Tarih öncesinden tarihsel dönemlere şanlıurfa ilinin inanç turizmi ve arkeo turizm kapsamında incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bereketli Hilal olarak adlandırılan bölgede yer alan Şanlıurfa ili, konumu gereği tarih öncesi dönemlerden beri kesintisiz iskân edilen yerleşim yerlerinden biri olmuştur. Tarihi süresince pek çok kültüre ve onların inanç sistemlerine ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Dünya genelinde Neolitik Çağ'a dair şimdiye kadar bilinen inanç algısını değiştiren yerleşimlerin burada bulunması ve ilk dönemlerden beri politeizmden monoteizme dek bir sürü inanışa ev sahipliği yapması sebebiyle İnanç turizmi ve Arkeo-turizm kapsamında oldukça önemli bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Günümüzde Şanlıurfa'nın sadece Göbeklitepe, Balıklıgöl, Harran Kümbet evlerinden ibaret olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında Göbeklitepe çağdaşı diğer arkeolojik sit alanları da incelenecek, üç İbrahimi dinin yanı sıra çok tanrılı dinlere de değinilerek Soğmatar ve Harran Paganizminin de altı çizilecektir. Konuyla ilgili olarak Şanlıurfa ili, tarih öncesi dönemlerden İslami döneme kadar incelenecek, literatürde eksik kalan noktalar tamamlanacak, eski çalışmalar gün yüzüne çıkarılarak güncel bilgiler eşliğinde İnanç turizmi ve Arkeo-turizm ile harmanlanacaktır
Şanlıurfa province, located in the region called Fertile Crescent, has been one of the settlements that continuously inhabited since prehistoric times due to its location It has been hosted to many different cultures and beliefs systems throughout its history. From the earliest times, it has hosted many beliefs from polytheism to monotheism, and due to the settlements located here, it has changed the perception of belief about the Neolithic Age throughout the world. It is in a very important position within the scope of faith tourism and archeology tourism. Nowadays, its considered that Şanlıurfa has only attractions such as Göbeklitepe, Balıklıgöl, Harran Kümbet houses. Within the scope of this study, other contemporary archaeological sites of Göbeklitepe will also be examined. As well as the polytheistic religions and the three monotheistic religions, Soğmatar and Harran Paganism will be underlined. Regarding the subject, the province of Şanlıurfa will be examined from prehistoric times to the Islamic period, the missing points in the literature will be completed, old studies will be brought to light and blending them with faith tourism and archaeo tourism, accompanied by currents information.
Şanlıurfa province, located in the region called Fertile Crescent, has been one of the settlements that continuously inhabited since prehistoric times due to its location It has been hosted to many different cultures and beliefs systems throughout its history. From the earliest times, it has hosted many beliefs from polytheism to monotheism, and due to the settlements located here, it has changed the perception of belief about the Neolithic Age throughout the world. It is in a very important position within the scope of faith tourism and archeology tourism. Nowadays, its considered that Şanlıurfa has only attractions such as Göbeklitepe, Balıklıgöl, Harran Kümbet houses. Within the scope of this study, other contemporary archaeological sites of Göbeklitepe will also be examined. As well as the polytheistic religions and the three monotheistic religions, Soğmatar and Harran Paganism will be underlined. Regarding the subject, the province of Şanlıurfa will be examined from prehistoric times to the Islamic period, the missing points in the literature will be completed, old studies will be brought to light and blending them with faith tourism and archaeo tourism, accompanied by currents information.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arkeoloji, Archeology, Din, Religion