Lesitinin mamül deri özelliklerine etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
m ÖZET LESITİNİN MAMUL DERİ ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİSİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR BAŞARAN, Bahri Doktora Tezi, Deri Teknolojisi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr. Özcan SARI Ocak 1999, 210 sayfa Bu çalışmada; değişik kimyasal madde firmalarından temin edilen soya esaslı ham lesitin materyalleri üzerinde çalışılmış ve öncelikle lesitinin çeşitli fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Ardından; ham lesitinin deri üretiminde kullanılabilir forma dönüştürülmesi amacıyla bazı ön çalışmalar yapılmış, belli oranlarda kullanılan çeşitli emülgatörler, ıslatma maddeleri, nem tutucu maddeler, alkoller ve çeşitli yardımcı maddeler kullanılarak emülsifıkasyon reçetesi hazırlanmış ve lesitin emülsiyon formuna dönüştürülmüştür. Emülsiyon üretimi sırasında herhangi bir önlem alınmadığında, elde edilen lesitin emülsiyonunun mikroorganizmal faaliyet sonucu kolaylıkla bozulabildiği tesbit edilmiş ve kullanımını olumsuz etkileyen mikroorganizma florasının belirlenmesi ve engellenmesi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bundan sonra; lesitin emülsiyonunun deri üretiminde kullanılabilirliğinin ortaya konulması ve sonuçların pratik açıdan değerlendirilmesi amacıyla, elde edilen emülsiyon standart birreçeteye göre yağlama aşamasına kadar işlenmiş deri örneklerine farklı oranlarda tatbik edilmiştir. Mukayeseli sonuçların alınabilmesi için, aynı reçete ile yağlama aşamasına kadar işlenmiş ikinci bir deri örneği serisine lesitin içermeyen yağlama kombinasyonu farklı oranlarda ve lesitinli çalışmaya paralel olarak uygulanmıştır. Bu şekilde üretilen mamul derilerde yumuşaklık, görünür yoğunluk, su emme, kopma mukavemeti ve % uzama, yırtılma mukavemeti, dikiş yırtılma mukavemeti, sırça dayanımı ve gerilebilirlik, rutubet, diklor metanda çözünebilir maddeler, toplam sülfat külü, pH ve toplam suda çözünebilir maddeler test ve analizleri uygulanarak elde edilen bulgular istatistiksel olarak karşılaştınlmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre; lesitin ile işlenmiş derilerin, yumuşaklık, görünür yoğunluk, kubelkada su emme, kopma mukavemeti, kopma uzaması, yırtılma mukavemeti, dikiş yırtılma mukavemeti, lastometrede cilt çatlama uzaması, lastometrede patlama uzaması, diklor metanda çözünebilir maddeler ve pH değerlerinin standart yağlama maddesi kombinasyonu ile üretilen derilerden elde edilen değerlere göre daha yüksek bulunduğu anlaşılmıştır. Aym zamanda; yumuşaklık, görünür yoğunluk, kopma uzaması, yırtılma mukavemeti, lastometrede patlama uzaması ve diklor metanda çözünen maddeler test ve analiz değerleri açısından, iki tip yağlama maddesi arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak da önemli seviyede olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Fosfolipid, Fosfatidil kolin, Emülgatör, Mikroemülsiyon, Lesitin, Yağlama, Kompleks lipid
IV ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE EFFECTS OF LECITHINE ON THE LEATHER PROPERTIES BAŞARAN, Bahri PhD in Leather Technology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Özcan SARI January 1999, 210 pages In this research; it has been studied on the raw lecithine materials based on soybean which are obtained from various chemical suppliers and at the beginning of the study, different physical and chemical properties of lecithine have been investigated. Subsequently; several preparative studies have been done on the raw lecithine to make it practicly usable in the leather manufacturing. Also the emulsification recipe has been settled using certain ratios of various emulsifiers, wetting agents, moisturizers, alcohols and some auxiliaries. And then it has been possible to make the lecithine in the form of emulsion. In the case of any precautions have not been taken during the processing of emulsion, it has been determined that the lecithine emulsion obtained could break down easily due to microorganismal growth. Also it has been insisted on the determination and prevention of microorganism flora which are negatively effected the practicle use.Afterwards; with the aim of finding out the usability of lecithine emulsion in leather manufacture and evaluating the results from the view of practicle, the obtained emulsion has been introduced at the different ratios to the leather samples which are produced according to settled recipe until the process of fatliqouring. To obtain comparative results, a fatliqouring combination without lecithine have been introduced to the other leather samples in series at different ratios and the work has been carried out paralelly to the first one.The tests and analysis of softness, appearent density, water penetration at kubelka, tensile strength and elongation at break, tear strength, stitch tear strength, grain distension (lastometer), humudity, fatty substances, total sulfate ash, pH and loss by washing have been carried out on the finished leathers which are produced according to standart recipe and results have been compared by statistical methods. According to results from the investigation; it has been determined that leathers produced with lecithine has higher values of softness, appearent density, water penetration at kubelka, tensile strength and elongation at break, tear strength, stitch tear strength, elongation at grain grain crack, elongation at grain burst, fatty substances and pH than the values of the leathers produced with the standart fatliqouring combination. At the same time; it has been appreciated that the differences of the tests and analysis values such as softness, appearent density, elongation at break, tear strength, elongation at grain burst and fatty substances between two kinds of fatliqours were significant statistically. Key Words : Phospholipid, Phosphatidyl choline, Emulsifier, Microemulsion, Lecithine, Fatliqouring, Composite Lipid.
IV ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE EFFECTS OF LECITHINE ON THE LEATHER PROPERTIES BAŞARAN, Bahri PhD in Leather Technology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Özcan SARI January 1999, 210 pages In this research; it has been studied on the raw lecithine materials based on soybean which are obtained from various chemical suppliers and at the beginning of the study, different physical and chemical properties of lecithine have been investigated. Subsequently; several preparative studies have been done on the raw lecithine to make it practicly usable in the leather manufacturing. Also the emulsification recipe has been settled using certain ratios of various emulsifiers, wetting agents, moisturizers, alcohols and some auxiliaries. And then it has been possible to make the lecithine in the form of emulsion. In the case of any precautions have not been taken during the processing of emulsion, it has been determined that the lecithine emulsion obtained could break down easily due to microorganismal growth. Also it has been insisted on the determination and prevention of microorganism flora which are negatively effected the practicle use.Afterwards; with the aim of finding out the usability of lecithine emulsion in leather manufacture and evaluating the results from the view of practicle, the obtained emulsion has been introduced at the different ratios to the leather samples which are produced according to settled recipe until the process of fatliqouring. To obtain comparative results, a fatliqouring combination without lecithine have been introduced to the other leather samples in series at different ratios and the work has been carried out paralelly to the first one.The tests and analysis of softness, appearent density, water penetration at kubelka, tensile strength and elongation at break, tear strength, stitch tear strength, grain distension (lastometer), humudity, fatty substances, total sulfate ash, pH and loss by washing have been carried out on the finished leathers which are produced according to standart recipe and results have been compared by statistical methods. According to results from the investigation; it has been determined that leathers produced with lecithine has higher values of softness, appearent density, water penetration at kubelka, tensile strength and elongation at break, tear strength, stitch tear strength, elongation at grain grain crack, elongation at grain burst, fatty substances and pH than the values of the leathers produced with the standart fatliqouring combination. At the same time; it has been appreciated that the differences of the tests and analysis values such as softness, appearent density, elongation at break, tear strength, elongation at grain burst and fatty substances between two kinds of fatliqours were significant statistically. Key Words : Phospholipid, Phosphatidyl choline, Emulsifier, Microemulsion, Lecithine, Fatliqouring, Composite Lipid.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Deri ve Kürk Teknolojisi, Leather and Fur Technology, Deri üretimi, Leather production, Emülgatörler, Emulgators, Emülsiyonlar, Emulsions, Fosfatidilkolinler, Phosphatidylcholines, Fosfolipidler, Phospholipids