Experimental olarak Toxoplasma Gondii ile enfekte edilen farelerde nitrik oksit metabolitleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
103 ÖZET T.gondii enfeksiyonu sırasında NO üretiminin intrasellüler parazitleri öldürebildiği fakat konak için de zararlı etkiler gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Çalışmamızda insan modeli olarak seçilen experimental şekilde T.gondii ile enfekte edilmiş olan farelerde karaciğer dokusu ve serum seviyelerinde kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı ölçüde yüksek NO yıkım ürünleri bulunmuştur. Ayrıca Toxoplasmosis'li farelere NO sentez inhibitörü olarak Aminoguanidine verilmiş, bu grup T.gondii ile enfekte edilmiş grupla karşılaştırıldığında karaciğerde hepatosit morfolojisinin korunduğu ve yağ dejenerasyonunun daha az oranda görüldüğü gözlenmiş, sonuçta NO'in konak savunmasında görev yaparken aynı zamanda ona zararlı etkilerinin de olabileceği gösterilmiştir. Türkiye'de NO ile Toxoplasmosis konusunda yapılan bu çalışmamızın ilk olması nedeniyle ve elde edilen sonuçların NO'in immun sistemdeki rolü ve tedavi amacı ile yapılabilecek çalışmalara da yol göstermesi açısından önem taşıyabileceği düşünülmüştür
104 SUMMARY During T.gondii infection, it is known that the production of NO kills the intracellular parasites, but it also damages the host. In our study, in the mice infected experimentally with T.gondii, which are chosen as our human model, it's found that the liver tissue and serum levels have significatly higher NO destruction products when compared to the control group. Furthermore, Aminoguanidine is given as the NO synthesis inhibitor to the mice with Toxoplasmosis and this group is compared with the one infected with T.gondii; It's observed that the hepotosit morfology in liver is protected and oil degeneration is less. As a result, it's understood that although NO enhances host immunity, it can also be destructive for the host. Since our study about Toxoplasmosis and NO is the first study in Turkey and since the results obtained have roles in the immune system, it's thought that it could also be helpful in further studies having the purpose of treatment.
104 SUMMARY During T.gondii infection, it is known that the production of NO kills the intracellular parasites, but it also damages the host. In our study, in the mice infected experimentally with T.gondii, which are chosen as our human model, it's found that the liver tissue and serum levels have significatly higher NO destruction products when compared to the control group. Furthermore, Aminoguanidine is given as the NO synthesis inhibitor to the mice with Toxoplasmosis and this group is compared with the one infected with T.gondii; It's observed that the hepotosit morfology in liver is protected and oil degeneration is less. As a result, it's understood that although NO enhances host immunity, it can also be destructive for the host. Since our study about Toxoplasmosis and NO is the first study in Turkey and since the results obtained have roles in the immune system, it's thought that it could also be helpful in further studies having the purpose of treatment.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Parasitology