Elektrik piyasası reformlarının ekonomik analizi: Türkiye örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
1980'li yıllardan itibaren dünya genelinde birçok sektörde başlayan serbestleştirme ve reform hareketlerinden enerji sektörünün en önemli alt bölümlerinden olan elektrik sektörü de etkilenmiştir. Bununla birlikte reform adımlarını uygulayan her ülkede ortaya çıkan sonuçların farklılığı reformların başarısının tartışılmasına yol açmıştır.Bu çalışmada dünyada ve Türkiye'de elektrik sektörünün durumu, elektrik sektöründe reform öncesi ve sonrasındaki yapı, Türkiye elektrik piyasası reformlarının sebepleri, reform süreci ve sektörün güncel durumu incelenmiştir. Ayrıca Türkiye için 2001?2010 döneminde çeyreklik bazda özel sektör şirketlerinin elektrik üretim miktarlarının hane halkı ve sanayi elektrik fiyatlarına etkisi En Küçük Kareler Yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Ampirik analiz sonuçları, özel sektör şirketlerinin elektrik üretim miktarlarının artmasının hane halkı ve sanayi elektrik fiyatlarının düşmesinde etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Reform, En Küçük Kareler Yöntemi, Serbestleştirme
Electricity sector, which is an important sub sector of energy industry, is affected with the liberalization and reform process that took part in all over the world after 1980?s. However as the countries that realized reform in the sector had different outcomes, the success of the reforms has always been a subject of discussion.In this study, the situation of electricity sector in the world and Turkey, the structure of the sector before and after the reform process, the reasons behind the Turkish electricity market reform, reform process and the current situation of the Turkish electricity market is investigated. Besides, the impact of the amount of the electricity generated by private sector companies on the household and industry electricity prices is analyzed by the Ordinary Least Square method using quarterly data. The results of the empirical analysis show that, the increase of the amount of electricity generated by private sector companies has an effect in decreasing the prices for both household and industry users.Key Words: Reform, Ordinary Least Squares, Liberalization
Electricity sector, which is an important sub sector of energy industry, is affected with the liberalization and reform process that took part in all over the world after 1980?s. However as the countries that realized reform in the sector had different outcomes, the success of the reforms has always been a subject of discussion.In this study, the situation of electricity sector in the world and Turkey, the structure of the sector before and after the reform process, the reasons behind the Turkish electricity market reform, reform process and the current situation of the Turkish electricity market is investigated. Besides, the impact of the amount of the electricity generated by private sector companies on the household and industry electricity prices is analyzed by the Ordinary Least Square method using quarterly data. The results of the empirical analysis show that, the increase of the amount of electricity generated by private sector companies has an effect in decreasing the prices for both household and industry users.Key Words: Reform, Ordinary Least Squares, Liberalization
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekonomi, Economics, Ekonomik analiz, Economic analysis, Elektrik, Electricity, Elektrik endüstrisi, Electricity industry, Elektrik enerjisi, Electrical energy, Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurulu, Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Reform, Reform, Türk Elektrik Endüstrisi, Turkish Electricity Industry, Türkiye, Turkey, Yenilik, Innovation