Ege Bölgesi koşullarında plastik örtü altı pamuk yetiştiriciliği
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET EGE BÖLGESİ KOŞULLARINDA PLASTİK ÖRTÜ,4LTI PAMÜKYETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİ ÖZBAŞBUĞ, Cüneyt Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tanm Makinalan Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Doç. Dr-. Erdem- AYKAS Ağustos 1998, 106 sayfa Yapılan bu çalışmada, -Ülkemiz- koşatianndar hasat dönemindeki sonbahar erken yağışlarının pamuk veriminer ve kaütesine~olan: olumsuz etkilerini ekim zamanım erkene alarak ortadan- kafifirmak amaeSnauşur. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmalar, tohum- yatağana- plastik örtü ite kaplanarak olumsuz iklim şartlarından korunmasına yönelik düzerılerımiştir. Denemede kullanılan ekim makinalanam- elam performaaslan yapılan laboratuvar denemeleri ile ortaya konmuştur. Tarla denemelerinde^ İM değişik ekim makinası ile yapılan Örtü Ate-Pamuk Elam- Tekni^-ve Klasik Ekim karşılaştinlffiiştir. Yapılan Ç^şmated^^eiam^makfflalaır olarak; " -Örtü Altı Ekim Makinası -Pnömatik Hassas Ekim Makinası kullanılmıştır Ekim makinalannm performans- değerlerinin- saptanması amacıyla yapılan laboratuvar denemelerinde, sıra üzeri tohum dağılım düzgünlüğünü ifade eden değerler yardımıyla- her iki ekkn makinası için en uygun çalışma konumlan ve ekim normları saptanmıştır.II Tarla denemeleri dört tekerrürlü tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre yürütülmüş ve denemelerde Nazilli-84 çeşidi havsız pamuk tohumu kullanılmıştır. Örtü Altı Pamuk Ekim Tekniğinin uygulanacağı parsellerde pamuk ekimi 22 Nisan 1997 tarihinde, Şahirparsellerdeki ekimler tarlanın tav durumu dikkate alınarak bu tarihten. L£gttn soma yapılabilmiştir. Tarla denemeleri sırasında her iki ekim tekniğinin sıra üzeri bitki dağılım düzgünlüğüne, Tarla Filiz Çıkış- Derecesine (T.F.Ç.B.), bitki gelişmesine, toprak sıcaklığına, toprak nemine, kütlü ve lif verimine,- lif kalitesine etkisi saptanmış ve bunlar teşılaşürmah ©lar-ak irdelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlan şu şekilde özetlenebilir; A)Laboratuvar denemesi sonuçlan; 1. Örtü Altı Pamuk Ekim- Makmast Me- teorik nofma-en- yakm norm ve sura üzeri tohum dağılım düzgünlüğü ifadesindeıkuüamkn err küçük varyasyon katsayısı (%CV) 8 delikli plaîca fle 1-1.5 m/s- Seneme hızTannda elde edilmiştir. 2.Her iki ekim- maktnasmar tohtmr zedeleme: otamannm %1 sınır değerinin altında olduğu saptanmıştır. B)Tarla denemesi sonuçlan; l.örtû Altı Pamuk Elrim-TekntgiBİfr uygtüaadıgVpaf sellerde toprak neminin korunması ve ekim esnasmda yapılan yabancı- ot ilaçlaması nedeniyle ilk sulama ve çapadan tasarruf sağlanımştor 2. Örtü Altı Pamuk Ekim- Tefeaiğffim-uygulafidığVparsellerde tarla filiz çıkış derecesi %78.S iken ŞahirpaTse8er4e %62.4£e-4âfaıüştür. - 3. Şahit parsele göre Örtü A4ti-Pamuk-Ekim Tekniğinin uygulandığı parsellerde bitki boyu, gerçek yaprakhhk oranı, çiçek- ve- koza adetlerinin sırasıyla %30.6, %36.2, %62.5 fazla olduğu saptanıraşöfrin 4.Hasat örtü altı pamuk ekim tekniğinin uygulandığı parsellerde şahit parsele göre 12 gün önce başlamıştır. 5. Örtü Altı Pamuk Ekim Tekniğinin uygulandığı parsellerde Şahit parsele göre kütlü veriminde %30, lif veriminde %25 oranında bir fazlalık olduğu saptanmıştır. ö.Her iki parselden hasat edilen kütlü pamuk örnekleri üzerinde yapılan lif analizi sonuçlarına göre örneklerin lif uzunluğu, lif inceliği, lif mukavemeti ve yabancı madde oranı bakımından istatistiksel anlamda birbirlerinden farksız olduğu saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Plastik Male, Örtü Altı Pamuk Yetiştiriciliği
IV ABSTRACT UNDERCOVER COTTON PRODUCTION IN THE AEGEAN REGION ÖZBAŞBU?, Cüneyt MSc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural Machinery Advisor: Assoc; Prof. Erdenr AYKAS January 1998, 106 pages The objective of this study- was- to- eliminate the negative effect of early autumn precipitation during harvesting period in countrywide -on cotton yield and quality by applying the planting 20 tö 30 days earlier. The research was carried out such a way that seedbed was covered with plastic folio so that it was protected from- the negative effect of the weather. Planting performances of the drills was examined in the laboratory tests. In the field experiments, undercover- cotton planting technique was compared with conventional one with two different machines. In field experiments, -Undercover cotton drill -Pneumatic seed drill (Hassia) were used. To examine the performance characteristics of the drills, the uniformity of seed spacing on the row and seeding rates for both drills at optimum working conditions were determined- at laboratory conditions.Field experiments were carried out by using completely randomised block design with four replications and Nazilli-84 delinted cotton seed variety was used in the experiments. Cotton seed was planted under the plastic mulch in the plots. Planting under the plastic mulch was applied on April 22, 1997; conventional planting was made after 16 days from this date at control plots. During field experiments, the effect of both planting techniques on the uniformity of seed spacing on the row, seed emergence, plant growth, soil temperature, soil moisture, seed cotton and lint yield and leaf quality were examined. The research results can be summarised as follows; p$ Laboratory test results: 1. With undercover planting technique, best seeding rate and the uniformity of seed spacing on the row with nanimum coefficient of variation was obtained with 8 holes-plate at 1-1.5 m/s travel speed. 2. It was observed that damaged seed ratio was under 3 % for both drills. B) Field test results: 1. Time was saved during the first irrigation and hoeing in the plots by keeping the moisture in the soil and applying herbicides during planting, where undercover planting technique was applied (Undercover planting). 2. Seed emergence rate was 78.8 % for undercover plots, whereas this was 62.8 % for control plots.VI 3. Comparing with control plots, it was observed that plant height, real leafiiess ratio and the amount of flower and ball was high in undercover plots. 4. Harvesting got started 12 days earlier at undercover plots comparing to control plots. 5. It was obtained that comparing to control plots undercover planting technique increased the seed cotton yield by 30 % and lint yield by 25 %. 6. According to the results of lint analysis on cotton samples gathered from both plots, it has been found no significant differences between two techniques for lint length, lint fineness, lint strength and ratio of impurity. Key Words: Plastic mulch, undercover cotton production
IV ABSTRACT UNDERCOVER COTTON PRODUCTION IN THE AEGEAN REGION ÖZBAŞBU?, Cüneyt MSc. Thesis, Department of Agricultural Machinery Advisor: Assoc; Prof. Erdenr AYKAS January 1998, 106 pages The objective of this study- was- to- eliminate the negative effect of early autumn precipitation during harvesting period in countrywide -on cotton yield and quality by applying the planting 20 tö 30 days earlier. The research was carried out such a way that seedbed was covered with plastic folio so that it was protected from- the negative effect of the weather. Planting performances of the drills was examined in the laboratory tests. In the field experiments, undercover- cotton planting technique was compared with conventional one with two different machines. In field experiments, -Undercover cotton drill -Pneumatic seed drill (Hassia) were used. To examine the performance characteristics of the drills, the uniformity of seed spacing on the row and seeding rates for both drills at optimum working conditions were determined- at laboratory conditions.Field experiments were carried out by using completely randomised block design with four replications and Nazilli-84 delinted cotton seed variety was used in the experiments. Cotton seed was planted under the plastic mulch in the plots. Planting under the plastic mulch was applied on April 22, 1997; conventional planting was made after 16 days from this date at control plots. During field experiments, the effect of both planting techniques on the uniformity of seed spacing on the row, seed emergence, plant growth, soil temperature, soil moisture, seed cotton and lint yield and leaf quality were examined. The research results can be summarised as follows; p$ Laboratory test results: 1. With undercover planting technique, best seeding rate and the uniformity of seed spacing on the row with nanimum coefficient of variation was obtained with 8 holes-plate at 1-1.5 m/s travel speed. 2. It was observed that damaged seed ratio was under 3 % for both drills. B) Field test results: 1. Time was saved during the first irrigation and hoeing in the plots by keeping the moisture in the soil and applying herbicides during planting, where undercover planting technique was applied (Undercover planting). 2. Seed emergence rate was 78.8 % for undercover plots, whereas this was 62.8 % for control plots.VI 3. Comparing with control plots, it was observed that plant height, real leafiiess ratio and the amount of flower and ball was high in undercover plots. 4. Harvesting got started 12 days earlier at undercover plots comparing to control plots. 5. It was obtained that comparing to control plots undercover planting technique increased the seed cotton yield by 30 % and lint yield by 25 %. 6. According to the results of lint analysis on cotton samples gathered from both plots, it has been found no significant differences between two techniques for lint length, lint fineness, lint strength and ratio of impurity. Key Words: Plastic mulch, undercover cotton production
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ege bölgesi, Aegean region, Pamuk, Cotton, Örtü altı yetiştiriciliği, Protected cultivation