Voltammetric determination of leao and cadmium ions in seawater saples from Aegea Sea coast
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
m ÖZET EGE DENÎZÎ KIYILARINDAN ALINAN DENÎZ SUYU ÖRNEKLERİNDE KURŞUN VE KADMİYUM İYONLARININ VOLTAMETRİK TAYİNİ ÜNLÜ, Temuçin Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : YrcLDoç J)r.Nil Ertaş Aralık 1997, 49 sayfa Su sistemi üzerine eser metallerin etkisi okyanus ve su kaynaklan biliminde en önemli sorunlardan birisidir. Ağır metaller deniz ürünlerinin gıda zincirine girer ve zararlı etkileri insana dek uzanır. Bu nedenle çeşitli su sistemlerindeki eser metal düzeylerinin doğru ve duyarlı tayini giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Adsorptif Katodik Sıyırma Voltametrisi'nin (AdCSV) duyarlığı, geniş bir aralıktaki birçok element için oldukça yüksek olup, belirtme sının pM-nM düzeyindedir. Bu çalışmada, Ege Denizi kıyılarından seçilmiş balık çiftliklerinden toplanan deniz suyu örneklerinde AdCSV yöntemi ile kurşun ve kadmiyum iyonlarının analizi amaçlanmıştır. Ön çalışmalar deniz suyuna benzetilerek hazırlanan KC1 çözeltisinde yürütülmüş ve tayin koşullan optimizeedilmiştir. Adsoıptif biriktirme asılı civa damla elektrodunda 2x1 0-5 M oksin varlığında, pH=7,5 ortamında, -1,1 V'luk potansiyelde 30 saniyelik süre ile yürütülmüştür. Denel koşullar optimize edildikten sonra, deniz suyu örnekleri seçilmiş balık çiftliklerinden Eylül-Ekim 1997 periyodu içinde toplanmıştır. Sonuçlar kurşun iyonları için 0,8-7,2 ng/ml aralığında ve kadmiyum iyonları için 0,1-0,3 ng/ml aralığında bulunmuş olup, bu değerler kirlenmemiş deniz suyu için verilen sınırlar içindedir. Eser metal derişiminde adsorbsiyon ile olabilecek kayıplar bir örnek alma noktasından alınan iki ayrı örnekten birine derişik HNO3 eklenerek ve elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırlarak denetlenmiştir. Deniz suyu ortamında bulunabilen organik maddelerin kompleks oluşturucu etkileri de incelenmiş ve bu amaçla bir balık çiftliğinde anaç tankında kullanılan deniz suyundan UV ışımadan geçirilmeden önce ve geçirildikten sonra örnek alınarak analizlendiğinde benzer sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, AdCSV yöntemi ile deniz suyu örneklerindeki kurşun ve kadmiyum iyonları bir önayırma işlemine gerek kalmadan oldukça duyar analizlenebilir
IV ABSTRACT VOLTAMMETRIC DETERMINATION OF LEAD AND CADMIUM IONS IN SEA WATER SAMPLES FROM AEGEAN SEA COAST ÜNLÜ, Temuçin MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nil Ertaş December 1997, 49 pages One of the most important problems in oceanography and water resourses science is the effect of the concentration of trace metals on the water system. Toxic metals enter the marine food chain and therefore accurate determination of trace metal levels in various water systems is becoming important The sensitivity of Adsorptive Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry (AdCS V) is very high for a large number of elements having a typical detection limit of pM-nM. This study includes the application Adsroptive Stripping Analysis of lead and cadmium in the seawater samples collected from the fisheries and sea-cage fish farms selected along the Aegean Sea Coast. The initial studies were carried out in KC1 solutions in order to investigate the effect of pH, oxine concentration, accumulation potential and accumulation time. The conditions of the deterrninations were optimised and the samplingmethods were also discussed. Adsorption was carried out at -1.1 V for 30 s in the presence of 2x1 0-5 M oxine at pH 7.5. Seawater samples were collected in the period of September-October 1997 from the fisheries selected on the Aegean Sea Coast The results were found in the range of 0.8 - 7.2 ng/ml for lead and 0.1 - 0.3 ng/ml for cadmium ions which are in the limits given for the unpolluted seawater. The possible loss of trace metals by adsorption was controlled by using the same sample with and and without addition of concentrated HNO3 solution. The effect of UV radiation were tested for one type of sample and similar results were obtained. Consequently, this technique provides a simple, rapid, very sensitive and fairly cheap method for the determination of lead and cadmium in the seawater samples.
IV ABSTRACT VOLTAMMETRIC DETERMINATION OF LEAD AND CADMIUM IONS IN SEA WATER SAMPLES FROM AEGEAN SEA COAST ÜNLÜ, Temuçin MSc. in Chemistry Supervisor: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nil Ertaş December 1997, 49 pages One of the most important problems in oceanography and water resourses science is the effect of the concentration of trace metals on the water system. Toxic metals enter the marine food chain and therefore accurate determination of trace metal levels in various water systems is becoming important The sensitivity of Adsorptive Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry (AdCS V) is very high for a large number of elements having a typical detection limit of pM-nM. This study includes the application Adsroptive Stripping Analysis of lead and cadmium in the seawater samples collected from the fisheries and sea-cage fish farms selected along the Aegean Sea Coast. The initial studies were carried out in KC1 solutions in order to investigate the effect of pH, oxine concentration, accumulation potential and accumulation time. The conditions of the deterrninations were optimised and the samplingmethods were also discussed. Adsorption was carried out at -1.1 V for 30 s in the presence of 2x1 0-5 M oxine at pH 7.5. Seawater samples were collected in the period of September-October 1997 from the fisheries selected on the Aegean Sea Coast The results were found in the range of 0.8 - 7.2 ng/ml for lead and 0.1 - 0.3 ng/ml for cadmium ions which are in the limits given for the unpolluted seawater. The possible loss of trace metals by adsorption was controlled by using the same sample with and and without addition of concentrated HNO3 solution. The effect of UV radiation were tested for one type of sample and similar results were obtained. Consequently, this technique provides a simple, rapid, very sensitive and fairly cheap method for the determination of lead and cadmium in the seawater samples.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Deniz suyu, Sea water, Ege Denizi, Aegean Sea, Kadmiyum, Cadmium, Kurşun, Lead, Voltametri, Voltammetry