Artemia franciscana (kellogg 1906)'nın yapay üretim olanaklarının araştırılması
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V ÖZET ARTEMİA FRANCİSCANA ( Kellogg 1906)' NIN YAPAY ÜRETİM OLANAKLARININ ARAŞTIRILMASI BASMAZ, Nevin Doktora Tezi, Su Ürünleri Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Semra CİRİK Ocak 2001, 149 sayfa Tuzla karidesi Artemia, kabuklu ve balık larvalarının yetiş tiriciliğinde, besin kaynağı olarak yoğun bir biçimde kullanılmaktadır. Nispeten pahalı olmasına karşın Artemianın kullanımı uygun olup, kültürü yapılan pek çok türde larval gelişim ve yaşama açısından diğer canlı veya denenmiş yapay besinlere oranla, daha iyi bir besinsel destek sağlamaktadır. Bilindiği kadarı ile, İzmir Çamaltı Tuzlası'nda süren üretim dışında ( A. parthenogenetica) Türkiye 'de üretim yapıldığını bildiren bir çalışma yoktur. Bu tuzlada ise; doğal Artemia stoklan, düşük besin içeriği nedeniyle azdır. Bu çalışmada; Büyük Tuz Gölü ( Great Salt Lake- Utah, A.B.D.) kökenli, biseksüel bir tür olan Artemia franciscana'nın laboratuar ve arazi koşullarında, biyomas ve şist üretim olanakları araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın laboratuar şartlarında yürütülen ilk çalışmasında; aynı yaşta ve standart kültür koşullarında yetiştirilen 8 farklı alg türü (Isochrysis galbana, I. gaditana, Tetraselmis suecica, Chaetaceros sp.,Nannochloropsis oculata, Dunaliella sp., Chlorella sp., ve Nannochloris sp. ) ile A. franciscana nauplileri beslendi. Kültürlerin besin kalitesi, boy artışı ve canlı doğum sayılan yardımı ile test edildi. Denemedeki Artemia yoğunluğu 5 naupli/ml olarak belirlendi. Deneme süresince; pH 8- 8,6; sıcaklık 21-28 °C ve oksijen miktarı ise 5,7-7,5 mg/lt arasında değişim gösterdi. 1 1 günlük deneme sonunda değişik alg gruplarındaki Artemialar arasındaki boy farkı istatistiksel açıdan önemli düzeyde bulundu ( ANOVA, P<0,05)., boy artışları 1250-2454 um ve naupli sayılan ise 67-98 naupli olarak tespit edildi. Bu değerler farklı alg türlerinin, besin kaliteleri arasındaki faklılığı ortaya koymuştur. II. deneme ise; toplam alam 1 12 m2 (0,112 da) olan, yuvarlak, 4 adet beton havuzda, doğal koşullar altında yürütülmüştür. Ekim yoğunluğu 60 naupli/lt olarak belirlenmiştir. Havuzlara naupli ilavesinden önce, inorganik ve organik gübre (kurutulmuş tavuk gübresi) ilave edilerek doğal fitoplanktonların gelişmesi sağlanmıştır. Gübreleme işleminden sonra, havuzlarda bazı yeşil algler (örn. Tetraselmis,Chlorella) ve diatomlar ( örn. Chaetoceros, Navicula) dominant hale geçmiştir. Kültür süresince; pH 8,2-9,9; sıcaklık 27,1- 34,7; ve çözünmüş oksijen 5-13,8 mg/lt arasında değişiklik göstermiştir. Naupliler ekim işleminden 7-9 gün sonra cinsel olgunluğa ulaşmışlar ve ovovivipar (canlı doğum) olarak üremeye başlamışlardır. 68 günlük deneme sonunda 4 deneme havuzundaki şist verimi 4,821 kg yaş şist/ da olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Artemia franciscana ( Kellogg 1906), büyüme, biyomas, şist üretimi
VI ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF POSSIBILITY OF ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF ARTEMİA FRANCİSCANA(Ke\logg 1906) BASMAZ, Nevin PhD in Aquaculture Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Semra CİRİK January 200 1, 1 49 pages The brine shrimp Artemia, is extensively used as food source in the culture of larval fish and crustaceans. Although being relatively expensive, Artemia is convient to use and supports better larval development and survival in many cultured species than any other live or artificial diets used in aquaculture. No study desribing the production of cysts in Turkey, to our knowledge, has been reported except the on-going activities of harvesting of natural cysts (A. parthenogenetica) in Çamaltı Solar Saltwork. The density of natural Artemia stocks in that salwork is too low, primarily as a result of food limitation posed by a low nutrient content of water. This study aims determination of the possibility of biomass and cysts production of A. franciscana under both laboratory and field conditions. In the first study at %o 36 of salinity were carried out in 1 1 days in laboratory, 8 species (e.g. Isochrysis galbana, 1. gaditana, Tetraselmis suecica, Chaetaceros sp., Nannochloropsis oculata, Dunaliella sp., Chlorella sp., and Nannochloris sp ) of unicellular algae of same age cultured under standart conditions and feed to Artemiafranciscana nauplii.The nutrutive quality of these cultures was tested by measuring length and production of naupli per spawning by A. franciscana. Anemia density was 5 nauplius/ml. PH varied 8-8,6; temperature varied 21-28 °C and dissolved oxygen varied 5,7- 7,5 mg/lt. Length of Artemia, which were different algae groups were significantly different (ANOVA, P < 0.05). There was a wide range of responses generated in A. franciscana after 1 1 days of culture with length between 1250-2454 urn and from 67-98 nauplii per spawning, demostrating that nutritive value can cause dramatic in the different algae species. The production of nauplii per spawning was the mos sensetive parameter for evaluating the nutritional quality of microalgae. The second experiments conducted in the 4 cement ponds with total area 112 m2 ( 0, 1 2 da), under natural conditions. Inoculation density was 60 nauplius /It.. Inorganic fertilizers and organic manure (dried chicken manure)are used for promote the development of natural algae in the ponds, befor nauplius inoculation. After fertilization; some green algae (e.g. Tetraselmis, Chlorella) and diatoms (e.g. Chaetoceros, Navicu/a) were dominant in the ponds. During the culture period PH varied 8,2- 9,9; temperature varied 27,1- 34,7 °C and dissolved oxygen varied 5-13,8 mg/lt. Sexual maturity was already be attained 7-9 days after inoculation. Under these conditions the parenteral and first generation was reproduce by ovoviviparity. After 68 days of culture, the yield of 4 ponds was 4,5 kg cysts wet weigth/ ha. Keywords: Artemia franciscana, growth, biomass, cyst production.
VI ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF POSSIBILITY OF ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF ARTEMİA FRANCİSCANA(Ke\logg 1906) BASMAZ, Nevin PhD in Aquaculture Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Semra CİRİK January 200 1, 1 49 pages The brine shrimp Artemia, is extensively used as food source in the culture of larval fish and crustaceans. Although being relatively expensive, Artemia is convient to use and supports better larval development and survival in many cultured species than any other live or artificial diets used in aquaculture. No study desribing the production of cysts in Turkey, to our knowledge, has been reported except the on-going activities of harvesting of natural cysts (A. parthenogenetica) in Çamaltı Solar Saltwork. The density of natural Artemia stocks in that salwork is too low, primarily as a result of food limitation posed by a low nutrient content of water. This study aims determination of the possibility of biomass and cysts production of A. franciscana under both laboratory and field conditions. In the first study at %o 36 of salinity were carried out in 1 1 days in laboratory, 8 species (e.g. Isochrysis galbana, 1. gaditana, Tetraselmis suecica, Chaetaceros sp., Nannochloropsis oculata, Dunaliella sp., Chlorella sp., and Nannochloris sp ) of unicellular algae of same age cultured under standart conditions and feed to Artemiafranciscana nauplii.The nutrutive quality of these cultures was tested by measuring length and production of naupli per spawning by A. franciscana. Anemia density was 5 nauplius/ml. PH varied 8-8,6; temperature varied 21-28 °C and dissolved oxygen varied 5,7- 7,5 mg/lt. Length of Artemia, which were different algae groups were significantly different (ANOVA, P < 0.05). There was a wide range of responses generated in A. franciscana after 1 1 days of culture with length between 1250-2454 urn and from 67-98 nauplii per spawning, demostrating that nutritive value can cause dramatic in the different algae species. The production of nauplii per spawning was the mos sensetive parameter for evaluating the nutritional quality of microalgae. The second experiments conducted in the 4 cement ponds with total area 112 m2 ( 0, 1 2 da), under natural conditions. Inoculation density was 60 nauplius /It.. Inorganic fertilizers and organic manure (dried chicken manure)are used for promote the development of natural algae in the ponds, befor nauplius inoculation. After fertilization; some green algae (e.g. Tetraselmis, Chlorella) and diatoms (e.g. Chaetoceros, Navicu/a) were dominant in the ponds. During the culture period PH varied 8,2- 9,9; temperature varied 27,1- 34,7 °C and dissolved oxygen varied 5-13,8 mg/lt. Sexual maturity was already be attained 7-9 days after inoculation. Under these conditions the parenteral and first generation was reproduce by ovoviviparity. After 68 days of culture, the yield of 4 ponds was 4,5 kg cysts wet weigth/ ha. Keywords: Artemia franciscana, growth, biomass, cyst production.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Biyokütle, Biomass, Büyüme, Growth, Yapay üretim, Artificial production