Endobronşial soliter papillom
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Hemoptizi yakınması ile acil servise başvuran 64 yaşındaki erkek hastanın postero-anterior akciğer grafisi ve bilgisayarlı toraks tomografisi normaldi. Hemoptizi odağını bulmak için indirekt laringoskopik ve endoskopik muayeneleri yapıldı, ancak herhangi bir patoloji saptanmadı. Fiberoptik bronkoskopisinde, sol alt lob anterior segment giriminde beyaz renkte, lobüle, yaklaşık 0.5 cm çapında bir lezyon görüldü. Lezyon, forceps biopsi ile tamamen rezeke edildi. Biyopsi materyallerinin patolojik incelemesi sonucu endobronşial papillom tanısı konuldu. Materyalin HPV DNA incelemesinde HPV negatif saptandı. Hastanın tedavisini planlamak ve kontrol etmek amaçlı 15 gün sonra ve 6. ayda yaptığımız muayenelerinde hemoptizi şikayeti saptanmadı ve bronkoskopileri normaldi. Hasta periyodik izleme alındı. Endobronşial soliter papillom, bronşun oldukça nadir görülen benign bir tümörüdür. Ancak, özellikle sigara içenlerde malignite gelişebileceği unutulmamalı ve yakın takibi yapılmalıdır.
A sixty-four year old male patient came to the emergency service with a haemoptysis complaint for which his postero-anterior chest X-Ray and computerized thorax tomography had no pathological findings. To find the origin of the haemoptysis, indirect laryngoscopy and endoscopy inspections were made. However, there was no pathology found on these inspections. At fiberoptic bronchoscopy a lobulated, white lesion approximately 0.5 cm in diameter was found at the entrance of left lower lobe anterior segment. The lesion was removed by forceps biopsy resection. The pathological inspection of this lesion resulted in a diagnosis of endobronchial papilloma. Examination of this biopsy with HPV DNA gave negative result. To plan his treatment, we examined the patient 2 weeks and 6 months later. He had no complaint and his bronchoscopic inspection had no pathological findings. We decided to examine him periodically. The endobronchial solitary papilloma is a rare benign tumor of the bronchus but we must be careful about smokers since this benign lesion may become malignanat.
A sixty-four year old male patient came to the emergency service with a haemoptysis complaint for which his postero-anterior chest X-Ray and computerized thorax tomography had no pathological findings. To find the origin of the haemoptysis, indirect laryngoscopy and endoscopy inspections were made. However, there was no pathology found on these inspections. At fiberoptic bronchoscopy a lobulated, white lesion approximately 0.5 cm in diameter was found at the entrance of left lower lobe anterior segment. The lesion was removed by forceps biopsy resection. The pathological inspection of this lesion resulted in a diagnosis of endobronchial papilloma. Examination of this biopsy with HPV DNA gave negative result. To plan his treatment, we examined the patient 2 weeks and 6 months later. He had no complaint and his bronchoscopic inspection had no pathological findings. We decided to examine him periodically. The endobronchial solitary papilloma is a rare benign tumor of the bronchus but we must be careful about smokers since this benign lesion may become malignanat.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz, Solunum Sistemi
Türk Toraks Dergisi
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