The Characterization of the liquid product obtained from polyvinylchloride polyethylene in vacuum gas oil by hydrocracking
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Polietilen Polivinilklorür İçeren Ağır Vakum Gaz Yağından Hidrokraking Yoluyla Elde Edilen Sıvı Ürünün Karakterizasyonu GÜÇER, Cem Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Jale YANIK Ekim 2000, 90Sayfa Bu tezde, polietilen (PE) ve PE/polivinilklorür (PVC) kanşımlannm t hammaddesel geri kazanımı ile oluşan sıvı yakıtların karakterizasyonu amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için ağır vakum gaz yağı (HVGO) içerisinde PVC (% 5) PE (% 20) karışımı önce dehidroklorlandı sonra katalizörlü ve katalizörsüz olarak hidrokraking işlemine uğratıldı. Hidrokraking sonrası ürün dağılımı (gaz, sıvı ve kok) belirlendi. Daha sonra sıvı ürünler GC-FTD kullanılarak karakterize edildi. Sıvı ürünlerdeki kükürt ve klorür miktarları GC-EAD ile ölçüldü. Temel kükürt bileşikleri GC-MS ile tayin edildi. Hidrokarbon bileşenleri NMR ile belirlendi. Anahtar Sözcükler: Geri Kazanım, Hidrokraking, NMR
vn ABSTRACT The Characterization of the Liquid Product Obtained From Poly vinylchloride Polyethylene in Vacuum Gas Oil by Hydrocracking GÜÇER, Cem MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jale YANİK October 2000, 90pages In this thesis, the characterization of recycled polyethylene (PE) and PE/polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mixtures into liquid fuels were aimed. For this purpose, PVC (5 wt%), PE (20 wt%) mixture in heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) was initially dehydrochlorinated then this mixture was hydrocracked in the presence and the absence of catalyst. After hydrocracking experiments product distribution (gas, liquid and coke) and the properties of liquid products were investigated. After that liquid products were characterized by using GC-FID. The amunt of the sulphur and chlorine in the liquid products were measured with GC-EAD, the main sulphur compounds in liquids were identified by GC-MS. Hydrocarbon composition of the liquid products determined by NMR Keywords: Recycling, Hydrocracking, NMR
vn ABSTRACT The Characterization of the Liquid Product Obtained From Poly vinylchloride Polyethylene in Vacuum Gas Oil by Hydrocracking GÜÇER, Cem MSc in Chemistry Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jale YANİK October 2000, 90pages In this thesis, the characterization of recycled polyethylene (PE) and PE/polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mixtures into liquid fuels were aimed. For this purpose, PVC (5 wt%), PE (20 wt%) mixture in heavy vacuum gas oil (HVGO) was initially dehydrochlorinated then this mixture was hydrocracked in the presence and the absence of catalyst. After hydrocracking experiments product distribution (gas, liquid and coke) and the properties of liquid products were investigated. After that liquid products were characterized by using GC-FID. The amunt of the sulphur and chlorine in the liquid products were measured with GC-EAD, the main sulphur compounds in liquids were identified by GC-MS. Hydrocarbon composition of the liquid products determined by NMR Keywords: Recycling, Hydrocracking, NMR
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Gaz yağı, Gas oil, Hidrokraking, Hydrocracking, Karakterizasyon, Characterization, PVC, PVC, Polietilen, Polyethylene, Yeniden kazanma, Recycling