Toxoplasma gondii ile enfekte fareler üzerinde deneysel aşı çalışmaları
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Bu calışmada Toxoplasma gondii enfeksiyonuna karşı bir koruyucu immunite oluşturması düşünülmüş ve bu amacla, T. gondii takizoitlerinden hazirlanan eriyik antijeni, bir in vivo fare modelinde üzerinde denenmiştir. Toxoplasma gondii eriyik antijeni (TGA), BCG ve Freuds adjuvantı tek başlarına veya degişik kombinasyonlarda her biri 10 fareden oluşan 6 fare grubunda kullanıllmistır. Kontrol olarak kullanılan Grup 1 sadece saline solusyonu ile immunize edilmiştir, Grup 2, Grup 3, Grup 4, Grup 5 ve Grup 6 ise sırasiyla "BCG", "Freud adjuvantı", "TGA", "TGA+BCG" ve "TGA+Freud", ile immunize edilmiştir. Immunizasyon şemasına göre tüm gruplar 1. gün, 10, gün ve 20, günlerde immunize edilmişlerdir. 30. gün, tüm gruplar 105 T. gondii trofozoiti ile enfekte edilmişlerdir. Enfeksiyondan sonra fareler izelenmeye başlamıştır. İzleme sırasında, yapılan immunizasyonlar sonrasında T. gondii enfeksiyonuna karşı bir koruma gelişip gelişmedigi, farelerin enfekte edilmesinden sonra hayatta kalma süreleri immunize edilmemiş olan fare grubu ile kıyaslanarak degerlendirilmiştir, Elde edilen sonuçlarda, enfeksiyonun sonrasmda "TGA+Freud" kombinasyonu ile immunize edilen guruplardaki hayvanların, kontrol grubuna gore, yaşam sürelerinin %100 uzadigi tespit edilmiştir (p=0,012).
Lysate antigen prepared from T. gondii tachyzoites has been used in an in-vivo model of mice in generation of protective immunity against T. gondii infection. TGA, BCG and Freund's adjuvant alone or in various combinations have been used in 6 different groups of 10 mice each. Group 1 was used as a control and was injected only with saline solution. Group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5 and group 6 were injected with BCG, Freund's adjuvant, TGA, TGA+BCG and TGA+Freund's, respectively. All groups were injected with the antigens on the 1st, 10th, and 20th days according to schedule, All groups were infected with 105 T. gondii trophozoites intraperitoneally on the 30th day. All groups were monitored and immunization against T. gondii infection was evaluated according to the life span of each group after infection. the life span of the group given the TGA+Freund's combination was increased 100% more than that of the control group which was only injected with saline solution (p=0. 012).
Lysate antigen prepared from T. gondii tachyzoites has been used in an in-vivo model of mice in generation of protective immunity against T. gondii infection. TGA, BCG and Freund's adjuvant alone or in various combinations have been used in 6 different groups of 10 mice each. Group 1 was used as a control and was injected only with saline solution. Group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5 and group 6 were injected with BCG, Freund's adjuvant, TGA, TGA+BCG and TGA+Freund's, respectively. All groups were injected with the antigens on the 1st, 10th, and 20th days according to schedule, All groups were infected with 105 T. gondii trophozoites intraperitoneally on the 30th day. All groups were monitored and immunization against T. gondii infection was evaluated according to the life span of each group after infection. the life span of the group given the TGA+Freund's combination was increased 100% more than that of the control group which was only injected with saline solution (p=0. 012).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri