Kanda askorbik asit tayininde iki spektrofotometrik yöntemin karşılaştırılması
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
70 ÖZET Bu çalışmada, plazma askorbik asit tayinlerinde kullanılan iki ayrı yöntem olan redoks reaksiyonu içeren 2,6 - DCIP yöntemi ile türev oluşturma reaksiyonuna dayalı 2,4 - DNPH yöntemleri kullanılarak karşılaştırmalı plazma askorbik asit tayinleri yapılmıştır, Bu amaçla üç farklı deney grubu oluşturularak plazmadaki normal, artmış ve azalmış askorbik asit düzeyleri paralel bir şekilde her iki yöntemle ayrı ayrı belirlenmiştir. Sigara içmeyen ve herhangi bir ilaç kullanmayan sağlıklı kişilerin oluşturduğu kontrol grubunda DNPH yöntemine göre ortala ma plazma askorbik asit düzeyleri 0.315 ± 0.024 mg/100ml, DCIP yön temine göre ise 0.452 ±0.039 mg/lOOml olarak bulunmuştur. 1 g C vitamini verilen bireylerde yapılan tayinlerde ortala ma plazma askorbik asit düzeyleri DNPH yöntemine göre 0.472 ± 0.031 mg/100ml. DCIP yöntemine göre 0.894 ±0.041 mg/100ml bulun muştur. Sigara içme alışkanlığı olan kişilerde yapılan tayinlerde ise71 DNPH yöntemine göre ortalama 0.226 ± 0.024 mg/100ml. DCIP yön temine göre 0.283+0.031 mg/100ml bulunmuştur. Ölçümler sonunda elde edilen değerlerin, iki yöntem için anlamlı derecede farklı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Her iki yöntemin de olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri olduğu göz önüne alınarak aradaki bu farklılığın analitik işlemler ve metodoloji değişikliğinden kaynaklandığı sonucuna varılmıştır
72 SUMMARY Two different methods which are widely used in plasma ascorbic acid determinations, the 2,6 - DCIP method which depends on redox reaction and the 2,4 - DNPH method that depends on derivate formation were used in the present study and plasma as corbic acid levels were determined comparatively. In consistent to the aim of the study three separate expe riment groups were formed and the normal, increased and decrea sed plasma ascorbic acid levels were determined by the two diffe rent methods simultaneously. In the control group that was formed from non - smokers and who did not take any medicine, mean plasma % ascorbic acid levels were found to be 0.315 ±0.024 mg/lOOml by the DNPH method and 0.452 ± 0.039 mg/ 100ml by the DCIP method. In the second group which received 1 g ascorbic acid, mean plasma % ascorbic acid levels were 0.472 ±0,031 mg/ 100ml and 0.894 ±0.041 mg/100ml by the DNPH and DCIP methods res pectively.73 In the smokers group, mean plasma % ascorbic acid le vels were found to be 0.226 ± 0.024 mg/lOOml by DNPH method and 0.283±0.031 mg/ 100ml by DCIP method. The results obtained from the measurments by DNPH and DCIP method were significantly different. Taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods used, the dfference observed at the results is thought to arise from the anali- tical procedures and methodologic difference.
72 SUMMARY Two different methods which are widely used in plasma ascorbic acid determinations, the 2,6 - DCIP method which depends on redox reaction and the 2,4 - DNPH method that depends on derivate formation were used in the present study and plasma as corbic acid levels were determined comparatively. In consistent to the aim of the study three separate expe riment groups were formed and the normal, increased and decrea sed plasma ascorbic acid levels were determined by the two diffe rent methods simultaneously. In the control group that was formed from non - smokers and who did not take any medicine, mean plasma % ascorbic acid levels were found to be 0.315 ±0.024 mg/lOOml by the DNPH method and 0.452 ± 0.039 mg/ 100ml by the DCIP method. In the second group which received 1 g ascorbic acid, mean plasma % ascorbic acid levels were 0.472 ±0,031 mg/ 100ml and 0.894 ±0.041 mg/100ml by the DNPH and DCIP methods res pectively.73 In the smokers group, mean plasma % ascorbic acid le vels were found to be 0.226 ± 0.024 mg/lOOml by DNPH method and 0.283±0.031 mg/ 100ml by DCIP method. The results obtained from the measurments by DNPH and DCIP method were significantly different. Taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods used, the dfference observed at the results is thought to arise from the anali- tical procedures and methodologic difference.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Askorbik asit, Ascorbic acid, Kan, Blood, Spektrofotometri, Spectrophotometry