İran-Halhal yöresi Türklerinin efsaneleri üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Çalışmamıza kaynaklık eden Halhal yöresi, İran'ın Erdebil eyaletinin güneyinde yer almaktadır. Eski çağlardan beri önemli bir Türk yerleşim bölgesi olan Halhal, Türk sözlü kültürü bakımından da oldukça zengindir. Ancak, yörede efsane konusunda daha önceden bir saha çalışması yapılmamıştır. Orta Asya Türklüğü ile Anadolu Türklüğü arasında kültürel bir köprü vazifesi gören İran'da böylesi bir çalışmanın gerekliliği düşünülerek, 2010-2011 yıllarında tarafımızdan Halhal'da alan araştırmaları yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmaların sonucunda Halhal yöresinden derlenen 107 efsane yazıya geçirilerek incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda ise, Halhal efsanelerinin İran'daki Türklerin Türk dünyası ile ortak bir tarih, kültür ve dil birliğine sahip olduğunu gösteren canlı birer delil durumunda olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Çalışmamızın Giriş bölümünde İran Türkleri ve Halhal hakkında coğrafi, demografik ve tarihi bilgilere yer verilmiş; İran Türklerinin sözlü kültür ürünleri hakkında yapılan çalışmalar listelenmiş; efsanelerin derlenme ve araştırma yöntemi belirtilmiştir.Çalışmamızın Birinci Bölüm'ünde, Bir Tür Olarak Efsane ve Halhal Efsaneleri başlığı altında efsane tanımı ve Halhal'da efsane adlandırması hakkında bilgiler verilmiş, Halhal efsaneleri konu, yapı ve işlev bakımından tasnif edilmiştir.İkinci Bölüm'de, Halhal Efsanelerinin Olay Örgüsü başlığı altında efsanelerin adı, konusu, kaynağı belirtilmiş ve efsaneler, maddeler halinde özetlenmiştir.Üçüncü Bölüm'de, Halhal Efsanelerinin Tür Özellikleri Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi başlığı altında, efsaneler konu, yapı, işlev ve yaratım-aktarım özellikleri bakımından incelenmiştir.Dördüncü Bölüm'de, Halhal Efsanelerinde Yer Alan Başlıca Kültürel Unsurlar başlığı altında efsanelerde yer alan motifler hem karşılaştırmalı hem de icra (performans) yöntemi ile incelenmiştir.Beşinci Bölüm'de Halhal efsanelerinin metinleri, orijinal şiveyle transkrip edilerek verilmiştir.Çalışmanın son kısmında ise; Sonuç, Sözlük, Kaynak Kişiler Tablosu, Bibliyografya ve Haritalar yer almaktadır
The Khalkhal region, which has been the main resource for our study, is located in the south of Ardabil Province in Iran. As one of the important Turkish settlements since ancient periods, Khalkhal is quite rich in respect to Turkish oral culture. However, a field study about legends was never done before. With the necessity of such a study in Iran, which functions as a cultural bridge between Central Asian Turkishness and Anatolian Turkishness, we performed field researches in Khalkhal between the years 2010-2011. In the course of these researches we examined 107 legends from Khalkhal vicinity by putting them in written forms. As a result of our examinations, we have found that Khalkhal's legends are living proofs of common historical, cultural, and linguistic unity between Turks in Iran and the Turkish world. In the Introduction section of our study, the geographical, demographic, and historical information about Iran's Turks and Khalkhal was given place; studies about Iran's Turks' oral culture products were listed; and the methodology of collecting and investigating the legends was notated. In the First Chapter of our study, information about the definition of legends and the denominating of legends in Khalkhal was given under the title 'Legend as a Type and Khalkhal's Legends', and the Khalkhal legends were classified according to subject, structure, and function. In the Second Chapter, the names, subjects, and sources of legends were specified, and the legends were summarized item by item under the title 'The Plot of Khalkhal's Legends'.In the Third Chapter, the legends were examined with regard to subject, structure, function, and creation-convection features under the title 'The Evaluation of Khalkhal Legends in Respect to Type Features'.In the Fourth Chapter, the motives taking part in legends were examined by both comparative and performance methods under the title 'Main Cultural Elements in Khalkhal's Legends'.In the Fifth Chapter, the texts of Khalkhal's legends are given after being transcribed in the original accent. The last part of the study consists of the Conclusion, Dictionary, Resource Persons Table, Bibliography, Appendixes and Maps.
The Khalkhal region, which has been the main resource for our study, is located in the south of Ardabil Province in Iran. As one of the important Turkish settlements since ancient periods, Khalkhal is quite rich in respect to Turkish oral culture. However, a field study about legends was never done before. With the necessity of such a study in Iran, which functions as a cultural bridge between Central Asian Turkishness and Anatolian Turkishness, we performed field researches in Khalkhal between the years 2010-2011. In the course of these researches we examined 107 legends from Khalkhal vicinity by putting them in written forms. As a result of our examinations, we have found that Khalkhal's legends are living proofs of common historical, cultural, and linguistic unity between Turks in Iran and the Turkish world. In the Introduction section of our study, the geographical, demographic, and historical information about Iran's Turks and Khalkhal was given place; studies about Iran's Turks' oral culture products were listed; and the methodology of collecting and investigating the legends was notated. In the First Chapter of our study, information about the definition of legends and the denominating of legends in Khalkhal was given under the title 'Legend as a Type and Khalkhal's Legends', and the Khalkhal legends were classified according to subject, structure, and function. In the Second Chapter, the names, subjects, and sources of legends were specified, and the legends were summarized item by item under the title 'The Plot of Khalkhal's Legends'.In the Third Chapter, the legends were examined with regard to subject, structure, function, and creation-convection features under the title 'The Evaluation of Khalkhal Legends in Respect to Type Features'.In the Fourth Chapter, the motives taking part in legends were examined by both comparative and performance methods under the title 'Main Cultural Elements in Khalkhal's Legends'.In the Fifth Chapter, the texts of Khalkhal's legends are given after being transcribed in the original accent. The last part of the study consists of the Conclusion, Dictionary, Resource Persons Table, Bibliography, Appendixes and Maps.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore, Efsaneler, Mythologies, Halk bilimi, Folklore, Türkler, Turks, Türküler, Folk songs, İran, Iran, İran-Halhal, Iran-Halhal