Yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan ergenlerde kimlik statülerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu araştırmanın temel amacı yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençlerle aileleri yanında yaşayan gençleri kimlik gelişimi ve model alma süreci açısından karşılaştırmaktır. Bu amaçla Hatay Erkek ve Kız Yetiştirme Yurdunda yaşayan gençlerle, bu gençlerin devam ettikleri okullara giden ve aileleri yanında yaşayan 13-18 yaşlan arasındaki 123 erkek 117 kız olmak üzere toplam 240 ergen araştırma örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada başlıca veri toplama araçları olarak, "Benlik Kimliği Statüleri Ölçeği" (BKSÖ) ve "Algılanan Benzerlik Ölçeği" (ABÖ) kullanılmıştır (Eryüksel ve Varan, 1999; Dökmen, 1997). BKSÖ'den ve ABÖ'den elde edilen verilere uygulanan istatistiksel analiz sonuçları, yetiştirme yurdunda ve ailesinin yanında yaşayan gençler arasmda en sık rastlanan kimlik statüsünün kararsız kimlik statüsü olduğunu göstermiştir. Beri yandan yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençler arasmda en sık rastlanan ikinci statü, kargaşalı kimlik statüsü iken, ailesi yanında yaşayan gençler arasında en sık rastlanan ikinci statü erken bağlanmış kimlik statüsü olmuştur. Yetiştirme yurdunda ve ailesinin yanında yaşayan gençlerin kimlik statülerine dağılımının yaş ve cinsiyet değişkenleri açısından incelenmesi sonucunda, farklı yaş gruplarındaki kız ve erkeklerin kimlik statülerine dağılımının benzer olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak artan yaşla birlikte gençlerin başarılı kimlik statüsüne dağılımında bir artış olduğu izlenmiştir. Yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençlerle aileleri arasmda yaşayan gençlerin model alma sürecini irdeleyen analiz sonuçlan ise, yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençlerin çoğunlukla kendilerine medyadan birini model aldığım, aileleri yanında yaşayan gençlerin ise daha çok ailelerinden birini model aldıklannı göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak ailelerinin yanında yaşayan gençler, yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençlere göre ana-babalanyla kendileri arasında daha fazla benzerlik algıladıklanm belirtmişlerdir. Yetiştirme yurdunda yaşayan gençler ise şayet ana veya babalan öldüğü için yurda verilmişlerse, ana-babalan tarafından terkedilenlere göre, onlarla daha fazla benzerlik algılamışlardır
ABSTRACT In this study, adolescents living in two different orphanages were compared with adolescents living with their families in terms of identity formation and modelling process. The sample of the study consisted of 123 male and 117 female adolescents, aged between 13 and 18. The data were collected by Ego Identity Scale developed by Eryüksel and Varan, 1999 and Perceived Similarity Scale developed by Dökmen 1997. The statistical analyses of the data revealed that the moratorium identity status was the most frequently observed identity status amongst both the adolescents living in the orphanage and the adolescents living with their families. However, the second most frequently observed status was identity diffusion in the orphanage sample and foreclosure amongst the odelescents living with their families. When the identity statuses of the subjects were investigated in terms of gender and age, it was found that distribution of the identity statuses amongst male and female subjects at different age levels did not differ. However, the proportion of the achievement identity status increased with age. The data concerning the modelling process revealed that the adolescents living in orphanage mostly identified with models from the popular media whereas the adolescents living with their families mostly modelled a family member. In addition, the adolescents living with their families perceived more similarities between themselves and their parents as compared to subjects from the orphanages. The subjects who were placed in the orphanage because of the death of both parents perceived more similarity with their parents as compared to those who were placed because of the desertion of their parents.
ABSTRACT In this study, adolescents living in two different orphanages were compared with adolescents living with their families in terms of identity formation and modelling process. The sample of the study consisted of 123 male and 117 female adolescents, aged between 13 and 18. The data were collected by Ego Identity Scale developed by Eryüksel and Varan, 1999 and Perceived Similarity Scale developed by Dökmen 1997. The statistical analyses of the data revealed that the moratorium identity status was the most frequently observed identity status amongst both the adolescents living in the orphanage and the adolescents living with their families. However, the second most frequently observed status was identity diffusion in the orphanage sample and foreclosure amongst the odelescents living with their families. When the identity statuses of the subjects were investigated in terms of gender and age, it was found that distribution of the identity statuses amongst male and female subjects at different age levels did not differ. However, the proportion of the achievement identity status increased with age. The data concerning the modelling process revealed that the adolescents living in orphanage mostly identified with models from the popular media whereas the adolescents living with their families mostly modelled a family member. In addition, the adolescents living with their families perceived more similarities between themselves and their parents as compared to subjects from the orphanages. The subjects who were placed in the orphanage because of the death of both parents perceived more similarity with their parents as compared to those who were placed because of the desertion of their parents.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology, Benlik kavramı, Self concept, Ergenler, Adolescents, Ergenlik, Puberty, Gençler, Youngs, Kimlik gelişimi, Identity development, Kimlik statüleri, Identity statuses, Yetiştirme yurtları, Orphanages