Soğan tohumlarında yaşlanma ve yaşlanmayla oluşan vigor kayıplarının iyileştirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Soğan Tohumlarında Yaşlanma ve Yaşlanmayla Oluşan Vigor Kayıplarının İyileştirilmesi Bu çalışmada, canlılığını kısa sürede kaybeden soğan tohumlarında farklı depo sıcaklığı ve tohum neminde depolanmasıyla zamana bağlı olarak meydana gelen metabolik esaslı değişimleri incelemek suretiyle yaşlanmanın seyrinin ortaya konması ve tohumlara uygulanacak bazı ön uygulamalarla yaşlanmanın kontrol edilip edilmeyeceğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla 5°C ve 30°C'de %6, %9 ve %12 nem içeriklerinde bir yıl depolanan Teksas Early Grano soğan çeşidi tohumlarında, çimlenme gücü, fide oluşum oranı, düşük sıcaklıkta sürme gücü, ortalama çimlenme zamanı, anormal fide oranı, tohumdan sızan maddeler yanısıra tohum proteinleri, depo yağ ve yağ asitleri ile şeker içeriklerindeki değişimler araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca aylık depolama sonunda, depolama koşullarına bağlı olarak kök ucu kromozom anormalliklerindeki değişim incelenmiştir. S°C sıcaklıkta depolanan her üç tohum nemine sahip tohumlarda, depolama süresince çimlenme ve fide oluşumunda önemli değişimler olmazken, 30°C'de depolananlarda tohum neminin artışıyla çimlenme ve fide oluşum oranı önemli oranda azalmıştır. %9 ve %12 nem içeriğindeki tohumlar sırasıyla, depolamanın 8. ve 3. ayından sonra canlılıklarım kaybetmişlerdir. Canlılık ve vigor (tohum gücü) kayıplarının olduğu yüksek sıcaklık ve tohum neminde depolanan tohumların protein ve şeker içerikleri de büyük oranda azalmıştır. 15 aylık depolama sonunda tohumun canlılığını sürdürebildiği koşullardan 30°C'de %6 nem içeriğindeki tohumlarda kromozom anormallikleri en fazla olmuştur. 5°C'de depolananlarda ise tohum neminin azalmasıyla kromozom anormallikleri artmıştır. Yaşlanmanın kontrol edilebilmesi için soğan tohumlarında farklı ön uygulamaların etkinliğinin araştırıldığı deneme sonunda, yaşlanma öncesi uygulamaların yaşlanma sonrası uygulamalara nazaran canlılık ve vigor kaybını azaltmada daha etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yaşlanma öncesi uygulamalardan ise 0.1M KNO3 ve 0.1M KH2PO4 uygulamalarının, yaşlanmayı kontrol etmede en çok etkide bulunduğu saptanmıştır.Depolama öncesi her iki potasyum tuzu uygulamaları (KNO3 ve KH2PO4) kontrole nazaran tohumların şeker ve protein içeriğini arttırmıştır. Ayrıca depolama süresince protein içeriğindeki azalma, bu uygulamalarla daha az oranda olmuştur. 5°C'de depolananlarda potasyum tuzu uygulamalarının çimlenme ve fide oluşumunu arttırıcı etkileri görülmezken, 30°C'de %9 ve %12 nem içeriğindeki tohumlarda pozitif etkide bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca tüm depolama koşullarında görülen kromozom anormallikleri, potasyum uygulamalarıyla azaltılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: yaşlanma, soğan tohumu, fizyolojik ve metabolik değişimler, ön uygulama, yaşlanmanın kontrolü
Some Changes Related to Loss of Viability in Aged Onion Seed and Controlling of Ageing Process Using Priming Treatments The main objectives of this study were to clarify the ageing process in onion seeds, which are short lived, by investigation of some metabolic changes during storage at different temperatures and seed moisture contents and to determine the possibility of controlling the ageing process using some pre-treatments (priming) and hydration treatments. With this purpose, some physiological (germination rate, seedling growth, percentage of abnormal seedling and leakage of some solutes from seeds) and metabolic changes (total protein, lipid, fatty acids and sugar content) were investigated in onion seeds cv. Texas Early Grano stored for a year at various combinations of moisture content (6%, 9% and 12%) and temperature (5°C and 30°C). The decline of germination percentage and seedling growth were not statistically significant in onion seeds stored at 5°C. The increase of seed moisture content at 30°C decreased the percentage of germination and seedling growth, significantly. In addition, seed possessing 9% andl2%moisture contents and held at 30°C lost their viability completely after 8 and 3 months of storage, respectively. High storage temperature (30°C) and seed moisture content increased loss of viability and vigour, and decreased total protein and sugar contents in seed during ageing. Frequency of chromosome aberration in seeds stored at 6% moisture content and 30°C was the most The decrease of seed moisture content at 5°C increased the chromosome aberration. As a result of different pre-treatments which were applied onion seeds before end after ageing, it was found that some pre-treatments, especially 0.1M KNO3 and 0.1M KH2PO4 pre-storage treatments delayed loss of viability due to ageing, but all post-storage pre-treatments had no effect on viability. KNO3 and KH2PO4 treatments before storage increased the total protein and sugar content of seeds compared to control. In addition, the decrease in the protein content during storage was comparatively slowerin the potassium treated seeds. Potassium treatments in seeds stored at 5°C had no effect on germination and seedling growth, while these treatments were found to have positive effect in seeds at 9% and 12% moisture content and 30°C. Chromosomal aberrations were decreased by potassium treatments under all storage conditions after 15 months of storage. Key Words: ageing, onion seed, physiological and metabolic changes, pre-treatments, control of ageing.
Some Changes Related to Loss of Viability in Aged Onion Seed and Controlling of Ageing Process Using Priming Treatments The main objectives of this study were to clarify the ageing process in onion seeds, which are short lived, by investigation of some metabolic changes during storage at different temperatures and seed moisture contents and to determine the possibility of controlling the ageing process using some pre-treatments (priming) and hydration treatments. With this purpose, some physiological (germination rate, seedling growth, percentage of abnormal seedling and leakage of some solutes from seeds) and metabolic changes (total protein, lipid, fatty acids and sugar content) were investigated in onion seeds cv. Texas Early Grano stored for a year at various combinations of moisture content (6%, 9% and 12%) and temperature (5°C and 30°C). The decline of germination percentage and seedling growth were not statistically significant in onion seeds stored at 5°C. The increase of seed moisture content at 30°C decreased the percentage of germination and seedling growth, significantly. In addition, seed possessing 9% andl2%moisture contents and held at 30°C lost their viability completely after 8 and 3 months of storage, respectively. High storage temperature (30°C) and seed moisture content increased loss of viability and vigour, and decreased total protein and sugar contents in seed during ageing. Frequency of chromosome aberration in seeds stored at 6% moisture content and 30°C was the most The decrease of seed moisture content at 5°C increased the chromosome aberration. As a result of different pre-treatments which were applied onion seeds before end after ageing, it was found that some pre-treatments, especially 0.1M KNO3 and 0.1M KH2PO4 pre-storage treatments delayed loss of viability due to ageing, but all post-storage pre-treatments had no effect on viability. KNO3 and KH2PO4 treatments before storage increased the total protein and sugar content of seeds compared to control. In addition, the decrease in the protein content during storage was comparatively slowerin the potassium treated seeds. Potassium treatments in seeds stored at 5°C had no effect on germination and seedling growth, while these treatments were found to have positive effect in seeds at 9% and 12% moisture content and 30°C. Chromosomal aberrations were decreased by potassium treatments under all storage conditions after 15 months of storage. Key Words: ageing, onion seed, physiological and metabolic changes, pre-treatments, control of ageing.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bahçe bitkileri, Horticultural crops, Soğan, Onion, Tohumlar, Seeds