Pulpa kuafajında prime ve bond 2. 1 dentin bonding ile Kalsiyum Hidroksit'in etkilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi ve dişe bağlanmalarının SEM'de araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
113 ÖZET Direkt kuafaj tedavisinde, Ca(OH)2 preparatları yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ca(OH)2 preparatlarının, alkalen etkisi nedeniyle sınırlı bir nekroz oluşturması, dentin köprüsü oluşumunu uyarması ve antimikrobiyal etki göstermesi gibi avantajlarına rağmen, zamanla dolguların altında erimesi ve mikro sızıntıyı engelleyememesi gibi dezavantajları da mevcuttur. Bu dezavantajlarından dolayı direkt kuafajda kullanılabilecek daha uygun bir materyal arayışı içine girilmiştir. Son yıllarda direkt kuafaj gibi vital pulpa tedavilerinde, pulpada gözlenebilen enflamasyonun esas nedeninin, genellikle bakteriyel mikrosızıntı olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Kompozit rezinlerin altında kullanılan, diş sert dokularına bağlandıkları ve mikrosızıntıyı önledikleri bildirilen dentin bonding ajanların direkt kuafajda da kullanılabilirliği günümüzde tartışılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, en son geliştirilen ve tek aşamalı olduğu için kullanım kolaylığına sahip olan hibrid tabaka oluşturarak diş sert dokuları ile bağlandığı bildirilen Prime&Bond 2.1 dentin bonding ajanının direkt kuafajda kullanılmasının pulpaya olan etkileri ve Ca(OH)2'e bir alternatif olup olamayacağı araştırıldı. Çalışmamız üç aşamada gerçekleştirildi; a) Prime&Bond 2.1 ve Ca(OH)2'in pulpa üzerine etkisi, histopatolojik olarak koyun ve insan dişlerinde incelendi. Bu amaçla pulpalan perfore edilmiş 15 koyun ve 4 insan dişi Prime&Bond 2.1 ve 12 koyun ve 4 insan dişi Ca(OH)2 ile doğrudan örtülendi. Bonding ajan uygulanan grupta mine ve dentinin asitleme işlemleri sırasında pulpa, Ca(OH)2 ile örtüldü ve asitin yıkanması esnasında perfore pulpa üzerinden uzaklaştırıldı. Her iki grupta da dolgular TPH Hibrid Kompozit ile bitirildi. Daha sonra dişler, çekilerek histopatolojik olarak incelendi.114 b) Klinik olarak direkt kuafaj endikasyonu koyulmuş 40 adet 1. büyük azı dişine üç değişik uygulama yapıldı: Grup 1 : Prime& Bond 2.1+ TPH ( 17 diş ), Grup 2: Ca(OH)2 + Çinko oksit öjenol + Amalgam ( 14 diş ), Grup 3: Ca(OH)2 + Dycal + Prime& Bond 2.1+ TPH ( 9 diş ). Hastalar 1 hafta, 3, 6 ay, 1, 2 yıllık sürelerle periodik kontrollere çağrıldı. Yapılan kontrollerde klinik semptomlar, vitalite ve radyografiler değerlendirilerek tedavilerin başarılı olup olmadığına karar verildi. c) Prime&Bond 2.1 ve Ca(OH) 2'in (Dycal) dentine bağlanması 20 adet 3. azı dişinde; Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) ile incelendi. Histopatolojik incelemeler sonucunda, Prime&Bond 2.1 'in direkt kuafajda uygulanmasının, 7 günlük incelenmesi sonrası insan ve hayvan diş pulpalarında bazı enflamatuar reaksiyonlara neden olduğu, 90 günlük incelenmesi sonrası ise koyun pulpalarında geriye dönüşümü mümkün pulpa reaksiyonlarına neden olduğu gözlendi, tnsan dişlerinin 90 günlük incelemelerinde ise enflamatuar reaksiyonlar saptandı. Prime&Bond 2.1 koyun dişlerinde dentin köprüsü oluşumu saptanmasına rağmen az sayıda insan dişlerinde yapılan incelemede ise gözlenmedi. Ca(OH)2 uygulanan insan ve koyun dişlerinde ise 7 ve 90 günlük inceleme süresi sonrasında sadece perforasyon alanı ile sınırlı hafif enflamatuar olaylar ile, 90 günlük inceleme süresinde dentin köprüsü oluşumu gözlendi. Bonding ajanının, Ca(OH)2'e kıyasla kısa dönemli incelemede daha fazla reaksiyona neden olduğu, ancak pulpanın iyileşme potansiyeline bağlı olarak bunun tolere edilebilir düzeyde olduğu gözlendi. Klinik incelemede, Prime&Bond 2.1 ve kompozit (Grup 1) ile Ca(OH)2 ve amalgam (Grup 2) uygulanmış grupların arasında klinik başarı açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı gözlendi. Perfore pulpa üzerine Ca(OH)2 ve dentin bonding ajanın birlikte115 uygulanmasının (Grup 3) ise klinik başarı açısından istatistiksel olarak diğer tedavi grupları ile anlamlı bir fark yaratmadığı saptandı. SEM ile yapılan incelemelerde, Prime&Bond 2.1'in hibrid tabaka oluşturarak mineyi ve dentini sızdırmaz bir şekilde örttüğü, Ca(OH)2'in ise dişe yapışmadığı ve diş ile arasında 15-30 u. aralık meydana geldiği gözlendi. Prime&Bond 2.1'in direkt kuafajda kullanılmasının pulpada tolore edilebilir reaksiyonlara neden olmasına rağmen, histopatolojik olarak Ca(OH)2' ten daha üstün olmadığı saptandı. Klinik olarak ise her üç grup arasında başarı açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Bu sonuçlara dayanılarak, özellikle Prime&Bond 2.1'in direkt kuafajda kullanımının pulpa üzerine etkilerini araştırmak üzere uzun dönemli yeni çalışmalara gerek olduğu sonucuna varıldı
116 SUMMARY Ca(OH)2 preparations are used commonly in direct pulp capping. Despite their advantages of high pH which induce limited necrosis, stimulate dentin bridge formation and exhibit antimicrobial effects, they disintegrate under restorations with time and eventually can not provide a long- term seal against bacterial microleakage. Therefore, new capping materials have been searched for use in direct pulp capping. In recent years, it is believed that the primary cause of pulpal inflammation is bacterial microleakage. Dentin bonding agents which prevent microleakage by forming a hybrid layer have been investigated for being used as a direct pulp capping material. In our study, a 5th generation dentin bonding agent, Prime&Bond 2.1 (Caulk, Dentsply), which is a single bottle agent and provides an ease of use for the dentist, was investigated in direct pulp capping and pulpal effects were compared with Ca(OH)2. Our study was performed in three parts. a) The effects of Prime&Bond 2.1 and Ca(OH)2 on exposed pulps of sheep teeth and human premolars were examined histopathologically. Exposed pulps of 15 sheep lower incisors and 4 human premolars were capped with Prime&Bond 2.1. As a control group, 12 sheep lower incisors and 4 human premolars were capped with Ca(OH)2. Before the application of the dentin bonding agent, Ca(OH)2 was applied on the exposed pulp temporarily while acid etching of enamel and dentin, then washed away with acid. All of the cavities were restored with TPH Spectrum Hybrid composite resin (Caulk, Dentsply). Then, the teeth were extracted, prepared and evaluated histopathologically. b) In the clinical part of the study, direct pulp capping was performed on 40 first permanent molar teeth. Three different types of applications were performed. Group 1 : Prime& Bond 2. 1+ TPH ( 17 teeth ),117 Group 2: Ca(OH)2 + Zinc oxide eugenol + Amalgam ( 14 teeth ), Group 3 : Ca(OH) 2 + Dycal + Prime&Bond 2.1+ TPH ( 9 teeth ). The patients were called periodically for 1 week, 3, 6 months, 1 and 2 years of intervals and evaluated for postoperative symptoms, vitality and radiographic findings, c) The adhesion of Prime&Bond 2.1 and Ca(OH)2 to dentin was investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM, Jeol, JSM 5200) by using 20 third molars. According to the histopathological results, in exposed sheep and human pulps although Prime&Bond 2.1 exhibited some inflammatory reactions at 7 day examination period, at 90 day time interval reversible pulpal reactions were observed in only sheep pulps. On the other hand, human pulps at the end of 90 day time period still showed inflammatory reactions with no dentin bridge formation. At the control group, mild inflammatory reactions limited with the perforation area were observed with Ca(OH)2 at both time intervals. In comparison with Ca(OH)2, more severe reactions were found with Prime&Bond 2.1, but it was found that these reactions were well tolerated by the healing capacity of the pulp at the long time interval. Although dentin bridge formations were observed in both sheep and human teeth at the long time interval with Ca(OH)2, with Prime&Bond 2. 1 dentin bridges were detected only in sheep teeth. No significant differences were found among the groups regarding their clinical success rate and the application of Ca(OH)2 with Prime&Bond 2. 1 had no benefical effects. In the SEM examination, although the penetration of Prime&Bond 2. 1 into the dentin tubules was gap-free and hybrid layer was formed, no adhesion between Ca(OH) 2 and the dentin tubules were found and some gaps of 15-30 u. thickness were observed. In conclusion, while the pulpal responses to Prime&Bond 2. 1 was found acceptable; its effect was not superior to Ca(OH)2 histopathologically. In clinical investigation, no118 differences on the succsess rate of applications in three groups were found statistically. According to our results, new histopathological and clinical studies are needed to be performed especially on the use of Prime&Bond 2.1 as a direct pulp capping agent.
116 SUMMARY Ca(OH)2 preparations are used commonly in direct pulp capping. Despite their advantages of high pH which induce limited necrosis, stimulate dentin bridge formation and exhibit antimicrobial effects, they disintegrate under restorations with time and eventually can not provide a long- term seal against bacterial microleakage. Therefore, new capping materials have been searched for use in direct pulp capping. In recent years, it is believed that the primary cause of pulpal inflammation is bacterial microleakage. Dentin bonding agents which prevent microleakage by forming a hybrid layer have been investigated for being used as a direct pulp capping material. In our study, a 5th generation dentin bonding agent, Prime&Bond 2.1 (Caulk, Dentsply), which is a single bottle agent and provides an ease of use for the dentist, was investigated in direct pulp capping and pulpal effects were compared with Ca(OH)2. Our study was performed in three parts. a) The effects of Prime&Bond 2.1 and Ca(OH)2 on exposed pulps of sheep teeth and human premolars were examined histopathologically. Exposed pulps of 15 sheep lower incisors and 4 human premolars were capped with Prime&Bond 2.1. As a control group, 12 sheep lower incisors and 4 human premolars were capped with Ca(OH)2. Before the application of the dentin bonding agent, Ca(OH)2 was applied on the exposed pulp temporarily while acid etching of enamel and dentin, then washed away with acid. All of the cavities were restored with TPH Spectrum Hybrid composite resin (Caulk, Dentsply). Then, the teeth were extracted, prepared and evaluated histopathologically. b) In the clinical part of the study, direct pulp capping was performed on 40 first permanent molar teeth. Three different types of applications were performed. Group 1 : Prime& Bond 2. 1+ TPH ( 17 teeth ),117 Group 2: Ca(OH)2 + Zinc oxide eugenol + Amalgam ( 14 teeth ), Group 3 : Ca(OH) 2 + Dycal + Prime&Bond 2.1+ TPH ( 9 teeth ). The patients were called periodically for 1 week, 3, 6 months, 1 and 2 years of intervals and evaluated for postoperative symptoms, vitality and radiographic findings, c) The adhesion of Prime&Bond 2.1 and Ca(OH)2 to dentin was investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM, Jeol, JSM 5200) by using 20 third molars. According to the histopathological results, in exposed sheep and human pulps although Prime&Bond 2.1 exhibited some inflammatory reactions at 7 day examination period, at 90 day time interval reversible pulpal reactions were observed in only sheep pulps. On the other hand, human pulps at the end of 90 day time period still showed inflammatory reactions with no dentin bridge formation. At the control group, mild inflammatory reactions limited with the perforation area were observed with Ca(OH)2 at both time intervals. In comparison with Ca(OH)2, more severe reactions were found with Prime&Bond 2.1, but it was found that these reactions were well tolerated by the healing capacity of the pulp at the long time interval. Although dentin bridge formations were observed in both sheep and human teeth at the long time interval with Ca(OH)2, with Prime&Bond 2. 1 dentin bridges were detected only in sheep teeth. No significant differences were found among the groups regarding their clinical success rate and the application of Ca(OH)2 with Prime&Bond 2. 1 had no benefical effects. In the SEM examination, although the penetration of Prime&Bond 2. 1 into the dentin tubules was gap-free and hybrid layer was formed, no adhesion between Ca(OH) 2 and the dentin tubules were found and some gaps of 15-30 u. thickness were observed. In conclusion, while the pulpal responses to Prime&Bond 2. 1 was found acceptable; its effect was not superior to Ca(OH)2 histopathologically. In clinical investigation, no118 differences on the succsess rate of applications in three groups were found statistically. According to our results, new histopathological and clinical studies are needed to be performed especially on the use of Prime&Bond 2.1 as a direct pulp capping agent.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental bonding, Dental bonding, Dental pulpa, Dental pulp, Dental pulpaya başlık geçirmek, Dental pulp capping, Kalsiyum hidroksit, Calcium hydroxide