Pars Plana Vitrektomi Sonrasında Geç Dönemde Kapanan Evre III İdiyopatik Maküla Deliği
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Elli yedi yaşındaki kadın hasta kliniğimize sağ gözünde görme azalması yakınması ile başvurdu. Yapılan detaylı göz muayenesinde sağ gözde maküla deliği varlığı saptandı. Optik koherens tomografi (OKT) görüntüleme ile evre III tam kat maküla deliği varlığı doğrulandı. Tedavi için pars plana vitrektomiyi takiben uzun etkili gaz tamponad (C3F8) uygulandı. Cerrahiden 30 gün sonra klinik muayenede OKT görüntüsü ile doğrulanan persistan maküler delik saptandı. Hastaya tekrar operasyon planlanmasına rağmen hastaya ait kişisel sebeplerle cerrahi ertelendi. İlginç şekilde cerrahiden beş ay sonra maküler delik alanında, eşlik eden epiretinal membran ile birlikte kapanma paterni başladığı görüldü ve bu kapanma ilave girişim olmaksızın cerrahiden sekiz ay sonra tamamlandı. İlk cerrahi sonrasında kapanmayan maküla deliği olgularında, ikinci cerrahi uygulanamıyorsa, deliğin kendiliğinden kapanma olasılığı nedeniyle OKT ile izlem önerilir. Bununla birlikte cerrahiyi takiben sebat eden maküler deliğin kendiliğinden kapanması oldukça nadir bir durumdur. Dolayısıyla kapanmayan maküla deliklerinde erken tanı ve cerrahi müdahale öncelikli hedef olarak kalmalıdır
A 57-year-old female presented to our hospital with decreased vision in her right eye. Detailed ocular examination was performed, and a macular hole was detected in the right eye. the presence of a full-thickness stage III macular hole was confirmed with optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging. Pars plana vitrectomy followed by long-acting gas tamponade (C3F8) was performed as treatment. One month after surgery, clinical examination revealed a persistent macular hole, confirmed by an OCT scan. Although the patient was scheduled for reoperation, the surgery was postponed due to personal reasons of the patient. Surprisingly, after five months, a closure pattern with accompanying epiretinal membrane was observed in the macular hole area. the closure of the macular hole was completed without any further intervention 8 months post-surgery. in cases of unclosed macular hole after the first surgery, if a second surgery cannot be performed, follow-up with OCT recommended due to the possibility of spontaneous closure. However, spontaneous closure of a persistent macular hole following PPV is rare, so early diagnosis and surgical repair of unclosed macular holes must remain the primary goal
A 57-year-old female presented to our hospital with decreased vision in her right eye. Detailed ocular examination was performed, and a macular hole was detected in the right eye. the presence of a full-thickness stage III macular hole was confirmed with optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging. Pars plana vitrectomy followed by long-acting gas tamponade (C3F8) was performed as treatment. One month after surgery, clinical examination revealed a persistent macular hole, confirmed by an OCT scan. Although the patient was scheduled for reoperation, the surgery was postponed due to personal reasons of the patient. Surprisingly, after five months, a closure pattern with accompanying epiretinal membrane was observed in the macular hole area. the closure of the macular hole was completed without any further intervention 8 months post-surgery. in cases of unclosed macular hole after the first surgery, if a second surgery cannot be performed, follow-up with OCT recommended due to the possibility of spontaneous closure. However, spontaneous closure of a persistent macular hole following PPV is rare, so early diagnosis and surgical repair of unclosed macular holes must remain the primary goal
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