Rusya’nın Kırım’ı İşgal teşebbüsleri karşısında Kırım Hanlığı Kuvvetlerinin Perekop Zaferi (1689)
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II. Viyana Bozgunu sonrası Avusturya ve Lehistan arasında oluşturulan ikili itti- fak, Venedik ve 1686’da Rusya’nın da dâhil edilmesiyle genişletilerek Kutsal itti- fak haline dönüştürülmüştü. Rusya’nın da bu ittifaka dâhil edilmesiyle Osmanlı Devleti’ne bir cephe de kuzeyde Rusya tarafından açılmış oluyordu. Lehistan ve Avusturya’nın Rusya’dan beklentisi, Osmanlı Devleti’ne Kırım Hanlığı’ndan gel- mesi muhtemel yardımları engellemesiydi. Rusya ise Kırım, ardından Azak ve Karadeniz’e inerek uzak mefkûresi İstanbul’u ele geçirmeyi planlamaktaydı. Rus- ya bu amacını gerçekleştirmek için ilk hedef olan Kırım üzerine Prens Galitsin kumandasında 1687 ve 1689 tarihlerinde iki sefer gerçekleştirmiş fakat Rusya’nın bu teşebbüsleri başta Kırım Hanı Selim Giray ve Kırım- Tatar kuvvetlerinin gay- retleri ile başarısızlıkla sonuçlandırılmıştı. Özellikle 1689 tarihindeki büyük sefer yani Perekop Kalesi önlerinde Rus ordularının Kırım Hanlığı kuvvetleri karşısın- daki hezimeti, sadece Galitsin’in Rusya’da itibarını kaybetmesine neden olmamış, aynı zamanda Galitsin’in en büyük destekçisi Çariçe Sofia’nın (Sophia Alekse- yevna) Rusya tahtından inmesine neden olmuştu.
The bilateral allieance which wassealed between Austria and Poland after the second Vienna defeat was extensionally turned into a holly alliance with the incorporation of Venice and also Russian in 1686. With theincorporation Russia into this alliance,a new front against the Ottoman Empire was opened(builded) on the north by Russia. The expectation of Poland and Austria fromRussia was that Russia would avoid the possible assistances war reliefs from the Crimea to theOttoman Empire. Russia had been planningto conquer its improbable ideal, İstanbul by going down to Crimea, then Azov and Black Sea. Russia launched two military epeditions overthe Crimea, the first target to reach this aim, in 1687 and 1689 at Prince Galitsin’s command,but the attemps of Russia failed withthe help of the primary efforts of the Crimean ruler Selim Giray andCiremean-Tatar forces. Especially the great expedition in 1689, that is to say,the fiasco of the Russian armies againstthe Crimean forces in front of Perekop castle, led not only to the loss of prestigefor Galitsin in Russia, but also the abdication of Czarina Sofia, the greatest supporter of Galitsin.
The bilateral allieance which wassealed between Austria and Poland after the second Vienna defeat was extensionally turned into a holly alliance with the incorporation of Venice and also Russian in 1686. With theincorporation Russia into this alliance,a new front against the Ottoman Empire was opened(builded) on the north by Russia. The expectation of Poland and Austria fromRussia was that Russia would avoid the possible assistances war reliefs from the Crimea to theOttoman Empire. Russia had been planningto conquer its improbable ideal, İstanbul by going down to Crimea, then Azov and Black Sea. Russia launched two military epeditions overthe Crimea, the first target to reach this aim, in 1687 and 1689 at Prince Galitsin’s command,but the attemps of Russia failed withthe help of the primary efforts of the Crimean ruler Selim Giray andCiremean-Tatar forces. Especially the great expedition in 1689, that is to say,the fiasco of the Russian armies againstthe Crimean forces in front of Perekop castle, led not only to the loss of prestigefor Galitsin in Russia, but also the abdication of Czarina Sofia, the greatest supporter of Galitsin.
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