Sol ventrikül destek cihazı takılmış kalp yetmezlikli hastalarda kardiyak rehabilitasyonun fonksiyonel kapasite, psikolojik semptomlar ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu randomize, prospektif, çalışmanın amacı, sol ventrikül destek cihazı (SVDC) takılmış olan kalp yetmezliği hastalarında, kardiyak rehabilitasyonun yaşam kalitesi, depresyon ve fonksiyonel kapasite üzerine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Aynı zamanda, ev egzersiz programının etkinliğinin hastanede gözetimli egzersiz ile kıyaslanması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: Ege Üniversitesinde SVDC implantasyonu yapılmış olan 42 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastalar ev egzersiz grubu (n=22) ve hastane grubu (n=20) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldıktan sonra, 8 hafta süren, haftada üç gün, günde bir saat olmak üzere kardiyak rehabilitasyon programına alındı. Hastalar başlangıçta ve 8. haftada değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda hastane grubunda zaman ile pik oksijen tüketimi (pik VO2), altı dakika yürüme testi, Minnesota kalp yetmezliği ile yaşam anketi skoru, State-Trait anksiyete ölçeği trait alt skorunda anlamlı iyileşme saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Ev egzersiz grubunda ise sadece kısa form-36 anketinin ağrı alt skorunda anlamlı iyileşme elde edilmiştir (p<0,05). İncelenen parametrelerin zaman içindeki değişimleri incelendiğinde, pik VO2, altı dakika yürüme testi, Minnesota kalp yetmezliği ile yaşam anketi, State-Trait anksiyete ölçeğinin "State" anksiyete alt skorundaki iyileşmeler, hastane grubunda ev egzersiz grubuna göre anlamlı yüksek saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Yaş ile altı dakika yürüme testindeki düzelme arasında (r=-0,39, p<0,01) ayrıca yaş ile FEV1'deki değişim arasında (r=-0,35, p< 0,05) anlamlı negatif korelasyon elde edilmiştir. Kalp yetmezliği süresi ile de altı dakika yürüme mesafesindeki değişim (r=-0,25, p<0,01) ve FEV1 değerindeki değişim (r=-0,19, p< 0,05) arasında anlamlı negatif korelasyon saptanmıştır. Pik VO2 değişimi ve altı dakika yürüme testindeki değişim (r=0,54,p>0,01) ile FEV1 değerlerindeki değişim (r=0,14, p>0,05) arasında pozitif korelasyon saptanmıştır. Tartışma: Son dönem kalp yetmezliği tedavisinde giderek daha çok uygulanmaya başlanan SVDC cerrahisi sonrası kardiyak rehabilitasyonun güvenilirliği daha önce yapılmış çalışmalar ile gösterilmiştir. Çalışmamızda hastane ortamında gözetimli kardiyak rehabilitasyon programının SVDC takılmış hastalarda fonksiyonel kapasite, yaşam kalitesi ve anksiyete üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu görülmüştür. Yapılan önceki çalışmalarda ev egzersiz ve hastane egzersiz programlarının kardiyak rehabilitasyonda eşit etkinlikte olduğunu gösteren çalışmalar bulunmakla beraber bu çalışmalara dahil edilmiş olan hastaların çoğu New York Kalp Birliği fonksiyonel sınıflamasına göre evre 1 hastalar olup, fonksiyonel durumları daha iyidir. Çalışmamızda ev egzersiz grubunun rehabilitasyon programına uyumu da hastane grubundan daha kötü bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Sadece SVDC takılmış hastaların dahil edildiği, ev egzersizi ile hastane egzersizinin kıyaslandığı, ayrıca bu hastaların uzun dönem takip edildiği ileri kardiyak rehabilitasyon çalışmalarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır
Objectives: In this prospective randomized trial, we aimed to study the effects of cardiac rehabilitation on functional capacity, depression and quality of life, in patiens undergone left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation for the treatment of heart failure. We also aimed to compare the effectiveness of home and hospital based exercise programs. Materials and method: 42 patients who had received LVAD implants in our university hospital were included in the study. After the subjects were randomized into hospital exercise group (n=20) and home exercise group (n=22). They were enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program for 8 weeks, which lasted for one hour, three times per week in hospital and at home respectively. All subjects were assessed at baseline and after the 8th week. Findings: In our study we detected a significant improvement in peak oxygen expenditure (peak VO2), six minute walk test values and in Minnesota living with heart failure quentionnaire, state-trait anxiety inventory, state anxiety subscore in the hospital exercise group (p<0,05). Home exercise group did not improve significantly in any of the parameters except in the pain subscore of Short Form-36 (p<0,05). When we compared the changes seen in the parameters over time, hospital group showed significantly more improvement than the home exercise group in peak VO2, six-minute walk test, Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire and trait anxiety subscore of the state trait anxiety inventory (p<0,05). Age (r=-0,39, p<0,01) and the duration of heart failure (r=-0,35, p< 0,05) both showed a negative correlation with changes in six minute walk test and FEV1. Duration of heart failure showed a negative correlation with both the increase in 6-minute walk test (r=-0,25, p<0,01) and the increase in FEV1 values (r=-0,19, p< 0,05). Better improvement in peak VO2 correlated with better improvement in six-minute walk test (r=0,54,p>0,01) and FEV1(r=0,14, p>0,05) scores. Discussion: End stage heart failure is increasingly being treated with LVAD implantation. Safety of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with LVAD have been proven in other studies. In this study we detected a positive effect of supervised hospital exercise program on functional capacity, quality of life and anxiety in patients with implanted LVADs. Previous studies have shown similar results regarding the efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation in both hospital and home exercise groups. But patients enrolled in these studies were mainly New York Heart Association grade 1 patients who had better functional status. In our study, exercise adherence was worse in the home exercise group. There is still need for more studies focusing on patiens with LVAD and comparing the effects of home and hospital exercise programs. There is also need for more long term follow-up to show the long term efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation in LVAD patients.
Objectives: In this prospective randomized trial, we aimed to study the effects of cardiac rehabilitation on functional capacity, depression and quality of life, in patiens undergone left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation for the treatment of heart failure. We also aimed to compare the effectiveness of home and hospital based exercise programs. Materials and method: 42 patients who had received LVAD implants in our university hospital were included in the study. After the subjects were randomized into hospital exercise group (n=20) and home exercise group (n=22). They were enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program for 8 weeks, which lasted for one hour, three times per week in hospital and at home respectively. All subjects were assessed at baseline and after the 8th week. Findings: In our study we detected a significant improvement in peak oxygen expenditure (peak VO2), six minute walk test values and in Minnesota living with heart failure quentionnaire, state-trait anxiety inventory, state anxiety subscore in the hospital exercise group (p<0,05). Home exercise group did not improve significantly in any of the parameters except in the pain subscore of Short Form-36 (p<0,05). When we compared the changes seen in the parameters over time, hospital group showed significantly more improvement than the home exercise group in peak VO2, six-minute walk test, Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire and trait anxiety subscore of the state trait anxiety inventory (p<0,05). Age (r=-0,39, p<0,01) and the duration of heart failure (r=-0,35, p< 0,05) both showed a negative correlation with changes in six minute walk test and FEV1. Duration of heart failure showed a negative correlation with both the increase in 6-minute walk test (r=-0,25, p<0,01) and the increase in FEV1 values (r=-0,19, p< 0,05). Better improvement in peak VO2 correlated with better improvement in six-minute walk test (r=0,54,p>0,01) and FEV1(r=0,14, p>0,05) scores. Discussion: End stage heart failure is increasingly being treated with LVAD implantation. Safety of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with LVAD have been proven in other studies. In this study we detected a positive effect of supervised hospital exercise program on functional capacity, quality of life and anxiety in patients with implanted LVADs. Previous studies have shown similar results regarding the efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation in both hospital and home exercise groups. But patients enrolled in these studies were mainly New York Heart Association grade 1 patients who had better functional status. In our study, exercise adherence was worse in the home exercise group. There is still need for more studies focusing on patiens with LVAD and comparing the effects of home and hospital exercise programs. There is also need for more long term follow-up to show the long term efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation in LVAD patients.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation