Ege Bölgesi'nde yaygın olarak yetiştirilen bazı pamuk (Gossypium hirsutum L.) çeşitlerinin lif kalite ve iplik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Ege Bölgesi’nde yaygın olarak üretilen Gossypium hirsutum L. türüne ait 12 ticari pamuk çeşidinin lif kalite ve iplik özelliklerinin incelendiği bu çalışma 2017 ve 2018 pamuk yetiştirme sezonlarında üretilen materyal ile yürütülmüştür. Üç tekerrürlü olarak tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre kurulan denemelerin ilk yıl hasatları; yağmurun tarlada kalan lifler üzerindeki etkilerini gözlemlemek amacıyla yağmur öncesi ve yağmur sonrası olmak üzere iki farklı dönemde yapılırken, ikinci yılın pamukları ise ilk yılın yağmur öncesi periyoduna uyumlu olacak şekilde tek seferde hasat edilmiştir. Hasat edilen her bir tekerrürün lif kalite analizleri USTER HVI 1000 cihazı ile gerçekleştirilirken, yalnızca yağmur öncesi periyoda karşılık gelen iki yıllık materyalden Ne 20/1 numarada Open-end iplikler üretilmiş, üretilen iplikler USTER Tester 6 ve USTER Tensorapid 5 cihazları ile analiz edilmiştir. Ölçümlenen özelliklerin sonuçlarına ait istatistiksel incelemeler iki grup altında yapılmış; ilk grupta 2017 yılı hasat dönemlerine ait lif kalite özelliklerini, ikinci grupta ise 2017 ve 2018 yıllarına ait lif kalite ve iplik özelliklerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla ANOVA ve LSD gruplandırması yapılmıştır. Ayrıca özellikler arasındaki korelasyonlar yıl bazında olmak üzere incelenmiş; hem iplik kalite özelliklerinin kendi aralarında oluşturduğu korelasyonlar hem de lif kalite özellikleri ile iplik özellikleri arasında oluşan korelasyonlar belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, yağmur sonrasına bırakılan hasatta lif uzunluğu, lif inceliği, lif olgunluğu ve çepel sayısında artış görülürken, iplik eğirme indeksi, lif uzaması, parlaklık, sarılık ve lif mukavemeti değerlerinde düşüş yaşanmıştır. Lif özelliklerinin yıl bazında karşılaştırmalarına göre; uzun yıllar ortalamasının çok üzerinde yağışlı geçen 2018 yılında değerleri bir önceki yıla göre azalış gösteren özellikler lif uzunluğu, üniformite indeksi, lif mukavemeti, parlaklık ve iplik eğirme indeksi olmuş; kısa lif indeksi, sarılık ve çepel sayısı değerleri de artış göstermiştir. Yıl bazında karşılaştırılan iplik özelliklerine bakıldığında; 2018 yılı iplik düzgünsüzlüğü, ince yer hatası, tüylülük ve tüylülüğün standart sapması değerlerinde düşüş gözlemlendiği görülmüştür. Lif özelliklerinin kendi arasındaki ilişkileri incelendiğinde, 2017’de lif olgunluğu-lif uzaması (-0.896**), parlak-sarılık (-0.820**); 2018’de iplik eğirme indeksi-kısa lif indeksi (-0.857**), iplik eğirme indeksi-lif mukavemeti (0.892**), lif inceliği-lif olgunluğu (0.880**), üniformite indeksi-kısa lif indeksi (-0.898**) ilişkilerine ek olarak yüksek ve orta derecede pek çok korelasyon saptanmış, lif ve iplik özellikleri arasında saptanan istatistiksel anlamda önemli tüm korelasyonların orta derecede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada; iplik özelliklerinden kopma uzaması üzerinde genotip etkisinin önemli olduğu saptanmış, yüksek kopma uzaması değerlerine sahip ipliğin eldesi için yüksek lif uzamasına sahip çeşitlerin kullanılması önerilirken iplik düzgünsüzlüğünü düşürmek için ise yüksek lif uzunluk değerlerine sahip çeşitlerin kullanılması gerekliliği ortaya konmuştur.
This research aimed to investigate the fiber quality and yarn characteristics of 12 commercial cotton varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. which are widely grown in the Aegean Region and it was carried out with the material which is produced in the 2017 and 2018 cotton growing seasons. Trials were established according to randomized blocks design with three replications and in order to observe the effects of rain on the fibers remaining in the field, the first year harvests were carried out in two different periods (pre-rain and post-rain). In line with the pre-rain period of the first year, the fibers of the second year were harvested at once. Fiber quality analyzes of each harvested replication were carried out by using USTER HVI 1000 device and Open-end yarns with the number Ne 20/1 were produced from the two-year material corresponding only to the pre-rain harvests. The produced yarns were analyzed with the USTER Tester 6 and USTER Tensorapid 5 devices. Statistical analyzes of the results of the measured parameters were performed under two groups. The first group was created to compare the fiber quality characteristics of different harvest periods in 2017, and the second group was created to compare the fiber quality and yarn characteristics of 2017 and 2018, ANOVA and LSD grouping were applied to both groups. In addition, the relationships between features were examined annually and both correlations between yarn quality characteristics and correlations between fiber quality characteristics and yarn properties were determined. Results showed that; fiber length, micronaire, maturity index and trash count increased in the post-rain harvest and spinning consistency index, elongation, reflectance, yellowness and strength values were decreased. According to comparisons of fiber properties by year; in 2018, which was much more rainy than the average of many years, upper half mean length, uniformity index, strength, reflectance and spinning consistency index showed a decrease compared to the previous year but short fiber index, yellowness and trash count values also increased. Considering the yarn properties compared on a yearly basis; in 2018, a decrease was observed in unevenness, thin places, hairiness and standard deviation of hairiness. As a result of annualy correlation analysis; maturity index-elongation (-0.896**), reflectance-yellowness (-0.820**) relationships have reached for 2017 and spinning consistency index-short fiber index (-0.857**), spinning consistency index-strength (0.892**), micronaire-maturity index (0.880**), uniformity index-short fiber index (-0.898**) relationships have reached for 2018. Statistically significant correlations between fiber and yarn properties were found to be moderate level. According to the results, yarn breaking elongation is affected by genotype and to produce yarn with high breaking elongation values, varieties with high fiber elongation should be preferred. In order to reduce yarn unevenness, it has been revealed that varieties with high fiber length values should be used.
This research aimed to investigate the fiber quality and yarn characteristics of 12 commercial cotton varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. which are widely grown in the Aegean Region and it was carried out with the material which is produced in the 2017 and 2018 cotton growing seasons. Trials were established according to randomized blocks design with three replications and in order to observe the effects of rain on the fibers remaining in the field, the first year harvests were carried out in two different periods (pre-rain and post-rain). In line with the pre-rain period of the first year, the fibers of the second year were harvested at once. Fiber quality analyzes of each harvested replication were carried out by using USTER HVI 1000 device and Open-end yarns with the number Ne 20/1 were produced from the two-year material corresponding only to the pre-rain harvests. The produced yarns were analyzed with the USTER Tester 6 and USTER Tensorapid 5 devices. Statistical analyzes of the results of the measured parameters were performed under two groups. The first group was created to compare the fiber quality characteristics of different harvest periods in 2017, and the second group was created to compare the fiber quality and yarn characteristics of 2017 and 2018, ANOVA and LSD grouping were applied to both groups. In addition, the relationships between features were examined annually and both correlations between yarn quality characteristics and correlations between fiber quality characteristics and yarn properties were determined. Results showed that; fiber length, micronaire, maturity index and trash count increased in the post-rain harvest and spinning consistency index, elongation, reflectance, yellowness and strength values were decreased. According to comparisons of fiber properties by year; in 2018, which was much more rainy than the average of many years, upper half mean length, uniformity index, strength, reflectance and spinning consistency index showed a decrease compared to the previous year but short fiber index, yellowness and trash count values also increased. Considering the yarn properties compared on a yearly basis; in 2018, a decrease was observed in unevenness, thin places, hairiness and standard deviation of hairiness. As a result of annualy correlation analysis; maturity index-elongation (-0.896**), reflectance-yellowness (-0.820**) relationships have reached for 2017 and spinning consistency index-short fiber index (-0.857**), spinning consistency index-strength (0.892**), micronaire-maturity index (0.880**), uniformity index-short fiber index (-0.898**) relationships have reached for 2018. Statistically significant correlations between fiber and yarn properties were found to be moderate level. According to the results, yarn breaking elongation is affected by genotype and to produce yarn with high breaking elongation values, varieties with high fiber elongation should be preferred. In order to reduce yarn unevenness, it has been revealed that varieties with high fiber length values should be used.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pamuk, G. Hirsutum L., Lif Kalite Özellikleri, İplik Özellikleri, Cotton, G. Hirsutum L., Fiber Properties for Cotton, Yarn Characteristics