Topraksız kültür yöntemiyle yapılan sera domates yetiştiriciliğine uygun agregat seçimi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışına, ülkemiz koşullarında bulunabilecek materyallerin sera domates yetiştiriciliğimizde topraksız ortam olarak kullanıla¬ bilme olanaklarını araştırmak amacı ile 1988-1990 yılları arasında, E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümüne ait bir cam serada yürütülmüştür. Denemeler tek ürün, sonbahar ve ilkbahar olmak üzere üç farklı yetiştirme döneminde, bitkileri ancak dondan korumaya yönelik olarak ısıtılabilen sera koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde "Carpy", sonbahar ve ilkbahar dönemlerinde "Dario" çeşitlerinin kullanıldığı çalışmada ; (1) perlit, (2) 1:1 perlit-kum, (3) 1:1 torf-kum, (4) kum, (5) volkanik cüruf, (6) 3:1 kaba talaş- perlit, (8) çürümüş kızılcam (Pinus brutia) kabuğu, (9) 1:1 kızılcam (Pinus brutia) kabuğu-perlit ve (10) 1:1 karaçam (Pinus nigra) kabuğu-perlit agregatları 4 tekrarlı tesadüf blokları deneme deseni ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Tohum ekim, şaşırtma ve fide dikim tarihle¬ ri, sırası ile, tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 1-19 Eylül ve 14 Ekim 1988, sonbahar yetiştiriciliğinde 20-31 Temmuz ve 29 Ağustos 1989, ilkbahar yetiştiriciliğinde 3 Ocak - l Şubat ve 20 Mart 1990'dır. Denemelerde topraksız yöntem olarak tekne kültürü esas alınmış¬ tır. 1:1 torf-perlit karışımında yetiştirilen fideler, 80 cm genişliğindeki yataklara çift sıralı olarak, tek ürün yetiştiricili¬ ğinde 62.5 cm, sonbahar ve ilkbahar dönemlerinde 22.5 cm sıra üzeri aralıklarıyla dikilmişlerdir. Bitkilerin büyüme ucu ; tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 10., sonbahar ve ilkbahar yetiştiriciliklerinde 3. salkımın iki yaprak üzerinden alınmıştır. Bitkiler solar radyasyona göre günlük olarak damla sulama sistemi ile verilen komple besin eriyiği ile beslenmişlerdir. Her üretim döneminde bitkilerin vegetatif ve generatif gelişme özellikleri ile verim özellikleri saptanmış, meyve kalitesi ile- 118 - ilgili analizler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca yaprakların besin elementleri içeriği, tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 6 Aralık 1988, ilkbahar döneminde 16 ve 30 Nisan 1990 tarihlerinde alınan örneklerde tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular aşağıda özetlenmektedir. 1.Agregatların 1. salkım yüksekliği üzerine etkileri, tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde önemli, sonbahar ve ilkbahar dönemlerinde önemsiz olmuştur. 2.Tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde, 2.-3., 3.-4., ve 4.-5. salkımlar arası mesafelere agregatlann etkilerinin farklı olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonbahar ve ilkbahar yetiştiriciliklerinde, bitkilerde bulunan 1.-2. ve 2.-3. salkımlar arası mesafelere agregatlann etkisi ; sonbahar yetiştiriciliğinde önemli, ilkbahar yetiştiriciliğinde önemsiz olmuştur. 3.Agregatlar 1. salkıma kadar olan ve salkımlar arasında bulunan yaprak sayılarım ; tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 6.-7. salkımlar arasında bulunan yaprak sayıları dışında ; etkilememişler¬ dir. 4.Tek ürün ve ilkbahar yetiştiriciliklerinde 1:1 torf-kum, sonbahar döneminde çürümüş kızılcam kabundaki bitkilerin gövdeleri en kalın gelişmiştir. 5.Üç yetiştirme döneminde de 3:1 kaba talaş-perlitteki bitkilerin kökleri en uzun, volkanik curuftakilerin en kısa olmuştur. 6.Kök yaş ağırlığı üzerine agregatlann etkisi ; tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde önemli, diğer dönemlerde önemsiz olmuştur. 7.Agregatlar tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 4.,6.,7. ve 9. salkımlarda bulunan çiçek sayılarını etkilemişlerdir. 8.Tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde l.,3.,4. ve 6., sonbahar ve ilkbahar yetiştiriciliklerinde 1. salkımda bulunan meyve sayıları, kullanılan ortama bağlı olarak farklılık göstermişlerdir. 9.Salkımlarda bulunan çiçeklerin meyveye dönüşüm oranına agregatlann etkisi ; tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde 1.,2.,3.,4.,7.,9.- 119 - ve 10., sonbaharda 1., ilkbaharda 1. ve 2. salkımlarda istatistiki önem düzeyinde olmuştur. 10. Tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde, toplam verim 1:1 torf-kumdaki bitkilerde en yüksek, 3:1 ince talaş-perlitte en düşük, toplam meyve sayısı perlit ve 1:1 perlit-kumda en yüksek, çürümüş kızılcam kabuğunda en düşük olmuştur. Sonbahar ve ilkbahar yetiştiricilikle¬ rinde bu özellikler yönünden agregatlar arasında fark çıkmamıştır. Sonbahar + ilkbahar yetiştiriciliğinin tek üründen daha uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır. 1.1. Kumul ati f verim ve meyve sayısına agregatların etkisi tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde önemli olmuştur. Sonbahar yetiştiriciliğinde hasat döneminin ortalarında önemli hale gelerek sonra farksız olmuş, ilkbaharda ise ilk haftalarda önemli olmuşsa da sonra etkileri kalmamıştır. 12. Tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde, hasat edilen meyvelerden 1. sınıfa girenlerin oranı çürümüş kızılcam kabuğunda en yüksek olmuştur. 13.Agregatları n meyve sertliği, toplam suda çözünebilir maddeler, titre edilebilir asitlik, meyve suyunda pH ve vitamin C üzerine etkileri farklı olmamıştır. 14.Yaprak örneklerinde besin elemetleri yeterli düzeylerde bulunmuştur, bununla birlikte agregatlara bağlı bazı farklılıkların olduğu saptanmıştır
Turkey for soilless culture in tomato growing was carried out between 1988 and: 1990 at the glas- shouses of Department of Horticulture at Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture. During 3 different growing periods (long-term, autumn and spring seasons), heating was applied only to protect the plants from frost. Tomato cultivars "Carpy" and "Dario" were used in long and short season crop productions, respectively. The aggregates, (1) perlite, (2) 1:1 perlite-sand, (3) 1:1 peat-sand, (4) sand, (5) lava rock, (6) 3:1 savvdust-perlite, (7) 3:1 shavings-perlite, (8) decomposed pine (Pinus brutia) bark, (9) 1:1 pine (Pinus-brutia) bark-perlite, (10) 1:1 pine (Pinus nigra) bark-perlite were compared according to the "randomized blocks" experimental design as four replicates. The sowing, transplanting and planting dates were as follows in every growing season. Dates Growing periods11Sowing Transplanting Planting Long - terrn September l, 1988 Septecuber 19, 1988 October 14, 1988 Autumn July 20, 1989 July 31, 1989 August 29,1989 Spring Januory 3, 1990 February l, 1990 March 20, 1990 The experiments were set up according to the "trough culture". Seedlings raised in 1:1 peat-perlite mixture were planted in beds of 80 cm width as double rows with in row spaces of 62.5 cm in long- season and 22.5 cm in the autumn and spring seasons. The plants were pruned above the lOth and 3rd trusses in the long and short seasons,- 121 - respectively. They were fed by complete nutrient solution given daily according to the solar radiation via drip irrigation system. in ali of the trials, yield, vegetative and generative growth characteristics were determined and some analyses related to fruit quality were done. Leaf nutritive elements were determined in leaf samples taken from each medium on December 6, 1989 and April 16-30, 1990 in long and spring season crop productions, respectively. The results obtained are summarized below: 1.The aggregates were effective on the height of the first cluster during the long-season crop production. was found that the aggregates were effective on the distances between the 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th clusters in the long season crop production. The distances betvueen the ist and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd clusters were statistically significant in the autumn season whereas there were no marked differences in the spring season. 3.Aggregates had no effect on the number of leaves up to the first cluster and between the clusters except the 6th and 7th clusters in the long season. 4.The thickest stems were obtained from the plants raised in 1:1 peat-sand and decomposed pine bark in long and spring season crop production, respectively. ali of the growing seasons, root length of the plants was the highest in 3:1 shavings-perlite and the shortest in lava rock. 6.The effects of aggregates on root fresh weight were sig¬ nificant in long term but insignificant for the other seasons. the long season crop production, the number of flovvers at the 4th, 6th, 7th and 9th clusters were affected by the aggregates. 8.The number of fruits at the ist, 3rd, 4th and 6th clusters were changed according to the aggregates in long-term, whereas only the basal most öne was affected in short seasons. 9.The ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th and lOth clusters showed statistically significant differences in respect to the ratio of- 122 - fruit set of each cluster (%) in the long-term, ist cluster in the autumn, ist and 2rıd clusters in the spring seasons. the long-season crop production the plants raised in 1:1 peat-sand gave the best resul t in respect to the total yi el d on the other hand, 3:1 sawdust-per1ite was the poorest öne. The highest total harvested fruit number was obtained from perlite and 1:1 perlite-sand whereas decomposed pine bark gave the lowest. However, there were not any statistically significant differen- ces among the aggregates in respect to these charecteristics in the auturnn and spring seasons. it was concluded that the autumn plus spring production would be more suitable compared to long-term crop production. 11.The aggregates affected cumulative yi el d and fruit number significantly in the long-term crop production. During the autumn and spring, these characteristics were also significant only at the middle and at the beginning of the harvest seasons, respectively. the long-term crop production, the highest ratio of fruits classified as first class was obtained from decomposed pine bark. 13.Aggregates had no effect on fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH of the fruit juice and vitamin C content. was found that nutritive elements of the leaf samples were at an adepuate l eve! but some differences were determined depending on the aggregates.
Turkey for soilless culture in tomato growing was carried out between 1988 and: 1990 at the glas- shouses of Department of Horticulture at Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture. During 3 different growing periods (long-term, autumn and spring seasons), heating was applied only to protect the plants from frost. Tomato cultivars "Carpy" and "Dario" were used in long and short season crop productions, respectively. The aggregates, (1) perlite, (2) 1:1 perlite-sand, (3) 1:1 peat-sand, (4) sand, (5) lava rock, (6) 3:1 savvdust-perlite, (7) 3:1 shavings-perlite, (8) decomposed pine (Pinus brutia) bark, (9) 1:1 pine (Pinus-brutia) bark-perlite, (10) 1:1 pine (Pinus nigra) bark-perlite were compared according to the "randomized blocks" experimental design as four replicates. The sowing, transplanting and planting dates were as follows in every growing season. Dates Growing periods11Sowing Transplanting Planting Long - terrn September l, 1988 Septecuber 19, 1988 October 14, 1988 Autumn July 20, 1989 July 31, 1989 August 29,1989 Spring Januory 3, 1990 February l, 1990 March 20, 1990 The experiments were set up according to the "trough culture". Seedlings raised in 1:1 peat-perlite mixture were planted in beds of 80 cm width as double rows with in row spaces of 62.5 cm in long- season and 22.5 cm in the autumn and spring seasons. The plants were pruned above the lOth and 3rd trusses in the long and short seasons,- 121 - respectively. They were fed by complete nutrient solution given daily according to the solar radiation via drip irrigation system. in ali of the trials, yield, vegetative and generative growth characteristics were determined and some analyses related to fruit quality were done. Leaf nutritive elements were determined in leaf samples taken from each medium on December 6, 1989 and April 16-30, 1990 in long and spring season crop productions, respectively. The results obtained are summarized below: 1.The aggregates were effective on the height of the first cluster during the long-season crop production. was found that the aggregates were effective on the distances between the 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th clusters in the long season crop production. The distances betvueen the ist and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd clusters were statistically significant in the autumn season whereas there were no marked differences in the spring season. 3.Aggregates had no effect on the number of leaves up to the first cluster and between the clusters except the 6th and 7th clusters in the long season. 4.The thickest stems were obtained from the plants raised in 1:1 peat-sand and decomposed pine bark in long and spring season crop production, respectively. ali of the growing seasons, root length of the plants was the highest in 3:1 shavings-perlite and the shortest in lava rock. 6.The effects of aggregates on root fresh weight were sig¬ nificant in long term but insignificant for the other seasons. the long season crop production, the number of flovvers at the 4th, 6th, 7th and 9th clusters were affected by the aggregates. 8.The number of fruits at the ist, 3rd, 4th and 6th clusters were changed according to the aggregates in long-term, whereas only the basal most öne was affected in short seasons. 9.The ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th and lOth clusters showed statistically significant differences in respect to the ratio of- 122 - fruit set of each cluster (%) in the long-term, ist cluster in the autumn, ist and 2rıd clusters in the spring seasons. the long-season crop production the plants raised in 1:1 peat-sand gave the best resul t in respect to the total yi el d on the other hand, 3:1 sawdust-per1ite was the poorest öne. The highest total harvested fruit number was obtained from perlite and 1:1 perlite-sand whereas decomposed pine bark gave the lowest. However, there were not any statistically significant differen- ces among the aggregates in respect to these charecteristics in the auturnn and spring seasons. it was concluded that the autumn plus spring production would be more suitable compared to long-term crop production. 11.The aggregates affected cumulative yi el d and fruit number significantly in the long-term crop production. During the autumn and spring, these characteristics were also significant only at the middle and at the beginning of the harvest seasons, respectively. the long-term crop production, the highest ratio of fruits classified as first class was obtained from decomposed pine bark. 13.Aggregates had no effect on fruit firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH of the fruit juice and vitamin C content. was found that nutritive elements of the leaf samples were at an adepuate l eve! but some differences were determined depending on the aggregates.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agrega, Aggregate, Domates, Tomato, Sebzeler, Vegetables, Seralar, Greenhouses, Topraksız kültür, Soilless culture