Effect of Box-Cox transformation on genetic parameter estimation in layers
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Bu çalışma, parametrik istatistik analizlerin önkoşulu olan varsayımları sahip olmayan yumurta verim özelliklerinde genetik parametre tahminleri üzerine Box-Cox transformasyonun etkisini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada baba başına 8 tavuk düşecek şekilde 43 babadan elde edilen toplam 1980 bireyin yumurta verimleri kullanılmıştır. Beş farklı döneme (22-30; 31-34; 22-34; 31-40 ve 22-40 hafta) ait kısmi yumurta verimleri hesaplanmıştır. Farklı dönemlerde elde edilen kısmi yumurta verimleri negatif çarpıklık ve pozitif basıklık değerleri ile normalden sapmalı bir dağılış göstermişlerdir. Normalden en büyük sapma pik veriminin yer aldığı döneme (31-34 hafta) ait yumurta veriminde saptanmıştır. Box-Cox transformasyon uygulanması sonrasında veriler normale daha fazla yaklaşmışlardır. Transformasyon ile yumurta verimlerine ait kalıtım derecelerinde bir artış, genetik ve fenotipik korelasyonlarda ise hafif bir değişme gözlenmiştir. Varsayımların gerçekleşmediği verilerde genetik parametre tahminlerine yönelik olarak da Box-Cox gibi transformasyon uygulamaları tercih edilmelidir.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of Box-Cox transformation on estimations of the genetic parameters for egg production traits that do not hold to the assumptions of parametric statistical analysis. Egg production of 1980 animals from 43 sires and 8 dams per sire were used. Five partial record periods were considered: 22-30 weeks of age, 31-34 weeks of age, 22-34 weeks of age, 31-40 weeks of age and 22-40 weeks of age. the egg production traits showed non-normal distributions in the form of negative skewness and positive kurtosis. the greatest departure from normality was observed in the peak period (31-34 weeks of age). After applying Box-Cox transformation, the distribution of the transformed data became closer to normality. Applying Box-CoX'transformation to partial egg production data resulted in an increase in heritabilities and slightly changed genetic and phenotypic correlations. Transformation such as Box-Cox should be preferred for estimating genetic parameters from the data, when the assumptions are not satisfied.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of Box-Cox transformation on estimations of the genetic parameters for egg production traits that do not hold to the assumptions of parametric statistical analysis. Egg production of 1980 animals from 43 sires and 8 dams per sire were used. Five partial record periods were considered: 22-30 weeks of age, 31-34 weeks of age, 22-34 weeks of age, 31-40 weeks of age and 22-40 weeks of age. the egg production traits showed non-normal distributions in the form of negative skewness and positive kurtosis. the greatest departure from normality was observed in the peak period (31-34 weeks of age). After applying Box-Cox transformation, the distribution of the transformed data became closer to normality. Applying Box-CoX'transformation to partial egg production data resulted in an increase in heritabilities and slightly changed genetic and phenotypic correlations. Transformation such as Box-Cox should be preferred for estimating genetic parameters from the data, when the assumptions are not satisfied.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri