Ege Bölgesinin jeotermal enerji alanlarının enerji potansiyelleri açısından incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
KISA ÖZET Alternatif enerji kaynaklan arasında ülkemizde en zengin potansiyele sahip olan kaynak, jeotermal enerjidir. Ancak bu enerji kaynağından ekonomik faydalanma oranı son derece düşük olup kullanma yöntemleri çoğunlukla ilkeldir. Yapılan ön hesaplamalarda Ege Bölgesindeki jeotermal kaynakların ve bunların oluşturduğu potansiyelin akılcı kullanılması durumunda ülkemiz ihracatının bugünkünün iki katına çıkabileceği görülmüştür. Bu çalışmanın amacı da bugünkü koşullarda jeotermal enerjinin kullanım potansiyelleri açısından ekonomiye katkı oranını artıracak çalışmalar yapmaktır. Bu nedenle Ege Bölgesindeki Önemli jeotermal enerji kaynaklan üzerinde uygulanabilecek ajanların ( seracılık, konut ısıtmacılığı, endüstrideki kullanımları, turistik kullanımları....gibi.) bölge ekonomisine sağlayacağı katkılar araştırılmıştır. ıx
ABSTRACT Between the alternative energy sources which are situated in our country, the source that has the most productive potential is geothermal energy. But this energy's economic turn to account rate is extremely low and its usage methods are generally primitive. It's showed that our country's exports could reach to twice as much of today's, on condition that the rationalist usage of the Aegean Zone's geothermal sources and potentials which is constituted by these sources by fore calculations. So, the target of this study is to do practices about geothermal energy's usage potentials in order to make a contribution ratio to economy by today's conditions. For that reason, to obtain the contributions of the regions, which could enforce in consequential geothermal energy sources (greenhousery, house heating, usage in industry, available to tourists... etc.) in Aegean Zone for the region economy, are observed.
ABSTRACT Between the alternative energy sources which are situated in our country, the source that has the most productive potential is geothermal energy. But this energy's economic turn to account rate is extremely low and its usage methods are generally primitive. It's showed that our country's exports could reach to twice as much of today's, on condition that the rationalist usage of the Aegean Zone's geothermal sources and potentials which is constituted by these sources by fore calculations. So, the target of this study is to do practices about geothermal energy's usage potentials in order to make a contribution ratio to economy by today's conditions. For that reason, to obtain the contributions of the regions, which could enforce in consequential geothermal energy sources (greenhousery, house heating, usage in industry, available to tourists... etc.) in Aegean Zone for the region economy, are observed.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Ege bölgesi, Aegean region, Jeotermal enerji, Geothermal energy