Elvan-ı Şirazi'nin Güşen-i Raz Tercümesi: İnceleme, metin
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Ege Üniversitesi
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İran'ın meşhur mistik filozoflarından veya teosoflarmdan olan Mahmud Şebüsteri'nin kaleme aldığı Gûlşen-i Râz hem İbni Arabi'nin fikirlerinin geniş bir kitleye ulaşmasını sağlaması hem de tasavvufun geleneksel ders kitaplarından ya da bir başka deyişle temel kitaplarından birisi olması bakımından çok önemli bir eserdir. İnsan-ı kâmil, manevi gelişimin aşamaları, tasavvuf terminolojisi gibi konulan işleyen bu eserin yazıldığı tarihten itibaren bir çok dile tabiatıyla Türkçe'ye de tercümeleri yapılmıştır. Bunlardan bir tanesi ve en başarılısı ondördûncü yüzyılın sonlan ile onbeşinci yüzyılın başlarında yaşamış Şeyh Elvân-ı Şirâzi'nin yaptığı ve 829 H71425-1426 tarihinde n. Murad'a sunduğu man zum tercümedir. Aslının üç katı hacme ulaşan bu telif-tercüme eser tasavvuf ehlini aydınlatmak maksadıyla yazıldığı için büyük ilgi görmüş ve çok okunmuştur. Gülşen-i Râz Tercümesi'nin yurtiçinde 39 yurtdışında ise 11 nüshası tesbit edilmiştir. Tasavvuf edebiyatının kökleşmesinde önemli bir yeri olan söz konusu telif- tercüme Türk edebiyatında tasavvufun ana kaynaklarından biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu doktora çalışmasında Şirâzi'nin Gûlşen-i Râz Tercümesi edebi yönden incelenmiş, eserde geçen dini-tasavvufi terimler ele alınmış ve eserin edisyon kritikli metni verilmiştir
Gûlşen-i Râz which was written by Mahmud Şebüsteri who is Iran's one of the famous mystic philosopher and theosophist is a very important work because of both its enabling to reach İbni Arabi' s thoughts to masses and its being one of the mysticisms' traditional school books or fundamental works. This work, which elaborates subjects like maturity of man, spiritual developmental process and terminology of mysticism, has been translated in to many languages, naturally to Turkish too. The most successful in its Turkish translations is the one which was translated in verse and presented to Murad II in 1426 by Şeyh Elvân-ı Şirazi who lived at the end of tiie fourteenth century and at the beginning of the fifteenth century. This translation, which has become three times larger in volume than the original work has taken the attention and widely read since it had been written to enlighten the mystics. 39 copies in the country and 11 copies in abroad of the translation of Gûlşen-i Râz were determined. It is considered as one of the main sources of mysticism in Turkish literature. In this Ph.D dissertation, the literary elements, and the religious- mystical terminology are elaborated and the edition critique text is given.
Gûlşen-i Râz which was written by Mahmud Şebüsteri who is Iran's one of the famous mystic philosopher and theosophist is a very important work because of both its enabling to reach İbni Arabi' s thoughts to masses and its being one of the mysticisms' traditional school books or fundamental works. This work, which elaborates subjects like maturity of man, spiritual developmental process and terminology of mysticism, has been translated in to many languages, naturally to Turkish too. The most successful in its Turkish translations is the one which was translated in verse and presented to Murad II in 1426 by Şeyh Elvân-ı Şirazi who lived at the end of tiie fourteenth century and at the beginning of the fifteenth century. This translation, which has become three times larger in volume than the original work has taken the attention and widely read since it had been written to enlighten the mystics. 39 copies in the country and 11 copies in abroad of the translation of Gûlşen-i Râz were determined. It is considered as one of the main sources of mysticism in Turkish literature. In this Ph.D dissertation, the literary elements, and the religious- mystical terminology are elaborated and the edition critique text is given.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Elvan-ı Şirazi, Elvan-ı Şirazi, Gülşen-i Raz, Gülşen-i Raz, Tasavvuf, Mystic