Bir olağandışı durum olarak kitlesel etkinlik ve eylemlerde sağlık hizmetleri ve “Sokak” sağlıkçıları
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Kitlesel olaylarda sağlık hizmetleri, literatürde iki ayrı kavram olarak ele alınmaktadır. İlkinde “afet tıbbı” disiplininin görev alanlarından birisi olarak, diğerinde kitlesel politik eylemlerde eylemci/sağlık çalışanı olarak yer almanın ilke ve kuralları çerçevesinde tartışılmaktadır. Kısa bir süre için, sınırlı bir alanda büyük kalabalıkların bir araya geldiği kitlesel olaylar, sağlık sisteminin özel önlem almasını gerektirir. Topluluğun sağlığını etkileyen başlıca etmenler katılımın büyüklüğü, olayın süresi, güvenlik sorunları, iklim, toplu yaşama ve beslenme ve patlayıcı madde ya da biyolojik-kimyasal-radyonükleer ajan kullanımı riskidir. Kitlesel olaylarda sağlık sisteminin amacı katılımcılar, görevliler ve bölge halkına yaralanma ve hastalanmalarla ilgili olarak birincil ve ikincil düzeyde koruyucu sağlık hizmeti sunmaktır. Temel sorumlulukları; hazırlıklı olma, hizmet kapasitesi artışı, sürveyans, çevre sağlığı ve gıda güvenliği, patlayıcı, biyolojik, kimyasal ve radyonükleer ajanların kullanımına hızlı yanıt ve etkili yönetimdir. Politik eylemler sırasında bölge sağlık sistemi ile işbirliği içinde eylemcilere yönelik etkili dekontaminasyon ve tedavi hizmetleri örnekleri azdır. Bu gereksinim genellikle bağlantısız eylemci/sağlıkçılar tarafından karşılanır. Dünyada 68 olayları ile birlikte başlayan ve pek çok ülkede sokak sağlıkçısı kolektifleri olarak örgütlenen gruplar, uluslararası dayanışma içindedir. Bu gruplar aynı zamanda kendi ülkelerinde yoksulların ve dezavantajlı grupların gerçekten gereksinim duyduğu hizmetleri sunmaya yönelik çabalar sürdürmektedirler. Sokak sağlıkçıları, diğer yandan tıbbın biyomedikal diskurunu ve kibirli ve otoriter hizmet sunumunu değiştirmeyi öncelikli sorunlar olarak ele almaktadırlar. Dünyada politik eylemler ve antikapitalist başkaldırı yayıldıkça, sağlık emekçileri de bu eylemler içindeki yerlerini ve görevlerini belirlemede ve bu çerçeveyi toplumsal bir örgütlenme aracına dönüştürmede ciddi deneyimler kazanmışlardır.
Healthcare in mass events has been conceptualized as two different concepts in the literature. Firstly, it has been discussed as a field of practice of the disaster medicine; and the other concept has been debated as the rules and principles of taking part in political demonstrations both as a participant and as a health care provider. Mass events, in which huge crowds gather in a limited space for a short time, necessitate health system to take specific precautions. Main factors that influence the populations’ health are magnitude of the participation, duration of the event, safety problems, climate, collective living and nutrition, and the risk of deliberate use of explosive, biological, chemical and radionuclear agents. Aim of the health system in mass events is to provide primary and secondary preventive care to participants, workers, audience and to the inhabitants of the region. Basic responsibilities are consisted of preparedness, service capacity surge, environmental care and food safety, rapid response to deliberate use of explosive, biological, chemical and radio nuclear agents. During political demonstrations, there are rare examples of collaboration of the local health system in order to provide effective decontamination and treatment services to demonstrators. This need is generally met by free-standing participants/health care providers. Beginning from the 68 protests, groups organized as street medic collectives in many countries have been in international collaboration. At the same time, they have been sustaining the efforts that aim at providing the services that meet actual needs of the poor and disadvantaged groups in their country. Besides providing health care in the streets, street medics have also been discussing to change the biomedical discourse of medicine and the arrogant and authoritarian way of service provision. As the political demonstrations and anticapitalist riot have been spreading all around the world, health workers have gained a good deal of experiences in determining their side and function within these demonstrations; and in transforming this framework into a measure of organizing the society.
Healthcare in mass events has been conceptualized as two different concepts in the literature. Firstly, it has been discussed as a field of practice of the disaster medicine; and the other concept has been debated as the rules and principles of taking part in political demonstrations both as a participant and as a health care provider. Mass events, in which huge crowds gather in a limited space for a short time, necessitate health system to take specific precautions. Main factors that influence the populations’ health are magnitude of the participation, duration of the event, safety problems, climate, collective living and nutrition, and the risk of deliberate use of explosive, biological, chemical and radionuclear agents. Aim of the health system in mass events is to provide primary and secondary preventive care to participants, workers, audience and to the inhabitants of the region. Basic responsibilities are consisted of preparedness, service capacity surge, environmental care and food safety, rapid response to deliberate use of explosive, biological, chemical and radio nuclear agents. During political demonstrations, there are rare examples of collaboration of the local health system in order to provide effective decontamination and treatment services to demonstrators. This need is generally met by free-standing participants/health care providers. Beginning from the 68 protests, groups organized as street medic collectives in many countries have been in international collaboration. At the same time, they have been sustaining the efforts that aim at providing the services that meet actual needs of the poor and disadvantaged groups in their country. Besides providing health care in the streets, street medics have also been discussing to change the biomedical discourse of medicine and the arrogant and authoritarian way of service provision. As the political demonstrations and anticapitalist riot have been spreading all around the world, health workers have gained a good deal of experiences in determining their side and function within these demonstrations; and in transforming this framework into a measure of organizing the society.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sağlık Politikaları ve Hizmetleri
Toplum ve Hekim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri