields ( chemistry, biochemistry, environmental and pharmaceutical chemistry e.g ) for researches interested.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Kinetik, Kinetics, Kobalt, Cobalt, Palladyum, Palladium, İnhibisyon, Inhibition, İyot, Iodine