İnfertil kadınlarda evlilik uyumu
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AMAÇ: Bu çalışma, infertil kadınlarda evlilikte uyum düzeylerini etkileyen değişkenlerin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. YÖNTEM: Araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte olup, veri toplamak amacıyla anket formu ve Evlilikte Uyum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler, Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Aile Planlaması Kısırlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi’nde toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Ege Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Aile Planlaması Kısırlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi infertilite polikliniğine başvuran bütün kadınlar oluşturmuştur. Örneklem grubunu ise olasılıksız örneklem yöntemiyle belirlenen, 3.11.2006- 12.1.2007 tarihleri arasında, merkeze başvuran ve çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü kadınlardan oluşan 144 kişi oluşturmuştur. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, sayı yüzde, ortalama, varyans, mann witney U testi analizleri kullanılmıştır. BULGULAR: Araştırma kapsamına alınan kadınların yaş ortalaması 30.4± 5.2’dir. Kadınların %39.6’sı okur-yazar-ilkokul mezunu, %31.9’u bir işte çalışmaktadır ve evlilikte uyum puan ortalamaları 46.29±6.98 olarak bulunmuştur. İnfertilitenin kimden kaynaklandığı ile evlilikte uyum puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanamamıştır (F=1.32 p>0.05). Evlilikte uyum puan ortalamaları ile çocuk sahibi olma konusunda çevreden baskı görme arasında anlamlı fark elde edilmiştir (Z=-2.762 p<0.001). SONUÇ: Çalışmanın sonucunda infertil kadınların evlilikte uyum puan ortalamasının(46.29±6.98) ölçeğin kesme noktasının (43.5) üzerinde olduğu saptanmıştır.
PURPOSE: This study is carried out in order to examine the variables that are affecting the consistency levels of infertile women at marriage. METHOD: The study is of descriptive type survey sheets and MAT are used in order to collect data. Data are gathered at Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center of the Ege University rectorship. Universe of the study composed of all women that applied to infertility polyclinic of the Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center of the Ege University Rectorship.Sample group composed of 144 volunter women that applied to the center for participating to the study between the dates 03/11/2006-12/1/2007 and that were determined according to improbabilty sampling. Number per cent, mean, variance, mann witney U test analyses were used in evaluation of the data. Finding: Mean age of the women that are taken into the scope of the study were 30.4±5.2. 39.6% of the women were literate and graduated from primary school, 31.9% of them were working at a work and their consistency point mean of marriage was found to be 46.29±6.98. No meaningful difference was found between the mean of consistency point in marriage and from whom the infertility stems (F=1.32 p>0.05). A meaningful difference was obtained between the mean of consistency point in marriage and experiencing social pressure about having a baby (Z=-2.762 p<0.001). RESULT: As a result of the study, it was found that the mean (46.29±6.98) of consistency point in marriage of infertile women was above the mean of the scale (43.5).
PURPOSE: This study is carried out in order to examine the variables that are affecting the consistency levels of infertile women at marriage. METHOD: The study is of descriptive type survey sheets and MAT are used in order to collect data. Data are gathered at Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center of the Ege University rectorship. Universe of the study composed of all women that applied to infertility polyclinic of the Family Planning Infertility Research and Application Center of the Ege University Rectorship.Sample group composed of 144 volunter women that applied to the center for participating to the study between the dates 03/11/2006-12/1/2007 and that were determined according to improbabilty sampling. Number per cent, mean, variance, mann witney U test analyses were used in evaluation of the data. Finding: Mean age of the women that are taken into the scope of the study were 30.4±5.2. 39.6% of the women were literate and graduated from primary school, 31.9% of them were working at a work and their consistency point mean of marriage was found to be 46.29±6.98. No meaningful difference was found between the mean of consistency point in marriage and from whom the infertility stems (F=1.32 p>0.05). A meaningful difference was obtained between the mean of consistency point in marriage and experiencing social pressure about having a baby (Z=-2.762 p<0.001). RESULT: As a result of the study, it was found that the mean (46.29±6.98) of consistency point in marriage of infertile women was above the mean of the scale (43.5).
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