Arterial mycotic aneurysm rupture of two kidney cadaveric renal transplantation recipients secondary to enterococci and candida
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Böbrek transplant hastalarında arteryel anastomoz hatlarından kaynaklanan komplikasyonlar son zamanlarda oldukça nadir olsa da, anlamlı mortalite ve morbiditeye sebep olabilecek enfeksiyöz patolojiler hala görülebilmektedir. Transplant sonrası erken dönemde kullanılan güçlü immünsupresif ilaçlar, klinik bulgu ve semptomları maskeleyebilmektedir. Özellikle Staphylococcus aureus, gram negatif basiller ve Candida albicans gibi mantarlar tehlikeli komplikasyonlar oluşturabilirler. Biz burada arteryel anastomoz hattı enfeksiyonuna sekonder rüptür ile komplike olmuş iki transplant hastasını tartışacağız. Yüksek mortalite ve morbidite riski taşımaları sebebiyle, sessiz ve sinsi gidişatlı arteryel mikotik anevrizmaların erken saptanması, hayat kurtarıcı olabilir.
Although vascular complications due to the arterial anastomosis are rare in transplant patients, infectious vascular complications around the anastomosis site that carry a risk of rupture can cause significant mortality and morbidity. Signs and symptoms of any infectious process can be masked in patients taking more potent immunosuppressants at the early period after transplantation. Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative bacilli, and fungi such as Candida albicans can especially produce serious complications. We present two renal transplant patients with an arterial anastomosis aneurysm leading to rupture. Early diagnosis may be life saving due to the silent and insidious presentation of arterial mycotic aneurysms and their high mortality and morbidity rates.
Although vascular complications due to the arterial anastomosis are rare in transplant patients, infectious vascular complications around the anastomosis site that carry a risk of rupture can cause significant mortality and morbidity. Signs and symptoms of any infectious process can be masked in patients taking more potent immunosuppressants at the early period after transplantation. Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative bacilli, and fungi such as Candida albicans can especially produce serious complications. We present two renal transplant patients with an arterial anastomosis aneurysm leading to rupture. Early diagnosis may be life saving due to the silent and insidious presentation of arterial mycotic aneurysms and their high mortality and morbidity rates.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
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