Ege bölgesi halkevi dergilerindeki edebi ve kültürel muhteva üzerine bir inceleme
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Resmen 19 Şubat 1932'de açılan halkevleri, yan resmî bir yaygın eğitim kurumudur. Halkevleri çalışmaları 1932-1951 tarihleri arasında dönemin tek partisi olan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin parti programındaki ilkeleri doğrultusunda yürütülmüştür. İlk kurulduğu zaman 14 vilâyette çalışmalarına başlayan halkevlerinin sayısı 1951'de 478'e yükselmiştir. Halkevleri kurulurken yurt içinde ve yurt dışında benzer çalışmalar yürüten pek çok teşkilât incelenmiş fakat hiç biri taklit edilmemiştir. Bu kurumlar teşkilât yapısı ve çalışma programı bakımından tamamen millîdir ve orijinaldir. Ege bölgesinde 79 halkevi kurulmuştur. Bu rakam, halkevlerinin Ege'de diğer bölgelere göre daha yaygın bir şekilde teşkilâtlandığını gösterir. Ege bölgesindeki halkevleri 9 ayrı adla dergi yayımlamıştın Fikirler (İzmir Halkevi), Güzel Günler (İzmir Halkevi), Yeni Doğuş (Manisa Halkevi), Yeni Milas (Milas Halkevi), Muğla (Muğla Halkevi), İnanç (Denizli Halkevi), Gediz (Manisa Halkevi), Ocak (Urla Halkevi) ve Küçük Menderes (Tire Halkevi) bölgede çıkan halkevi dergileridir. Bilhassa Fikirler, İnanç ve Gediz Türkiye genelinde tanınmış önemli süreli yayınlardır. Bölgede yayımlanan halkevi dergileri zengin bir edebî muhtevaya sahiptir. Dergilerde şiir, hikâye, roman, tiyatro, deneme, hatıra, gezi yazısı ve röportaj türünde pek çok yazı yayımlanmıştır. Şiirler temalarına göre, inkılâp şiirleri, memleket şiirleri, gurbet şiirleri, tabiat şiirleri, dini, felsefî, mistik şiirler ve diğer temalarda yazılmış şiirler olmak üzere 7 grupta toplanabilir. Hikâyelerde aşk, aile, töre, millî savaş (Kurtuluş Savaşı), Türk inkılâbı, gurbet, yalnızlık ve gündelik hayata dair konular ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca dergilerde mensur şiir, deneme, mektup, hatıra, gezi yazısı ve röportaj türlerinde dikkate değer edebî eser vardır. Bu yazılar Türk kültür tarihine belirli açılardan ışık tutan değerli çalışmalardır. Kısaca Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk edebiyatına yön veren isimlerden bir kısmı bu dergiler etrafında oluşan kültür muhitlerinde yetişmişler ve eserlerinden bazılarım Ege bölgesi halkevi dergilerinde yayımlamışlardır. Fikirler dergisi edebî ve felsefî yazılar, Gediz yerel tarih incelemeleri, înanç ise folklor derlemeleri bakımından diğer dergilere göre daha zengindir. Halkevleri ve bu kurumların yayımladığı dergiler Cumhuriyet döneminde kültürel kalkınmaya yönelik kapsamlı bir hareketin başlatıldığını göstermektedir. Günümüz Türk kültür hayatından etkili olan pek çok bilim, kültür ve sanat adamı alanlarındaki ilk eğitimi halkevlerinden almışlar ve halkevi dergileri etrafından oluşan kültür çevrelerinden etkilenmişlerdir. Bu durum halkevlerinin önemli bir kültür kurumu olduğunu gösterir
ABSTRACT People's Houses which were officially opened on 19 February 1932 were semi-official cultural centers for public education. Activities of the People's Houses were conducted in accordance with the principals of the Rupublican People's Party which was the only political Party of the time between 1932-1951. When they were first founded, activities were held in 14 provinces and the number of the people's houses increased up to 478 by 1951. During the foundation of the People's Houses, many similar institutions at home and abroad were inspired, yet none of them was taken an example. People's Houses were national and original in terms of institutional construction and regulation. 79 People's Houses were estalished in Aegean Region. This number proves that the Heople's Houses were more widespread than the other regions. The People's Houses in Aegean region published journals under nine different titles: Fikirler (Izmir People's House), Güzel Günler (Izmir People's House), Yeni Doğuş (Manisa People's House), Yeni Milas (Milas People's House), Muğla (Muğla People's House), inanç (Denizli People's House), Gediz (Manisa People's House), Ocak (Urla People's House) and Küçük Menderes (Tire People's House) were the journals published in the region. Especially Fikirler, inanç and Gediz were the most known serial journals in Turkey. These journals have a rich literary contend. These journals include poems, stories, novel, theatrical works, essays, memoirs, travel accounts and intervievs. According to themas, the poems can be categorized in seven titles such as: revolution poems, home town poems, gurbet poems (absence from home), poems of nature, religions philolophical and mystic poems, and other themes that handle daily life. The stories mostly include the folloving themes: Love, family, tradations, national wars, Turkish revolution, lonelines, and daily life. Apart from these, in the journals there are prominent works which were writen as mensur şiir (prose in rhymed verse), essays, letters, memoirs, travel accounts and interviews. These writings are precious works which shed light on the Turkish cultural history from a certain point of view. In conclusion some of the names that led the Republican period Turkish literature grew up in circles of cultural surroundings of these journals and published some of their works in the journals of Aegean region Heople's Houses. In terms of literary and philosophical writings Fikirler, local historical researches Gediz, folklore combilation inanç were more specialized in comparison to other journals. The People's Houses and theirjournals demonstrate that a comprehensive movement began to develop a cultural growth in the Republican Period. Many of the man of science, culture and art who are influencial an today's cultural life have taken their first education from the People's Houses and have been influenced by the cultural atmosphere around the journals of the people's houses. This indicates that the People's Houses are very important cultural institutions.
ABSTRACT People's Houses which were officially opened on 19 February 1932 were semi-official cultural centers for public education. Activities of the People's Houses were conducted in accordance with the principals of the Rupublican People's Party which was the only political Party of the time between 1932-1951. When they were first founded, activities were held in 14 provinces and the number of the people's houses increased up to 478 by 1951. During the foundation of the People's Houses, many similar institutions at home and abroad were inspired, yet none of them was taken an example. People's Houses were national and original in terms of institutional construction and regulation. 79 People's Houses were estalished in Aegean Region. This number proves that the Heople's Houses were more widespread than the other regions. The People's Houses in Aegean region published journals under nine different titles: Fikirler (Izmir People's House), Güzel Günler (Izmir People's House), Yeni Doğuş (Manisa People's House), Yeni Milas (Milas People's House), Muğla (Muğla People's House), inanç (Denizli People's House), Gediz (Manisa People's House), Ocak (Urla People's House) and Küçük Menderes (Tire People's House) were the journals published in the region. Especially Fikirler, inanç and Gediz were the most known serial journals in Turkey. These journals have a rich literary contend. These journals include poems, stories, novel, theatrical works, essays, memoirs, travel accounts and intervievs. According to themas, the poems can be categorized in seven titles such as: revolution poems, home town poems, gurbet poems (absence from home), poems of nature, religions philolophical and mystic poems, and other themes that handle daily life. The stories mostly include the folloving themes: Love, family, tradations, national wars, Turkish revolution, lonelines, and daily life. Apart from these, in the journals there are prominent works which were writen as mensur şiir (prose in rhymed verse), essays, letters, memoirs, travel accounts and interviews. These writings are precious works which shed light on the Turkish cultural history from a certain point of view. In conclusion some of the names that led the Republican period Turkish literature grew up in circles of cultural surroundings of these journals and published some of their works in the journals of Aegean region Heople's Houses. In terms of literary and philosophical writings Fikirler, local historical researches Gediz, folklore combilation inanç were more specialized in comparison to other journals. The People's Houses and theirjournals demonstrate that a comprehensive movement began to develop a cultural growth in the Republican Period. Many of the man of science, culture and art who are influencial an today's cultural life have taken their first education from the People's Houses and have been influenced by the cultural atmosphere around the journals of the people's houses. This indicates that the People's Houses are very important cultural institutions.
Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Dergiler, Magazines, Edebi inceleme, Literary analysis, Ege bölgesi, Aegean region, Halkevleri, Community houses, Kültür, Culture