Türk mitolojisi üzerinde yapılmış Rusça eserler
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Ege Üniversitesi
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TÜRKÇE ABSTRACT ( en fazla 250 sözcük) Dünya üzerindeki her halk kendine ait bir inanç sistemine sahiptir. Halklar, geçmişlerindeki inançları da, günümüzde inandıkları tek Tanrılı dinlerin yapısına sokmuşlardır. Böylece günümüzün semavi dinleri de, yapılarında kendilerine inanan halkların eski inanç sistemini taşımaktadır. Geniş bir coğrafyaya dağılmış, gittiği ülkenin insanlarını etkilemiş ve onlardan etkilenmiş Türk toplulukları da, geçmişlerinden gelen inançları kültürlerinde yaşamaktadırlar. Türk kültürünün en eski yazılı belgesi olan Orhon yazıtları da, onların zengin bir mitolojiye sahip olduğunu gösteren en eski yazılı belgelerdir. Tezim izdeki amacımız, Türk topluluklarının zengin mitolojisi üzerine Rusça yazılmış çalışmaların, araştırmacılara sunulmasıdır. Tezimizin birinci bölümünde, Çarlık Rusya'sında ve SSCB'nde Türk mitolojisi üzerine yazılmış Rusça çalışmaların kısa bir tarihçesini vermeye ve Rus araştırmacıların Türk mitolojisindeki hangi unsurları incelediğini göstermeye çalıştık. İkinci bölümde ise, Rusça yazılmış çalışmaları belirli dönemlere ayırmadan sadece yazar adına göre alfabetik sıra ile verdik. Eserleri, kitap ve makale olmak üzere iki alt bölüm halinde tasnif ettik. Üçüncü bölümde, elimizdeki kaynaklardan bazılarının tanıtımını yaptık. Bütün kaynakların ayrıntılı bir şekilde tanıtımı, tezin boyutlarını aşacağı için buna girişmedik. Sonuç bölümünde ise gerek Çarlık Rusya'sı, gerekse SSCB'nde yapılan çalışmaların genel bir analizi yapılmaya çalışılmıştır
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT ( en fazla 250 sözcük) Every community in the world has its own system of belief. Communities have included their past believes into the structure of single- god religion theybelieve today. For this reason, Celescial religions of our time involve the old systems of beliefs of their followers. Turkish communities that spread into vast geographic areas also effected the people of the countries they went to aand in retuen they got affected by those people. At the same time Turkish people live in the culture and belief sysstem coming from the past. Our goal in the current thesis to present the studies published in Russian about the rich mythology of the Turkish communities. İn the first part of our thesis, focus was given on the presentation of brief history of the studies of Turkish mythology conducted and published in Russian language in the Russia of Czarizm and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, trying mostly to show what aspects of the Turkish mythology had been investigated. İn the secon part, on the other hand, the studies published in Russion were listed only by the author's name in alphabetical order, without deviding them into spesific periods. The studies were classified into two subdevisions as books and articles. İn the third part, we gave definitions of some of the sourches on hand. We did not attemp to give detailed definitions for these sources since that would overpass the scope of the thesis. İn the conclusion part, however, a general analysis was made on the studies conducted in Russia of Czarism and the Union of Soviet Socialist republics.
İNGİLİZCE ABSTRAKT ( en fazla 250 sözcük) Every community in the world has its own system of belief. Communities have included their past believes into the structure of single- god religion theybelieve today. For this reason, Celescial religions of our time involve the old systems of beliefs of their followers. Turkish communities that spread into vast geographic areas also effected the people of the countries they went to aand in retuen they got affected by those people. At the same time Turkish people live in the culture and belief sysstem coming from the past. Our goal in the current thesis to present the studies published in Russian about the rich mythology of the Turkish communities. İn the first part of our thesis, focus was given on the presentation of brief history of the studies of Turkish mythology conducted and published in Russian language in the Russia of Czarizm and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, trying mostly to show what aspects of the Turkish mythology had been investigated. İn the secon part, on the other hand, the studies published in Russion were listed only by the author's name in alphabetical order, without deviding them into spesific periods. The studies were classified into two subdevisions as books and articles. İn the third part, we gave definitions of some of the sourches on hand. We did not attemp to give detailed definitions for these sources since that would overpass the scope of the thesis. İn the conclusion part, however, a general analysis was made on the studies conducted in Russia of Czarism and the Union of Soviet Socialist republics.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Mitoloji, Mitology, Rusça eserler, Russian works, Türk mitolojisi, Turkish mythology