Ekonomik değerdeki bazı deniz alglerinin kimyasal içeriklerinin saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
154 7.ÖZET Çalışmamızda Ege Denizi' nin İzmir Körfezi kıyılarında yayılış gösteren ve ekonomik değere sahip yeşil, kahverengi ve kırmızı alglerden bazılarında gerekli kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Bu alglerin besin değerleri, hammadde ve gübre sanayinde kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre alglerin su, kül ve toplam protein ile eriyebilir karbonhidrat miktarları mevsimlere göre önemli değişimler göstermiştir. Kirliliğin olduğu yerlerde bulunan alglerin su miktarlarında azalmalar, toplam protein miktarlarında artmalar, kül ve suda eriyebilir karbonhidrat miktarlarında ise düzensiz değişimler saptanmıştır. Deniz florasının ve gıda zincirinin vazgeçilmez üyeleri olan aLgler, besinlerini bulundukları ortamdan özellikle çeşitli atıkların deşarj edildiği yerlerden sağlamaktadır. Böylece sularda bulunan ağır metalleri zorunlu olarak bünyelerine almaktadırlar. İzmir Körfezi, çevresinde yoğunlaşan nüfus ve sanayi kuruluşları nedeniyle, evsel ve endüstriyel atıklarla aşırı bir şekilde kirlenmektedir. Burada yayılış gösteren alglerin ağır metal miktarlarının araştırılması bize o çevredeki kirliliğin kantitatif boyutları hakkında önemli bilgiler vermektedir. Bu çalışmada aynı zamanda İzmir Körfezi' nden seçilen istasyonlarda yaşayan bazı yeşil, kahverengi ve kırmızı alglerde ağır metallerden Fe,Zn,Cu,Pb ve Cd'un birikim155 miktarları ile istasyonlara ve mevsimlere göre değişimleri de araştırılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre ağır metal konsantarsyonlarınm düzeyleri Ulva rigida, Dictyopteris membranacea, Cystoaeira barbata, C. compressa, Hypnea muscif ormis, Laurencla papulosa ve Acanthophora na j adi formi s ' in Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd, Enteromorpha linza, E. intestinalis, Codium tomentosum, Colpomenia ainuosa, Dictyota dichotoma, Stypocaulon scoparium, Gracilaria verrucosa ve Ir.oJbtusa'nm ise Fe>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd sırasını takip etmektedir
156 8. SUMMARY In this investigation, the chemical analyses of some economially important green, brown and red algae collected from İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea) had been carried out. The importance of these algae as nutritional material raw material for fertilizer industry and the other industriel field had been investigated as well. According to the results obtained from this research, the amount of water, ash, total protein and soluble carbohidrate were changed seasonally. Total water content of algae which were collected from polluted sites were low while amount of protein contained by these algae were higher although ash content and amount of soluble carbohidrate were changed in irregular mermer. The algae- which are essential compenents of food chain and marine flora had taken their nutritional material from their environment especially from the sites of various discharged effluents. Their metal contents are directhy related to the metal concentrations in the water. Also, İzmir Bay had been heavyly polluted by domestic and industriel pollution cones from the gradually increasly city population and developing of industry located arround it, therefore, investigation of heavy metal contents of algae may demonstrate the level of pollution in the Bay. For this purpose, some of the green, brown and red algae species had been collected from the several stations in izmir Bay had been analysed for the content of Fe, Zn,Cu,Pb,Cd considering with seasonal and locational variations.157 According to the results of heavy metal analyses of algae, the concentration of heavy metal had changed in ascending order as Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd in Ulva rigida, Dictyopteris membranacea, Cystoseira barbata, C. compresaa, Hypnea musci f ormis, Laurencia papulosa and Acanthophora najadiformia althought the order was Fe>Zn>Cu>Pk»Cd in Enteromorpha linza, E. intestinalis, Codium tomentosum, Colpomenia sinuosa, Dictyota dichotoma, Stypocaulon scoparium, Gracilaria verrucosa ve L.obtusa.
156 8. SUMMARY In this investigation, the chemical analyses of some economially important green, brown and red algae collected from İzmir Bay (Aegean Sea) had been carried out. The importance of these algae as nutritional material raw material for fertilizer industry and the other industriel field had been investigated as well. According to the results obtained from this research, the amount of water, ash, total protein and soluble carbohidrate were changed seasonally. Total water content of algae which were collected from polluted sites were low while amount of protein contained by these algae were higher although ash content and amount of soluble carbohidrate were changed in irregular mermer. The algae- which are essential compenents of food chain and marine flora had taken their nutritional material from their environment especially from the sites of various discharged effluents. Their metal contents are directhy related to the metal concentrations in the water. Also, İzmir Bay had been heavyly polluted by domestic and industriel pollution cones from the gradually increasly city population and developing of industry located arround it, therefore, investigation of heavy metal contents of algae may demonstrate the level of pollution in the Bay. For this purpose, some of the green, brown and red algae species had been collected from the several stations in izmir Bay had been analysed for the content of Fe, Zn,Cu,Pb,Cd considering with seasonal and locational variations.157 According to the results of heavy metal analyses of algae, the concentration of heavy metal had changed in ascending order as Fe>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd in Ulva rigida, Dictyopteris membranacea, Cystoseira barbata, C. compresaa, Hypnea musci f ormis, Laurencia papulosa and Acanthophora najadiformia althought the order was Fe>Zn>Cu>Pk»Cd in Enteromorpha linza, E. intestinalis, Codium tomentosum, Colpomenia sinuosa, Dictyota dichotoma, Stypocaulon scoparium, Gracilaria verrucosa ve L.obtusa.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Algler, Algae, Ağır metaller, Heavy metals, Bakır, Copper, Demir, Iron, Kadmiyum, Cadmium, Kurşun, Lead, Su ürünleri, Aquatic products, Çinko, Zinc, İzmir Körfezi, İzmir Bay