Batı Marmara bölgesinde toprak gazı radon konsantrasyon değişimleri ile yer kabuğu hareketleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı'nın Batı Marmara Bölgesinde, toprak gazı radon konsantrasyon değişimleri ile sismik aktiviteler arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Öncelikle bölgenin jeolojik yapısı incelenmiş ve 21 farklı örnekleme noktası belirlenmiştir. Bu istasyonlardaki radon ölçümleri nükleer iz kazıma detektörleri (LR115 tip 2) kullanılarak elde edildi. İlave olarak bölgedeki topraklarda doğal radyoaktivite ve fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikler ölçüldü. Sonuç olarak bölge topraklarındaki radon ölçümlerinin 0,10 kBqm-3 ile 19,46 kBqm-3 arasında değiştiği gözlendi. Ortalamanın ise 4,35±0,47 kBq m-3 olduğu hesaplandı. Sonuçlar istatiksel değerlendirildiğinde sismik aktivitenin olduğu tarihlerde radon konsantrasyonlarında değişim gözlenen istasyonlar belirlendi. Şubat 2015 tarihinde meydana gelen yer kabuğu hareketleri sırasında 2. ve 8. istasyonlarda radon düzeylerinde değişimler gözlenmiştir. Bu istasyonlardaki radon verilerinin sismik aktivite ile uyumlu olduğu bulunmuştur. Aynı zamanda bu çalışmada radon düzeyleri ile toprak özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Topraklardaki radyum düzeylerinin dünya ortalamasına benzer olduğu bulunmuştur. Radyum değerlerine bakıldığında, radon konsantrasyonlarındaki anomalilerin sismik aktiviteden kaynaklanabileceği sonucuna varılabilir.
In thesis study , it has been investigated relationships between radon concentrations and earth movements in the Western Marmara Region of North Anatolian fault line. Initially, it was examined the geological structure of the study area and selected 21 different sampling stations. Radon measurements in these stations were obtained by using solid state nuclear track detectors (LR-115type-2). Besides, it has been measured natural radiactivity, physical and chemical properties of the soils in the region. As a results, it was observed that radon concentrations in the soils were changed between 0,10 kBqm-3 to 19,46 kBqm-3 . The average radon vaule was calculated to be 4,35±0,47 kBqm-3. When data were statistically analysized, stations which has been observed the changes of radon concentration, were assigned while earth crust movement are occured. In February 2015, changes of radon concentration were observed for 2. and 8. stations whenever earth crust movements occured in the study region. The radon data in these stations were found to be agree with seismic activity. Therefore, it has been has concluded that the continuous radon measurement systems will be established to the stations (2 and 8) in the future. In this study were also investigated the relationships between radon levels and soil properties. Concentrations of radium in the soils were found to be similar to the world average value. According to the data of radium, it has been found result that anomalies in radon concentration can be concluded due to seismic activity.
In thesis study , it has been investigated relationships between radon concentrations and earth movements in the Western Marmara Region of North Anatolian fault line. Initially, it was examined the geological structure of the study area and selected 21 different sampling stations. Radon measurements in these stations were obtained by using solid state nuclear track detectors (LR-115type-2). Besides, it has been measured natural radiactivity, physical and chemical properties of the soils in the region. As a results, it was observed that radon concentrations in the soils were changed between 0,10 kBqm-3 to 19,46 kBqm-3 . The average radon vaule was calculated to be 4,35±0,47 kBqm-3. When data were statistically analysized, stations which has been observed the changes of radon concentration, were assigned while earth crust movement are occured. In February 2015, changes of radon concentration were observed for 2. and 8. stations whenever earth crust movements occured in the study region. The radon data in these stations were found to be agree with seismic activity. Therefore, it has been has concluded that the continuous radon measurement systems will be established to the stations (2 and 8) in the future. In this study were also investigated the relationships between radon levels and soil properties. Concentrations of radium in the soils were found to be similar to the world average value. According to the data of radium, it has been found result that anomalies in radon concentration can be concluded due to seismic activity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radon, Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı, Deprem, North Anatolian Fault, Earthquakes