Şebeke bağlantılı fotovoltaik destekli bir klima sisteminin farklı soğutucu akışkan kullanımı altında ileri termodinamik analizleri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünya genelinde enerji konusu sıcak gündem maddesi olarak yerini sürekli olarak korumaktadır ve ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyi uyguladıkları milli enerji politikaları ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu denli öneme sahip enerji alanında kullanılan teknolojilerinin değerlendirilmesi ülke kazanımları açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu tez çalışması kapsamında Ege Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü binasının üçüncü katında bulunan 15,48 m2’lik bir odanın iklimlendirilmesi, şebeke bağlantılı, 2,55 kWp FV (fotovoltaik) destekli, 9,6 kWh kapasiteye sahip 4 adet batarya kullanımı ile enerji depolama olanağına sahip bir klima (2,52 kW soğutma, 2,84 kW ısıtma) sisteminin tasarımı ve kurulumu ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistemin devreye alınmasının ardından ise ileri termodinamik ve ekonomik analizler yazılım paket programlarına dayalı modelleme-benzetim çalışmaları ile dinamik olarak yapılmıştır. Bu sıarada TRNSYS, PVSOL ve Pack Calculation Pro programları kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, nümerik çalışmalar ile kurulan modeller gerçek zamanlı deneysel çalışmalar ile test edilmiştir.
İleri termodinamik ve ekonomik analizler yıllık enerji, yaşam boyu maliyet, yıllık geleneksel ekserji, geleneksel eksergo-ekonomi, yıllık ileri ekserji ve ileri eksergo-ekonomi yöntemlerini kapsamaktadır. Bu denli karmaşık bir yapının dinamik olarak modellenmesi-benzetimi ve yukarıda verilen analizlerle bütünleştirilmesinin daha önce yapılmadığı detaylı literatür çalışmaları ile belirlenmiştir. Bu sebeple, tez çalışması metodolojik bir özgünlüğe sahiptir. Ayrıca sistemin ileri termodinamik ve ekonomik performansı birçok parametrik çalışma ile incelenmiştir. Bu sırada farklı iklim bölgeleri (İzmir ve Berlin), çalışma koşulları (sürekli ve ofis saatleri içerisinde) ve sistem bileşenleri içerisinde yer alan klimada farklı soğutucu akışkan kullanımı (R410A, R134a ve R22) ele alınmıştır.
Geleneksel ekserji analizleri ile elde edilen sonuçlar ilk önceliğin solar FV panel grubuna verilmesi gerektiği ortaya koymuştur. Bu bileşeni sırasıyla klima, batarya grubu ve evirici/düzenleyici takip etmiştir. Bu bileşenlere ait yıllık ortalama ekserji verimleri sırasıyla % 11,9, % 14,8, % 79,6 ve % 93,0 hesaplanmıştır. İleri ekserji analizleri sonuçları temel alındığında ise öncelik sırası klima, evirici/düzenleyici, batarya grubu ve solar FV panel grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu bileşenlere ait ekserji yıkım akımları içerisindeki önlenebilir paylar sırasıyla % 53,8, % 41,1, % 28,5 ve % 8,9 olarak elde edilmiştir. Yaşam boyu maliyet analizi sonucunda sisteme ait net bugünkü değer -5.766,1€ bulunmuştur. Sistemin şu anki koşullar altında ekonomik olarak elverişsiz olduğu değerlendirilmiş olup sistemin ekonomik olarak elverişli hale gelebilmesi için iyileştirme önerileri sunulmuştur. Eksergo-ekonomik ve ileri eksergo-ekonomik faktörlere ait en düşük yıllık ortalama değerler ise sırasıyla 0,58 ve 0,64 olmak üzere klima bileşenine ait bulunmuştur. Bunun sonucunda, değiştirme işlemi sırasında yatırım önceliğinin bu bileşene verilmesi gerektiği görülmüştür.
The subject of energy is constantly being maintained as a hot topic in a worldwide and the level of development of countries is related to national energy policies. Evaluation of the technologies used in the field of energy has a great importance in terms of country gains. Within the scope of this thesis study, a grid connected photovoltaic (PV)-2.55 kWp powered air conditioner-2.52 kW in cooling and 2.84 kW in heating with a back up system including four batteries-9.60 kWh was designed and set up for a single room-15.48 m2 located on the third floor of Mechnical Engineering Department, Ege University. Following the commissioning of the system, advanced thermodynamic and economic analyses were performed dynamically with modeling-simulation studies. In these studies, the software package programs such as Transient System Simulation Program (TRNSYS), PVSOL and Pack Calculation Pro were utilized. The developed numeric models were also tested by real-time experiments. Advanced thermodynamic and economic analyses consisted of annual energy, life cycle cost, annual conventional exergy, conventional exergo-economic, annual advanced exergy, advanced exergo-economic methods. Since the dynamic modeling and simulation of such a complex structure and its integration with the above-given analyses were not carried out based on the detailed literature survey, the thesis study has a methodological originality. Meanwhile, various parametric studies were undertaken to evaluate the advanced thermodynamic and economic performances of the system. These considered different climatic zones (Izmir and Berlin), operating conditions (non stop and during office hours) and the use of various refrigerants (R410A, R134a and R22) of the air conditioner included in the system components. Conventional exergy analysis revealed that the priority should be given to the first solar PV panel group. This was followed in order by the air conditioner, the battery group and the inverter/regulator. The annual average exergy efficiency values of these components were calculated to be 11.9%, 14.8%, 79.6% and 93.0%, respectively. However, based on the main results of advanced exergy analysis, the order of the priority was determined to be the air conditioner, the inverter/regulator, the battery group and the solar PV panel group. The avoidable parts of exergy destruction rates for these components were obtained to be 53.8%, 41.1%, 28.5% and 8.9%, respectively. As a result of the lifecycle cost analysis, the net present value of the system was estimated to be -5,766.1€. The system was evaluated economically unfavorable under the current conditions, but suggestions for possible improvements were given to get the system economically favorable. The lowest annual average values of exergo-economic and advanced exergo-economic factors were also computed in the air conditioning component with 0.58 and 0.64, respectively. This concluded that the initial investment priority should be given to this component during the replacement process.
The subject of energy is constantly being maintained as a hot topic in a worldwide and the level of development of countries is related to national energy policies. Evaluation of the technologies used in the field of energy has a great importance in terms of country gains. Within the scope of this thesis study, a grid connected photovoltaic (PV)-2.55 kWp powered air conditioner-2.52 kW in cooling and 2.84 kW in heating with a back up system including four batteries-9.60 kWh was designed and set up for a single room-15.48 m2 located on the third floor of Mechnical Engineering Department, Ege University. Following the commissioning of the system, advanced thermodynamic and economic analyses were performed dynamically with modeling-simulation studies. In these studies, the software package programs such as Transient System Simulation Program (TRNSYS), PVSOL and Pack Calculation Pro were utilized. The developed numeric models were also tested by real-time experiments. Advanced thermodynamic and economic analyses consisted of annual energy, life cycle cost, annual conventional exergy, conventional exergo-economic, annual advanced exergy, advanced exergo-economic methods. Since the dynamic modeling and simulation of such a complex structure and its integration with the above-given analyses were not carried out based on the detailed literature survey, the thesis study has a methodological originality. Meanwhile, various parametric studies were undertaken to evaluate the advanced thermodynamic and economic performances of the system. These considered different climatic zones (Izmir and Berlin), operating conditions (non stop and during office hours) and the use of various refrigerants (R410A, R134a and R22) of the air conditioner included in the system components. Conventional exergy analysis revealed that the priority should be given to the first solar PV panel group. This was followed in order by the air conditioner, the battery group and the inverter/regulator. The annual average exergy efficiency values of these components were calculated to be 11.9%, 14.8%, 79.6% and 93.0%, respectively. However, based on the main results of advanced exergy analysis, the order of the priority was determined to be the air conditioner, the inverter/regulator, the battery group and the solar PV panel group. The avoidable parts of exergy destruction rates for these components were obtained to be 53.8%, 41.1%, 28.5% and 8.9%, respectively. As a result of the lifecycle cost analysis, the net present value of the system was estimated to be -5,766.1€. The system was evaluated economically unfavorable under the current conditions, but suggestions for possible improvements were given to get the system economically favorable. The lowest annual average values of exergo-economic and advanced exergo-economic factors were also computed in the air conditioning component with 0.58 and 0.64, respectively. This concluded that the initial investment priority should be given to this component during the replacement process.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güneş Enerjisi, Fotovoltaik, Modelleme-Benzetim, TRNSYS, Enerji Depolama, Yaşam Boyu Maliyet Analizi, İleri Ekserji Analizi, İleri Eksergo-Ekonomik Analiz, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic, Modeling-Simulation, Energy Storage, Life Cycle Cost Assessment, Advanced Exergy Analysis, Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis