Şizofrenik bozukluğu olan bireylerin ve yakınlarının sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Şizofreni hastalarının ve yakınlarının şizofreni, tedavisi ve onunla yaşama konularında bilgilendirilmeleri ve eğitilmeleri, hastalıkla baş etmede son derece önemlidir. Hasta ve hasta yakınlarının verilecek olan sağlık eğitiminden en iyi şekilde yarar görebilmesi, öncelikle onların sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerinin saptanmasına bağlıdır. Bu çalışma, şizofrenik bozukluğu olan bireylerin ve onların yakınlarının sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel bir çalışma olarak yapılmıştır. Ege Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Psikiyatri Ana Bilim Dalı, Genel Polikliniği ve Psikoz Birimine 01.07.2001 - 31.10.2001 tarihleri arasında başvuran hastalar araştırmanın evrenini, bu evrenden sınırlamalara uyularak belirlenen 80 hasta ve 80 hasta yakını araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri, Hastaları Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu, Hasta Yakınlarını Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu ve Sağlık Eğitimi Gereksinimlerini Değerlendirme Formu ile gerekli olan izinler alındıktan sonra, Psikiyatri Genel Polikliniği ve Psikoz Biriminde ayaktan tedavi olan hastalara ve onların yakınlarına uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Anket formları hasta ve hasta yakınlarına bizzat araştırmacı tarafından uygulanmıştır. Sağlık Eğitimi Gereksinimlerini Değerlendirme Formu uzman görüşüne sunularak içerik geçerliği sağlanmıştır. Yapılan faktör analizinde, hasta ve hasta yakınları için 6 faktör belirlenmiş, faktör yükleri 0.464 ve 0.841 arasında bulunmuştur. Formun Cronbach Alpha güvenirlik katsayısı r=0.95'tir. Formun her maddesini güvenirlik açısından sınamak için madde analizi yapılmış, elde edilen r değerleri 0.451 ve 0.742 arasında bulunmuştur. Araştırmada veriler, sayı ve yüzde dağılımı, varyans analizi, t testi, stepwise discriminant analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde; hasta ve hasta yakınlarının sağlık eğitimi gereksinimleri 6 boyut altında incelenmiştir.Hastaların sağlık eğitimine en fazla gereksinim duydukları boyutların, şizofreni hakkında genel bilgiler, şizofreni belirtileri ile baş etme, iletişim ve sosyal ilişkiler olduğu saptanmıştır. Hastaların sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerinin yaş gruplarına, cinsiyetlerine, medeni durumlarına, aile tiplerine, eğitim düzeylerine, hastalık sürelerine, hastaneye yatış sayılarına, dernek ya da grup üyesi olma durumlarına ve hastalık ile ilgili eğitim alma durumlarına göre değişmediği belirlenmiştir. Hastaların sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerinin çalışma durumlarına, gelir düzeylerine ve en uzun süre yaşadıkları yerlere göre değiştiği bulunmuştur. Hasta yakınlarının sağlık eğitimine en fazla gereksinim duydukları boyutların, şizofreni hakkında genel bilgiler, iletişim ve sosyal ilişkiler, şizofreni belirtileri ile baş etme, iş bulma ve çalışma durumları olduğu saptanmıştır. Hasta yakınlarının sağlık eğitimi gereksinimlerinin yaş gruplarına, cinsiyetlerine ve en uzun süre yaşadıkları yerlere göre farklılık göstermediği saptanmıştır. Hastaların sağlık eğitimi gereksinimleri medeni durumlarına, yakınlık derecelerine, eğitim düzeylerine, mesleklerine, gelir düzeylerine, dernek ya da grup üyesi olma durumlarına ve hastalık ile ilgili eğitim alma durumlarına göre faklılık göstermiştir. Araştırmada bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur. 140
SUMMARY For coping with schizophrenia, it is very important to inform the patients and their relatives about schizophrenia, its treatment and living with it. For the patients and their relatives, providing maximum benefit about health education is dependent on determining their requirements for disease information. This study was designed to determine the health information requirements of the schizophrenia patients and their relatives. The present study was designed as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The base of the study were the patients who admitted to Psychiatry Department of Ege University and its psychosis section between June.0 1.2001 and October.3 1.2001. The excluding criteria were applied to these patients and then 80 patients who providing these criteria and their 80 relatives were selected as the study (sampling) group. After required permissions and confirmations were collected the study data, Identity Forms introducing the patients and their relatives, Health Education Requirements Evaluation Form were applied to the patients of study group and their relatives. Interview forms were applied to the study group by the observer herself. Content validation of the Health Education Requirements Form was confirmed by the opinions of a specialist on schizophrenia topic. Six factors were determined for the patients and their relatives by factor analysis; and factor loads were calculated to be between 0,464 and 0,84 1. Cronbach alpha confidence co efficient of the form is r = 0,95. Item analysis was performed to determine the confidence level of each item and as a result of this calculation, r values were calculated to be between 0,451 and 0,742. In the study the number and percent distribution, variant analysis and t test were all evaluated by stepwise discrimination analysis. 141With the evaluation of the results of the study, health education requirements of the patients and their relatives was divided into six different heading. General information about schizophrenia, coping with schizophrenia, communication and social relations were determined to be main topics about health education. Health education requirements weren't determined to be affected by the following characteristics of the patients : Age and sexual groups, marital status, family types, education level, disease duration, duration and number of hospitalization, whether they are a member of a society or a group and finally whether they have been informed about schizophrenia. Occupational characteristics, income levels and the location where they have lived for most of their lifes were determined to be the factors affecting health education requirements. General information about schizophrenia, communication and social relations, coping with the manifestations and findings of schizophrenia, finding a occupation and occupational characteristics were the heading that the relatives of the patients were requiring most. Health education requirements of the relatives of the patients were not affected by the age and sex groups and the location where they have lived for the most of their life. Health education requirement of the patients were affected by the marital status, closeness and educational level, their occupation, income level of the patients and whether they are a member of a society or a group and finally whether they have been informed about the schizophrenia disease. Several suggestions were made according to the results of this study. 142
SUMMARY For coping with schizophrenia, it is very important to inform the patients and their relatives about schizophrenia, its treatment and living with it. For the patients and their relatives, providing maximum benefit about health education is dependent on determining their requirements for disease information. This study was designed to determine the health information requirements of the schizophrenia patients and their relatives. The present study was designed as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The base of the study were the patients who admitted to Psychiatry Department of Ege University and its psychosis section between June.0 1.2001 and October.3 1.2001. The excluding criteria were applied to these patients and then 80 patients who providing these criteria and their 80 relatives were selected as the study (sampling) group. After required permissions and confirmations were collected the study data, Identity Forms introducing the patients and their relatives, Health Education Requirements Evaluation Form were applied to the patients of study group and their relatives. Interview forms were applied to the study group by the observer herself. Content validation of the Health Education Requirements Form was confirmed by the opinions of a specialist on schizophrenia topic. Six factors were determined for the patients and their relatives by factor analysis; and factor loads were calculated to be between 0,464 and 0,84 1. Cronbach alpha confidence co efficient of the form is r = 0,95. Item analysis was performed to determine the confidence level of each item and as a result of this calculation, r values were calculated to be between 0,451 and 0,742. In the study the number and percent distribution, variant analysis and t test were all evaluated by stepwise discrimination analysis. 141With the evaluation of the results of the study, health education requirements of the patients and their relatives was divided into six different heading. General information about schizophrenia, coping with schizophrenia, communication and social relations were determined to be main topics about health education. Health education requirements weren't determined to be affected by the following characteristics of the patients : Age and sexual groups, marital status, family types, education level, disease duration, duration and number of hospitalization, whether they are a member of a society or a group and finally whether they have been informed about schizophrenia. Occupational characteristics, income levels and the location where they have lived for most of their lifes were determined to be the factors affecting health education requirements. General information about schizophrenia, communication and social relations, coping with the manifestations and findings of schizophrenia, finding a occupation and occupational characteristics were the heading that the relatives of the patients were requiring most. Health education requirements of the relatives of the patients were not affected by the age and sex groups and the location where they have lived for the most of their life. Health education requirement of the patients were affected by the marital status, closeness and educational level, their occupation, income level of the patients and whether they are a member of a society or a group and finally whether they have been informed about the schizophrenia disease. Several suggestions were made according to the results of this study. 142
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing